To meet or against?

The expressions “to meet" and "against” are spoken daily in newspapers, magazines, articles, in telephone conversations, e-mails, among others. However, they are no longer used because of the constant doubts they generate in the individual: which one is correct? how to use them? what is the meaning of these expressions?
In order not to have more imprecision in the use of the phrases in question, we must stick to their meanings, even because they have opposite meanings. Let's see:
to meet: has the meaning of "to be in agreement with", "towards", "favorable to", "towards".

my new job came to meet the what he wanted. (my new job is according to what you wanted.)
Let's go to meet our gang. (Go to along with our class)
This law comes to meet the interests of the population. (this law comes in favor, towards to the interests of the population)
Everyone was satisfied, as the manager's request came to meet the what employees wanted.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Against: has the meaning of “against”, “in opposition to”, “to collide with”.

this question is going against the interests of the company. (This question is going against the interests of the company).
the decision made went to meet union claims. (The decision made was opposite union claims).
The young man drove drunk and went to meet the tree. (The young man drove drunk and shocked with the tree).

As we can see, "to meet” has the meaning of agreement, accordingly, while "against” expresses the meaning of disagreement, Divergence.
Therefore, when using the expressions discussed above, observe beforehand whether what is going to be said has a disharmonious or harmonic sense.

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "To meet or meet? "; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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