Discussing the use of some pronouns

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It is known that the various classes of words, which constitute Morphology, in addition to having their own characteristics, are also revealed to occupy different functions.

This time, let us deal with the study of pronouns, whose function is to accompany or replace the name (the noun). And talking about them, it should be mentioned that they also represent the target of numerous questions, especially when it comes to the pronouns oblique, since we routinely come across "some" statements attributed to them that, by the way, are pointed out in a way misrepresented.

Upon such occurrences, it becomes highly suggestive that we analyze their real characteristics, in order to improve our knowledge and, above all, put them into practice when we use the aforementioned class. So, let's see:

I love you X I love you - Even though the oblique pronouns o, a, os, as, le, function as verbal complements, first we have to analyze the verbal transitivity. Therefore, the verb to love is classified as a direct transitive:
I love him.

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For me to do X For me to do – We know that the personal pronoun of the straight case works as the subject of a clause, and the oblique pronoun as the object. Therefore, it is correct to say:

For me to do.

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The girl combed her hair X The girl combed her hair – In this case, the idea of ​​ownership is already explicit, that is, the hair that was combed belongs to the person himself. Therefore, it is not necessary to use the pronoun, that is:
The girl combed her hair.

When turning on the computer, make sure it is in perfect working order - Even if it is something recurrent, the expressions "the same" and "the same" represent a position erroneous, because in this case it is correct to substitute the noun "computer" for a personal pronoun of the case straight. Thus, the speech would correctly manifest itself by:
When turning on the computer, make sure it is in perfect working order.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Grammar - Brazil School

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Discussing about the use of some pronouns"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/discutindo-acerca-emprego-alguns-pronomes.htm. Accessed on July 27, 2021.


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