Samoa. Samoa geographic data

Bathed by the Pacific Ocean, the territory of Samoa, located in Oceania, more precisely in the region called Polynesia, is formed by nine islands, two of which are inhabited: Upolu and Savai’i. The country has no land borders and the closest neighbors are American Samoa (to the southeast), Tonga (to the south) and Tuvalu (to the northwest). The current nomenclature was adopted in July 1997, replacing the name Western Samoa.

In 1889, through the Tripartite Convention of Samoa, the British, Germans and Americans signed an agreement for the division of the domain of Samoa. National independence was won on January 1, 1962, making it the first Polynesian nation to gain political autonomy. Currently, the country is part of the British Commonwealth – a bloc formed by the United Kingdom and its former colonies.

With a population of 178,800, Samoa has evolved in terms of socio-economic aspects. The infant mortality rate is in constant decline and currently stands at 21 deaths per thousand live births; the unemployment rate is gradually declining as a result of the strengthening of agriculture and tourism in Samoa.

The national economy has agriculture as the main source of income, in addition to employing more than 60% of the inhabitants. The industrial sector is underdeveloped and is based on the processing of agricultural products. Another economic activity of fundamental importance is tourism, driven by the country's natural beauty.

Samoa coastline

Samoa data:

Territorial extension: 2,831 km².

Location: Oceania.

Capital: Apia.

Tropical weather.

Government: Parliamentary Republic.

Administrative division: 11 districts.

Languages: Samoan and English (official).

Religions: Christianity 96.4% (Protestant 62.4%, Frontier Christians 18.4%, Catholic 15.6%), Baháism 2.3%, no religion 1.3%.

Population: 178,846 inhabitants. (Men: 93,173; Women: 85,673).

Composition: Samoan 93%, Polynesian descent and European 7%.

Demographic density: 63 inhabitants/km².

Average annual population growth rate: -0.003%.

Population residing in urban areas: 23.16%.

Population residing in rural areas: 76.84%.

Life expectancy at birth: 71.1 years.

Households with access to drinking water: 88%.

Households with access to the health network: 100%.

Coin: Splint.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $523 million.

GDP per capita: $2,750.

External relations: World Bank, Commonwealth, IMF, UN.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

countries - geography - Brazil School

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