Learning Communities in Distance Learning from the Competence Model

In Distance Education - EAD we find new ways to provide education based on the resources that are available for its practice, cooperative and collaborative environments that are necessary in a space that requires interactivity as a requirement for its success; also a tutorial that assumes different roles, which should be guided by a model of competences for the process of knowledge construction, regarding their potential throughout the course of carrying out a practice committed to a real scenario of feelings, emotions, actions, contributions, interactions, differences, contexts.
Learning disconnected from reality, that is, the construction of a space without meaning in the process of knowledge construction may cause learning losses, from the non-constitution of communities of learning.
The lack of network interactivity will lead to context-free learning, disjointed in its environment, with regard to reflective interventions that take place in a superficial way, not situating those involved in the process, who should assume the role of protagonist. Learning will take place in a disjointed way with the potential that should emerge in a current scenario, which requires dynamism in the construction of knowledge, making its performance as a being of interactions-modifications.

Planning based on a competency model assumes a commitment to those involved in a way that contextualizes their needs it is present in the formation of an active being in the entire process of construction of the existence of its performance, as the protagonist of its quite.
On the contrary, the structured model is done in a way disconnected from the real needs of the subjects, target audience, in question, in which their potential arise in a disjointed way, in which skills and abilities go unnoticed, due to the lack of flexibility in their elaboration, execution and control.
Therefore, thinking about distance learning from a competency model requires expertise, so the concept of competencies is complex.
The articulation with the real needs of the subjects involved; self-respect for differences, sharing experiences, which characterize them; the appreciation of training guided by flexibility based on its dynamism, inherent to the environment in which meet, prove the usefulness of developing a practice through skills in the modality to distance.

Per Rodiney Marcelo
Columnist Brazil School

education - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/comunidades-aprendizagem-ead-partir-modelo-competencias.htm

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