Bacteria present in the human body

Our body is made up of a series of cells, which form tissues and organs. Often, however, we don't realize that, in addition to our typical cells, others keep us company:the bacteria.That's right! Our body has a large amount of bacteria, some of which are beneficial and essential for the proper functioning of the body.

The microorganisms that grow in our body form our microbiota, also called flora and microflora. Studies indicate that our microbiota is extremely rich and that there are about a kilo of bacteria in our body, a considerable value, since these bacteria are unicellular and microscopic beings. Some authors even suggest that our body has ten times more microorganisms than human cells.

Our microbiota begins to form as soon as we are born, at the time of delivery, when we receive a wide variety of bacteria from our mother. As we grow older, the number of bacteria increases and, over time, becomes stable.

Types of microbiota

The microbiota can be classified into resident and transient. THE

resident microbiota it is formed by microorganisms that are found regularly, in large quantities, in a specific anatomical region. already the transient microbiota is one in which micro-organisms are only present for a short period of time.

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Where are these bacteria located?

Different parts of our body contain bacteria, such as the respiratory system, skin, mouth, stomach and intestine. At the intestine, for example, we found bacteria that act on the modulation of the immune system, in the production of proteins and vitamins, in the degradation of certain products in the diet and in the protection of the intestine from other bacteria that can cause serious infections, such as those triggered by Clostridium difficile. As an example of bacteria that live in the intestine, we can mention the lactobacillus and Lactococcus.

Another example that can be cited are the bacteria found on the skin, which prevent other bacteria from establishing themselves. However, although these bacteria are beneficial, they can contaminate humans if any injury occurs and our immune system is compromised. As an example of bacteria that live on the skin, we can mention those of the genus Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Propionibacterium.

The mouth also harbors important bacteria. It is estimated that there are more than 500 species of bacteria living in our oral mucosa to prevent the proliferation of new bacteria and fungi. Among the bacteria that live in the mouth, we can mention: Staphylococcus,Propionibacterium and Streptococcus.

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Bacteria present in the human body"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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