What is a cartoon?

The word caricature, of theItaliancaricare, that means "load, in the sense of exaggerating, increasing something in proportion", appeared in the 17th century with the painter Agostino Carracci from Bologna, who created a gallery with caricatures of popular types in his city. Other artists from Bologna School also stood out in this art form, such as Domenichino and Guercino. Pier Leone Ghezzi (1674-1755) was one of the first to devote himself almost entirely to the making of caricatures.

In general, the caricature it is a design whose main objective is emphasize and exaggerate the characteristics of a person, animal or object. THE caricature reveals a humorous, comical and/or ironic portrait with regard to physical aspects of the caricatured object and to psychological and/or behavioral aspects, as gestures, vices and particular habits.

A good tip for those who like and want to learn how to do it. cartoons is to observe which are the main physical characteristics of the object that will be pictured. It's needed

exaggerate in the game of shapes, in the distortion of real features and in the details to give a better finish to the design.

We can see that the caricature is a discursive genre which has become increasingly popular. It is commonly present in newspapers, magazines, blogs, wedding invitations, birthday parties, cartoons,comic strips, among other supports or textual discursive genres.

See the caricature of the former president of the United States, barack obama:

By Ma. Luciana Kuchenbecker Araújo

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-caricatura.htm

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