Social Banditry and Cangaço
In the period of Brazilian history known as “RepublicOld”, one of the most complex social phenomena to understand was the "banditry" or “banditrySocial", as a certain tradition of historical and sociological thought proclaims. The main current of social banditry in Brazil occurred in the northeastern hinterland and was represented by the so-called yoke. The main Brazilian cangaceiro was the Pernambuco Virgulino Ferreira da Silva, O Lamp. The death of Lampião and his gang occurred on the 28th of July 1938, during the dictatorship of the stateNew.
Repercussion of cangaço in the Northeast
The cangaceiro Lampião became, both in life and after his death, the target of fabulous legends, many of them romanticized, mainly because of his relationship with MaryBeautiful, who accompanied him in the band of cangaceiros. His saga in the cangaço began after the death of his parents, who, as far as is known, were victims of the oppression of the large landowners in the region where he lived in Pernambuco. The revolt against the class of farmers and politicians who were associated with them transformed Lampião and other famous cangaceiros, such as
Corisco and BoxinPhosphor, in vigilantes; however, vigilantes imbued with atrocious actions.The fact is that the actions of cangaço had great repercussion among the popular layers and were transformed into themes in the literature written by authors such as Jorgebeloved and JoãoGuimaraespink. Through cangaço, Lampião managed to establish so much influence in certain regions in the Northeast that, at the time when GetulioVargas began to develop his project of authoritarian integration and modernization of the country, he needed, among other things, to stifle popular rebellion movements.
Death of Lampião and his gang
In early July 1938, it became known, through a whistleblower, that Lampião, Maria Bonita and nine other cangaceiros were hiding in the region of the Angicos, near the city of Aracaju, in Sergipe. the lieutenant João Bezerra he left Aracaju with an armed group hunting the cangaceiros. They arrived on the scene on the morning of the 28th of July and surprised us with several gunfire. With Lampião, in addition to Maria Bonita, were the cangaceiros: Thursday, Mergulhão, Luís Pedro, Tram, Matchbox, Enedina, Cajarana, Coin and Hose.
All were beheaded. Some were still alive when their heads were removed from their bodies. Police officers displayed these heads as trophies in a public square, later sending them to the Nina Rodrigues museum in Salvador, Bahia, where they were displayed for a long time.
By Me. Cláudio Fernandes
Source: Brazil School -