In general terms, the Morphology it is the study of the structure, formation and classification of words. The aim of Morphology is to study isolated words and not from their function in the sentence or period, as occurs with Syntax.
The study of morphological classes, also called word classes or grammatical classes, can be divided into:
→Structure and formation of words:
Derivation processes and word composition.
→ Substantive:
classification of nouns
Nouns and their collectives
Formation of Nouns
Inflection of Nouns
Noun Number
noun degree
→ Adjective
Classification of Adjectives
Homeland Adjectives
Adjective phrases
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Adjective inflection
→ Article
Classification of articles
→ Numeral
Classification of numerals
→ Pronoun
Personal pronouns
Oblique Pronoun Unstressed
Tonic Oblique Pronoun
Treatment pronoun
Possessive pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns
Indefinite Pronouns
Relative pronouns
Interrogative pronouns
→ Verb
Classification of Verbs
Verb Modes
Verb tenses
Voices of the Word
→ Adverb
Adverb classification
→ Preposition
classification of prepositions
→ Conjunction
Coordinating conjunctions
Subordinate conjunctions
→ Interjection
Interjective utterances
By Ma. Luciana Kuchenbecker Araújo
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ARAúJO, Luciana Kuchenbecker. "What is Morphology?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.