What is cancer: formation, types, treatments

Cancer is the name given to a group of diseases that arise due to a disorderly cell multiplication capable of invading tissues and spreading to other parts of the body. Unlike cells Normal cells that divide more slowly, cancer cells can divide erratically and rapidly. Due to this exaggerated division, these cells accumulate, forming tumors, which are also called neoplasmsevil.

Read too:Is a tumor cancer?

types of cancer

Cancer can occur anywhere in the body and affect people of any age group. As it reaches various parts of the body, there are several types of cancer, with more than one known. 100 different types. Here are some of them:

  • Anal

  • Bladder

  • Mouth

  • cervix

  • colorectal

  • uterus body

  • Esophagus

  • Stomach

  • Liver

  • intestine

  • Larynx

  • Leukemia

  • Lymphoma

  • mama

  • Ovary

  • pancreas

  • Skin

  • Penis

  • Prostate

  • Lung

  • Testicle

  • Thyroid

how cancer arises

Cancer arises when something happens. modification that alters the genetic structure of the cell, causing her to start multiply and the give rise to several altered cells. This change takes place in the so-called proto-oncogenes, which are activated and are now called oncogenes. Oncogenes are responsible for making normal cells become cancer cells.

The process that leads to cancer formation is called carcinogenesis or oncogenesis. This process can take several years, until a visible tumor is formed, hence the importance of frequent preventive exams. If cancer is discovered early, the chances of a cure are considerably greater.

Cigarette is an agent responsible for the development of cancer.
Cigarette is an agent responsible for the development of cancer.

Stages of carcinogenesis

Carcinogenesis, as said, is the process that leads to cancer formation. We can identify three stages in this process: the initiation stage, the promotion stage, and the last, which is the progression stage.

At the initiation stage, changes occur in the cell's genes, which are genetically altered by carcinogens. At the promotion stage, it is observed the action of agents called oncopromoters that lead to the “initiation” of these cells, which become malignant. In the last stage, that is, in the progression stage, the cell starts its multiplication in an uncontrolled way. In this last step, the cancer is installed.

Read too: November 27 - National Cancer Day

what is metastasis

We know that cancer has the ability to spread to other regions of the body as one of its characteristics. Metastasis occurs when cancer cells come off of the original tumor and start another tumor (metastatic tumor) in another location. These cells can be taken to other locations via the bloodstream.

cancer causing agents

According to the Ministry of Health, cancer can have several causes, existing internal and external factors that can contribute to its development. When we talk about external factors, we are referring to factors related to the environment, while internal causes include, for example, genetic factors.

It is noteworthy that the vast majority of cancer cases are associated with external factors. You factorsgenetics, they often make some people more susceptible to the action of cancer-causing agents present in the environment, with rare cases of cancer that develop solely due to them.

HPV is a virus that is responsible for the development of cervical cancer.
HPV is a virus that is responsible for the development of cervical cancer.

Some agents are known to cause cancer. Lung cancer, for example, appears in response to several years of exposure to toxic substances in the cigarette. Another example is skin cancer, which arises from frequent exposure to the sun. We cannot forget about cervical cancer, which is directly related to the virus infection. HPV.

Here are some habits related to the development of cancer:

  • cigarette use

  • use of alcoholic beverages

  • Inadequate food

  • Sun exposure without proper protection

  • unprotected sex

Read too:Endometrial cancer and soft drink consumption

cancer treatment

Chemotherapy is one of the treatments against cancer and has hair loss as one of its possible side effects.
Chemotherapy is one of the treatments against cancer and has hair loss as one of its possible side effects.

Cancer treatments are varied and dependgivesgravity cancer and the condition of each patient. Among the main treatments, we can mention the chemotherapy, a radiotherapy, O Bone marrow transplant and surgery. Check out what each one is.

cancer treatment



Bone marrow transplant


Treatment based on the use of drugs that will work to destroy cancer cells. These medications can be administered orally, intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intrathecally, or topically.

Technique based on the use of ionizing radiation to destroy or prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Made in patients who have diseases that affect blood cells. In this treatment, the diseased bone marrow is replaced by normal bone marrow cells.

Removal of the tumor surgically. The surgery aims to completely remove the tumor.

It is also important to highlight the existence of palliative care. These are given to people who have cancer that is incurable and life threatening. In this case, the treatments aim, mainly, to alleviate the patient's suffering both physically and psychologically.

Read too: Advances in cancer treatment

ATTENTION:It is important to remember to always have periodic checkups, as early diagnosis can be essential in saving a life. In addition, healthy lifestyle habits, such as not smoking, not drinking, eating healthy foods, having protected sex and protecting yourself from the sun, are essential to avoid various diseases.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/biologia/o-que-e-cancer.htm

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