Stateless nations. Examples of Stateless Nations

A nation is formed by a group of individuals who have historical, cultural, language, customs, social values, among other elements in common, thus forming an identity cultural. In view of all these similarities, there is a need to form a nation-state of its own, where power will be exercised over a territory delimited and recognized by the community International. However, many nations do not have autonomous territory and therefore live in areas where power is exercised by other groups. Among the main ones are:

This is the largest stateless nation in the world. The population of Kurdish origin totals more than 26 million people, who are distributed in the territories of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey, which is home to more than 14 million. The Kurds demand the creation of their own state (between northern Iraq, western Turkey and northwestern Iran), called Kurdistan.

Palestinians occupy an area of ​​the Middle East. This nation, made up of more than 7 million people, demands the creation of the Palestinian State, in addition to the reincorporation of lands occupied by Israel. The constant conflicts involving Arabs and Israelis provoked large migratory flows from Palestinians to Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Jordan, a fact that weakened the struggle for state formation Palestinian. However, the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) continues to fight for the political and territorial autonomy of this great nation.

Made up of approximately 6 million people, the Tibetan nation, with a Buddhist tradition, calls for the creation of its own state in a region dominated by the Chinese. China violently oppresses separatist movements in Tibet, in addition to encouraging the emigration of Chinese to that region in order to weaken the local culture.

With over 2.3 million people, the Basque nation is present in northern Spain and southern France. This group has occupied this region for over six thousand years, possessing its own language and culture. The ETA (Basque Homeland and Liberty) group has carried out several terrorist attacks as a way of putting pressure on the Spanish government to recognize the autonomy of the Basque Country.

Mainly Muslims, 1.2 million Chechens live in the mountains of the Caucasus, which is the territory of the Russian Federation. With the disintegration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Chechnya declared independence in 1991, however, was not recognized by the Russians, who violently oppressed the local population, carrying out massacres, rapes and tortures.

Inhabited by 5 million people (4 million Muslims and 1 million Hindus), this region is dominated by India, Pakistan and China. Most of the inhabitants (Muslims) request that the territory be annexed to Pakistan, however, the Hindus are totally against this fact.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

General geography - geography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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