Modern age. Modern Age Section

For didactic purposes, some historians agreed to call it AgeModern the historical period that began with the FallofEmpireByzantine, in 1453, overthrown by the Ottoman Turks, and ended with the RevolutionFrench, in 1789. The fact is that in that space of time there was an enormous transformation, not only in the European continent, but in the entire globe.

THE european maritime expansion, provided by the training of StatesmodernEuropeans, like Spain, Portugal, England, France and Holland, it provoked the discovery and integration with the so-called “New World”, the American continent. This event is one of the most important in the history of mankind and is at the heart of the contents relating to the AgeModern.

Still regarding the maritime expansion process of European nations, we have the assembly of the systemcolonial It's from mercantilism as a hegemonic economic model. Factors such as metalism, a favorable balance of trade and the exclusive monopoly of the metropolis over its colonies were part of this system.

Nevertheless, the organization of cultures and native civilizations on the American continent and the formation of colonial society, whether in Spanish America, Portuguese or Anglo-Saxon (and French), also compose the contents of the Modern Age, although they integrate special didactically separate sections, like

Associated with these contents, we have others, such as the formation of the Absolutism in Europe, that is, the political model that was structured as a response to the religious civil wars that erupted after the Protestant Reformation, started in 1517 with the 95 theses of Martin Luther; O Renaissance Humanism, which built, between the 15th and 16th centuries, a good part of the modern ideas, such as anthropocentrism; it's the scientific renaissance, which, associated with humanism, is also at the base of modernity.

Modern science, unlike the scientific knowledge of antiquity and the Middle Ages, has become eminently technical, that is: the development of science came to depend on a technological apparatus that sustained. The reflections of this, such as the notions of progress and the acceleration of time, can be seen clearly today.

This section of the Modern Age still offers other contents, such as the bourgeois political revolutions, that is, the political transformations that bourgeoisie carried out progressively, starting with the wave of revolutions that followed in England in the 17th century, which is commonly called in English Revolution; and also what would be the structural basis of modern capitalism, the Industrial Revolution.

Furthermore, in the field of ideas, in addition to the Protestant Reformation, further on, in the 18th century, there was the phenomenon of Enlightenment, a complex intellectual movement that had several segments, both in Europe and the United States of America, but which became emblematic in its French version for instilling various political perspectives in revolutionaries who would overthrow absolutist power in 1789.

Do good studies!!

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

Source: Brazil School -

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