Relationship between industrialization and urbanization

In the process of constitution and transformation of the geographic space throughout history, one of the factors that exerted the greatest influence has been the industrialization, which manifested itself in different rhythms and periods between different countries. In this sense, we can say that one of these effects was the transformations related to the process of urbanization of societies.

The relationship between industrialization and urbanization it is found in the fact that it is the industrial process that dynamizes societies and acts to modernize them, although this is not the only factor responsible for this. Thus, the so-called attractive factors of cities, that is, the set of characteristics of the urban environment that attracts migrants from the countryside.

Furthermore, among the effects of industrialization on urbanization, we have the transformation of the rural environment and, by extension, of the repulsive factors of the field, that is, the elements of the rural environment responsible for relatively forced sending the rural population to the cities. In this case, we can mention the mechanization of agricultural activities, which generate the replacement of a large number of workers by machinery and the type of agrosystem adopted. This mechanization is intensified by technical innovations produced by industrialization. Therefore, industrialization intensifies the urbanization of societies in order to promote the formation of

rural exodus, which is the mass migration of the population from the countryside to the cities, in addition to attracting this migration precisely to the more industrialized areas, where there are more jobs directly and indirectly produced by the industries.

It is worth remembering that it is not only the industrial activity itself that generates greater demographic attractiveness for cities, but the economic dynamics by it produced, which causes the emergence of greater opportunities in other branches of the economy, mainly in the tertiary sector (commerce and services). Not coincidentally, the countries that have advanced the most in the process of industrialization and modernization of societies are those that most have a tertiary sector as the predominant composition in the production of wealth in their respective savings.

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In the case of industrialization and urbanization of Brazil, we can see that the areas that have historically been industrialized the most are those that concentrate a large population and, therefore, are more urbanized. The Southeast and South regions, mainly the metropolitan regions of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, form the largest urban agglomerations in the country, since these areas hold the largest portion of the industrial park, even with the current trend of dispersing a good part of the industrial production into the interior of the territory Brazilian.

In addition to attracting a larger population and intensifying urbanization, the effects of industrialization in cities they can also be felt in the hierarchical composition of the territorial division of space geographical. In predominantly agrarian societies, the countryside exerts a preponderant relationship over cities, a as they depend on the rural environment for the generation of food, raw materials and movement of capital. With industrialization, cities modernize and begin to subordinate the countryside, which becomes dependent on the urban environment for the receiving machines, technological devices, skilled labor, scientific knowledge applied to production, among others elements.

So, in summary, we can say that the effects of industrialization on urbanization are: intensifying the growth of cities; population concentration; growth of the tertiary sector and the inversion of the subordination relationship between countryside and city. These aspects are general indicatives and need to be properly adapted to the understanding of each occurrence throughout the world geographic space.

By Me. Rodolfo Alves Pena

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PENA, Rodolfo F. Alves. "Relationship between industrialization and urbanization"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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