Ethiopia or the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is a country in Africa located in the northeast region of the continent. Its territory is limited to the north with Eritrea; to the west, with Sudan; to the south, with Kenya; and to the east, with Somalia. The country has a population of approximately 82.8 million inhabitants spread over an area of 1 104 300 km².
Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.
Approximately 80% of the PEA (Economically Active Population) of the country is inserted in the primary sector, more precisely in agriculture; which is the main source of income, corresponding to 90% of its GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The main export products are: coffee, oil seeds, beans, flowers, sugar cane, wheat, corn, sorghum and barley. The industry still has little representation and those that exist are linked to traditional production, such as food, leather, textiles, among others. The country's economy is one of the most backward in the world, which results in a dismal social situation, as approximately 50% of the population is considered to be undernourished, with chronic intensity.
General information
Name: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
Coat of Arms:
Capital: Addis Ababa, with about 2.7 million inhabitants.
Gentile: Ethiopian or Ethiopian.
Official language: Amharic.
HDI (Human Development Index): 0.328 (low).
Life expectancy: 52.2 years.
Infant mortality: 91.92/ thousand births.
Currency: Ethiopian birr.
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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team
countries - geography- Brazil School