Encceja 2017: Elementary school result is available

The result of the 2017 National Examination for the Certification of Skills of Young People and Adults (Encceja) for elementary education was released this Thursday afternoon, March 29th.

Check your result

Participants who obtained the required score in all tests must seek the partner institutions and Education Departments to request the elementary education certificate.

If the student has achieved a grade in one or more subjects, but not all, he/she can go to the places mentioned above to ask for the declaration of proficiency. With the document, it will be enough to do in Encceja 2018 the matter in which the grade was not enough.


It was necessary to obtain a minimum of 100 points in each objective test and an average of 5 points in the Encceja essay to obtain certification.

The tests were applied on November 19th. The Encceja elementary school was composed of 30 questions on Natural Sciences, History and Geography in the morning and another 30 questions on Portuguese, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education, Mathematics, in addition to Writing, during the evening.

More information at Encceja website.

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/noticias/encceja-2017-resultado-ensino-fundamental-esta-disponivel/3123719.html

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