Pronominal placement after the comma

Here it is not difficult to say that the pronominal placement prevails when it comes to so many questions regarding grammatical matters, isn't it? It, like other matters, is subject to details, a fact that represents a certain difficulty for many users. Well then, the discussion proposed here refers to the use of this linguistic occurrence through the presence of the comma, that is: after this punctuation mark should we use proclisis or enclisis? In order to support this issue, let us note:

The first concept that is predominant in this case resides in the fact that the comma, denoting a pause, predisposes the use of enclisis, although it is not mandatory. For this reason, let us analyze the statement in question:

After so many years, I forgive you for the injustices committed.

However, in cases where there is a verb expressed in the future, a fact that does not allow it to be enclitic, it is recommended that the oblique pronoun be placed before the verb. So, let's see:

As he did not consider himself a supporter of the new rules, he did not follow them at all. (instead of “didn't follow them”)

Referring to the prayer “It was not long before he presented the justification, which, although not convincing, moved him (moved him) in a resounding way” we can affirm that both the use of the enclisis (pronoun postponed to the verb, due to the presence of the comma), and the proclisis (since the relative pronoun "that", even being distant, attracts the oblique pronoun), is allowed. In this way, we find:

It didn't take long to present the justification, which although not convincing, moved him in a resounding way.
It didn't take long to present the justification, which although not convincing, moved him in a resounding way.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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