THE digital readout is that performed on technological supports with the help of Internet. This reading can be performed on various supports, such as the social networks, blogs, virtual pages and e-books, from computers, tablets and cell phones. Unlike what happens with individual reading carried out in printed media, such as newspapers, books and magazines, the reader has the possibility of interact at all times with the texts and with other readers, which have the opportunity to access the text even being in different places on the planet. For this reason, digital reading has a more collective than individual, since the content is shared with multiple readers at the same time.
O computer it represents today an extremely useful tool for man, as it keeps our memories interconnected and allows us an infinite number of accesses. O virtual world contributes to the development of various social practices, including those of reading. THE Internet opened new ways of interaction with the various
readers and texts produced from all over the world, promoting the dissemination of knowledge on a large scale. In this way, all browsers are readers and can be writers of digital texts.Such as technology is irreversible, the digital readout is a practice that is gaining more and more followers, because its virtual profile (immaterial) allows it to be performed anywhere on the planet, at any time of day and by more than one reader simultaneously. It is a contact with the fast, practical and liberal virtual world that is conquering more and more followers.
Reading and books as products of cultural transformations
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We know that the reading it is an ancient activity and exists in the vast majority of societies around the world. Over the centuries, reading conventions and habits have changed according to the cultural transformations we inevitably go through. O book, as a cultural production/manifestation, is also transformed to the same extent as societies.
As we know, the Internet created new forms of communication with people and with the various supports, textual types and genres. All browsers are readers and can be digital text writers, that is, digital readers, which, unlike traditional passive reading, are able to interact and intervene in the text, posting comments and making your personal notes.
Because of this reach, breadth and functionality, the digital readout is increasingly considered a utilitarian practice, as it allows any content to be accessed anywhere on the planet, at any time, by one or more readers.
With the evolution of reading practices and supports and also because of the transformations of reader profiles, some texts underwent adaptations, became more schematic than discursive with the aim of facilitate and optimize reading and the reader's understanding of the content.
the digital reader
O digital text reader it changed its reading practice, as it is not restricted to the materiality of the book, to the handling of sheets of paper. Her practice is active, interactive, since, to read on the screen, it is necessary to know the machine tools and send commands to the computer.
By Ma. Luciana Kuchenbecker Araújo
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ARAúJO, Luciana Kuchenbecker. "What is Digital Reading?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.