Aspects of the population of Mexico

Mexico is a country that makes up North America, its territory covers an area of ​​1,958 201 km2, in which approximately 109.6 million people live. Among the Latin-speaking countries, its population is surpassed only by Brazil, which has about 192.3 million inhabitants.

Ethnically, the population is mostly made up of Euro-Amerindians, that is, a mixture of Spaniards and Indians. This ethnic group accounts for about 60% of the country's inhabitants. Amerindians account for 30% of the population, followed by whites, who account for about 9%.

As for the dispersion of people within the territory, this happens irregularly, that is, certain areas are extremely populated while others practically do not shelter anyone. This disparity is due to the conditions imposed by climate and soil. The Mexican territory covers extensive desert areas with an arid and semiarid climate; thus, about 75% of the people are found in the Planalto de Anáhuac region.

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It is precisely in this part of the country that one of the largest Mexican cities, Mexico City, is located. Its metropolitan region is home to about 20 million people, this number represents almost 20% of the national population. The official language is Spanish, however, there are others recognized, there are at least 62 of indigenous origin. In recent years, the human situation in the country has improved, which means that the quality of life has increased. The HDI (Human Development Index) is high (0.750), has a life expectancy of about 75.8 years.

The country's natural growth rate dropped, as a result of the drop in the birth rate. However, the percentage of young people still stands out over the other layers of the age pyramid. Despite the great social ascension, the country still faces many problems, such as inequality, marginalization, corruption, lack of infrastructure, among others.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira e. "Aspects of the population of Mexico"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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