Tourism in Brazil. The directions of Tourism in Brazil.

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O Brazil is a country with huge tourist potential due to the cultural diversity and, mainly, the natural beauty of the immense territory, but this potential is still not being fully exploited. Brazil occupies, in tourist activity, only 1% of the world flow, however, this has changed. Between 1995 and 2000, there was a significant increase in the number of tourists who came to Brazil, changing the ranking of 43O to 29O, not counting domestic tourism, which generates an approximate flow of 26.6 million annually.

Another change in this segment was the increase in the number of Brazilians who traveled abroad, the increase in the flow of Brazilians was mainly due to the stability the country's economic economy, due to the low value of the dollar, in the early 1990s, because later the value of the dollar surpassed the Brazilian currency and determined a drop in the flow of Brazilians out of the parents.

Tourism has a very high economic, social, cultural and environmental potential, these items are elements extremely linked to tourism, as they establish reciprocity between the elements.

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O tourism it is mainly a great income generator, it is social for generating a large number of direct and indirect jobs; cultural, as it preserves the identity of the place, such as historical monuments; and environmental, by combining income and preservation, an example of this is the ecotourism, which only exists with the preservation of the environment.

Tourism has the ability to organize the geographic space, given the need to offer conditions for the progress of the activity, such as the necessary infrastructure: hotels, highways, means of communication, among others.

In short, Brazil still has a lot to develop, as the tourism “industry” can be more profitable than the industrial and rural sector, in addition to being less degrading. In the world, this is a new economic trend.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School -
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