Senhor do Bonfim: church, party, ribbons and washing of Bonfim

O Lord of Bonfim, a representation of Jesus Christ, is the target of great devotion, especially in Salvador, capital of the state of Bahia. The worship of Senhor do Bonfim is very similar to what happens with the Virgin Mary, a figure worshiped in Catholicism under different names. In the case of Senhor do Bonfim, devotion is performed under the image of Jesus Christ crucified.

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How did the cult of Senhor do Bonfim arrive in Brazil?

The cult of Senhor do Bonfim was brought to Brazil in the mid-18th century. This devotion was introduced in the country by Theodósio Rodrigues de Faria, sea and war captain of the Portuguese Navy who came to occupy positions in the colonial administration. Theodósio owned three slave ships, which brought slaves from West Africa to Brazil.

During a storm at sea, Theodosius promised that if he survived he would make an effort and personally bring an image of the Sirofbonfim and of the OurMadamgivesGuide to Brazil.

When Theodósio brought the image of Senhor do Bonfim to Salvador, he and other devotees tried to create an official brotherhood with the aim of culturally promoting devotion to Senhor do Bonfim. This brotherhood would have the function of taking care of the temple built to Senhor do Bonfim and of carrying out the festival. However, the creation of this brotherhood was not authorized.

After Senhor do Bonfim was introduced to Brazil, his devotion became quite popular in Salvador. Over time, this cult was increased by new traditions, such as the practice of washing the stairs and the use of ribbons as amulets. The official patron of Salvador is São Francisco Xavier, so Senhor do Bonfim is considered the unofficial patron of the city.

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When was the Church of Bonfim founded?

The construction of the Igreja do Bonfim began right after Theodósio brought the images of Senhor do Bonfim and Nossa Senhora da Guia to Brazil, on April 18, 1745. The image of Senhor do Bonfim was a replica of the one that was in Setúbal, the birthplace of Theodósio.

While the temple was under construction, the images were deposited in the Penha Chapel. As a place for the construction of the church, a hill was chosen which was located on a property called HighofMontSerrat. Over time, this hill came to be known as Hillofbonfim.

In 1754, the internal works of the Igreja do Bonfim were completed. On the 24th of June of that year, taking advantage of the June festivities, the image of Senhor do Bonfim was transferred, in a procession, from the Penha Chapel to the Colina do Bonfim. The work on the church ended in 1772, when the towers of the Igreja do Bonfim were completed.

When did the tape become part of the devotion of Senhor do Bonfim?

The ribbons of Senhor do Bonfim were created in the 19th century and have become an amulet of devotion.
The ribbons of Senhor do Bonfim were created in the 19th century and have become an amulet of devotion.

One of the best known traditions of the Festa do Bonfim is the act of presenting a person with a ribbon of Senhor do Bonfim. The ribbon is a well-known amulet of this devotion and, according to tradition, should be placed on a person's wrist. Each ribbon should contain knots, which symbolize a silent request made to the Lord. Typically, each ribbon tied around the wrist contains three knots. It is believed that orders will be filled when the tape breaks.

This custom became part of the tradition of Senhor do Bonfim in 1809 and was an idea of Manoel Antônio da Silva Servo, treasurer of devotion who was looking for a way to increase the collection of money for the adoration of Senhor do Bonfim.

At the time, the tapes were called “measure”, since they were the same size as Senhor do Bonfim's right arm. Therefore, the tapes produced in the nineteenth century were up to 50 centimeters long. They were produced from cotton and used in different ways, such as decoration, protection, bookmarks, etc.

Currently, tapes are produced very differently. They are generally made of polyester and are much smaller in size than observed in the 19th century. The Senhor do Bonfim ribbons also have a strong relationship with religious syncretism, as their colors may be related to orixás from African-based religions.

Also access:Discover the difference between Umbanda and Candomblé.

What is the origin of Lavagem do Bonfim?

The information we have about the Lavagem do Bonfim is not very precise. the historians don't know for sure the moment when this tradition started, but it is known that it happened in the nineteenth century, probably at the beginning of that century. A legend says that the tradition was started by a Portuguese who was grateful to Senhor do Bonfim for having survived the Paraguay War.

Another legend states that the tradition was started by a devotee of Oxalá, an orixá of Candomblé. A third hypothesis states that the washing of the stairs started because of the São Gonçalo dance, which was performed at the Igreja do Bonfim. It is said that the devotees of São Gonçalo used to wash the Igreja do Bonfim before the dance, and this made the practice gain strength.

When is the Festa do Bonfim held?

The Bonfim Festival starts with a procession followed by the washing of the steps of Igreja do Bonfim. The party starts on the Thursday before the second Sunday after the Kings' Day (January 6th). The festivities related to Senhor do Bonfim continue on the following days and end on Sunday.

It is such a traditional party that, in 2013, it was listed by Iphan (Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage) as an intangible heritage of Brazil. Bonfim Church, in turn, has been listed since 1938.
by Daniel Neves
Graduated in History

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