What are verbal voices?

Did you know that verbs have a voice? At verbal voices they are identified through the analysis of the subject's behavior in prayer. “What do you mean?” you might be asking yourself. You, as a good speaker of the Portuguese language, must already know that our language is full of particularities that make it even more interesting. To put an end to your doubts, pay attention to the explanation and find out efficiently what are verbal voices.

There are three verbal voices: active, passive and reflective:

Active: How the verb is presented to indicate that the person it refers to is the agent of prayer, that is, the one who performs the action. Look at the active voice examples.

I work every day except Sundays and holidays.

You did a great job!

Active voice structure: SubjectAgent + Verb + Verbal Complement.

Passive: How the verb is presented to indicate that the person it refers to is the object of the verbal action, that is, the subject is patient, as he suffers an action. It can be divided into:

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

  • Passive Synthetic Voice:It is represented by the structure verb + se (passivative pronoun) + subject (+ passive agent):

All deadlines for the delivery of the products were met.

Enrollments for the contest have been finalized.

  • Analytical Passive Voice:It is represented by the structure subject patient + verb to be (auxiliary) + verb in the participle + preposition + agent of the passive:

The deadlines for the delivery of the products were met.

Applications for the contest have been finalized.

Reflective: Verbal form in which the subject is agent and patient at the same time, that is, he practices and suffers the action, alone or with another individual. Note the reflective voice examples:

The two boyfriends kissed for a long time.

The victim was seriously injured in the car accident.

Reflective Voice Structure: Subject + verb + se (verbal complement).

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "What are verbal voices?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-sao-vozes-verbais.htm. Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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