You know what it is orthoepy?
Orthoepics, or orthoepics, are part of the studies of Phonology, a branch of Linguistics that studies the sound system of a language. The word orthoepics comes from the Greek word orthoeps (ortho = correct and epos = word), thus, orthoepy it's the study of correct pronunciation of words. Orthopedics is responsible for making an accurate analysis of phonemes, offering language speakers their phonetic study.
Orthopedics is concerned not only with the correct pronunciation of phonemes, but also with the rhythm and intonation of words. For communication to take place satisfactorily, some elements must be taken into account, such as the clear pronunciation of vowels and groups vowel, thus avoiding the omission or alteration of the phonemes of certain words, respect for the timbre of stressed vowels, as well as the correct pronunciation of the consonants.
When words are not pronounced according to the rules of orthopedics, we commit what normative grammar calls cacoepia. The correction of the stressed syllable is called prosody, also an element studied by phonology. Orthoepic errors, that is, cacoepia, are recurrent in colloquial language and can happen due to the speaker's lack of knowledge about the cultured norm. Often, this carelessness in the oral modality can contaminate writing, which is not convenient.
A good exercise to train orthoepic words is to say them aloud and slowly, because when we pronounce the words in a cautious way, we notice their graphemes and phonemes. Also, whenever there is any doubt about the correct pronunciation of words, consult a good dictionaries, as these offer not only the meaning of the entry, but also the phonetic transcription of the words. Here are some words that are constant victims of bad pronunciation:
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Right |
Wrong |
Attorney |
lawyer |
Rape |
rape |
Appropriate |
appropriate |
Hair stylist |
hairdresser |
Fork |
Galfo |
Fly |
Barguy |
Fragrance |
fragrance |
Frustrated |
frustrated |
Problem |
problem |
Sausage |
sausage |
Beggar |
beggar |
Mortadella |
Mortandela |
Superstition |
superstition |
Theft |
Robot |
Tray |
tray |
charitable |
beneficent |
You can train orthoepic the words listed in the table, as the wrong pronunciation of such words is frequent. Remember that this is not just an adaptation to the cult standard of the Portuguese language, because the context communication must always be observed, but in formal situations it is critical that you communicate properly, right?
By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "What is orthopedics?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.