Writing, linguistic resources, and textual types and genres

Writing well requires linguistic knowledge, technique and a lot of dedication. THE redaction it is usually the protagonist in many competitions and entrance exams and, unfortunately, leaves many candidates apprehensive when it comes to transferring ideas and arguments to paper. Writing a text competently is essential for the success of academic life and for life professional, after all, communicating well is a skill that, in addition to opening doors, improves relationships personal.

There is no magic formula for Write well. Of course, there are people who have a better relationship with words, people who are endowed with a great facility to express themselves in a way that will be fully understood. What is different about these people? The answer is simple: good writers tend to be good readers too. Never underestimate the importance of reading, as it is undeniable the fact that those who read more find it easier with the written modality.

By reading different types and textual genres, we get in touch with the language and its different registers and we have the opportunity to learn how it works in practice. Although grammars present the rules for a correct spelling, they do not always show the real ones. situations of use, which will only be found in the various discursive activities, whether oral or written. To compose your cultural repertoire, remember that all kinds of reading are welcome, whether best-sellers or classics of literature – the source texts of all contemporary literature. diversify reading

it is important for you to know and identify the different genres, just as it is important for you to take ownership of the numerous linguistic resources they offer.

When we write, we expose all of our learning disabilities. Our mistakes they are there, documented, clear for anyone who wants to read. That's why it's important to dedicate yourself to training, allowing yourself to make mistakes, because it's through mistakes that we learn, since there is no learning without trying, even if frustrated. If language skills aren't your strongest point, don't worry, there are some tips and textual production techniques that can make your daily life easier and help you to become a competent author or author, capable of conveying any message in a satisfactory manner.

To help you write more and better, Brasil Escola has prepared a specific Writing section where you will find everything you need to know to achieve excellence in writing. Mastering this modality is a job that requires practice and dedication, and in this section you will find several tips, techniques and all content related to text production, simple and efficient guidelines that will be useful for your learning. Be sure to check the texts below! Enjoy your reading and good studies!

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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