Exceptional mathematician and politician and French professor born in Saint-Affrique, Aveyron, divergent series theorist, set theory and uniform analytic functions. He defended his doctoral thesis in France (1894) at the age of 23, and at the age of just 25 he was assigned to the Sorbonne, which was unprecedented. He introduced a new concept of measure in set theory (1894), of great importance in the field of probabilities.
He founded the French school of function theory and continued to study measure theory and the theory of functions. probabilities and as a professor at the Faculty of Science in Paris he published Leçons sur la serie divergentes (1901). He published six more books, including Éléments de la théorie des probabilités (1909). He was elected deputy (1924-1936) and minister of the navy (1925). Lebesque's immediate predecessor in studies on measure theory, this professor is responsible for important analyzes of uniform analytic functions, and he died in Paris.
He was responsible for a modern formulation in game theory, in the form of the minimax theorem. Using the notion of mixed strategies (1927), he was able to solve games with two people that had up to five strategy options of his choice. A general solution, however, was only to be reached by the Hungarian mathematician John Von Neumann (1903-1957), consolidating the foundations of a modern Game Theory (1928), in which the concept of utility is fundamental.
Source: http://www.dec.ufcg.edu.br/biografias/
Order F - Biography - Brazil School
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biografia/felix-edouard-justin-emile-borel.htm