You Numbers in English (numbers in english) indicate quantity, age, hours, and are classified as cardinal numbers (cardinal numbers) and ordinal numbers (ordinal numbers).
Cardinal numbers (Cardinal numbers)
They represent the basic shape of numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5…) and indicate an exact quantity.
See the table below with the numbers from 1 to 2000 in english.
Number | In full | Number | In full |
0 | zero | 80 | eighty |
1 | one | 81 | eighty-one |
2 | two | 82 | eighty-two |
3 | three | 90 | ninety |
4 | four | 93 | ninety |
5 | five | 94 | ninety-four |
6 | six | 95 | ninety-five |
7 | seven | 100 | one hundred |
8 | eight | 113 | a/one hundred (and) thirteen |
9 | nine | 187 | a/one hundred (and) eighty-seven |
10 | ten | 200 | two hundred |
11 | eleven | 235 | two hundred (and) thirty-five |
12 | twelve | 287 | two hundred (and) eighty-seven |
13 | thirteen | 300 | three hundred |
14 | fourteen | 350 | three hundred (and) fifty |
15 | fifteen | 390 | three hundred (and) ninety |
16 | sixteen | 400 | four hundred |
17 | seventeen | 403 | four hundred (and) tree |
18 | eighteen | 462 | four hundred (and) sixty-two |
19 | nineteen | 500 | five hundred |
20 | twenty | 515 | five hundred (and) fifteen |
21 | twenty-one | 567 | five hundred (and) sixty-seven |
26 | twenty-six | 589 | five hundred (and) eighty-nine |
30 | thirty | 600 | six hundred |
33 | thirty-three | 661 | six hundred (and) sixty-one |
35 | thirty-five | 699 | six hundred (and) ninety-nine |
40 | forty | 700 | seven hundred |
42 | forty-two | 770 | seven hundred (and) seventy |
47 | forty-seven | 773 | seven hundred (and) seventy-three |
50 | fifty | 800 | eight hundred |
54 | fifty-four | 820 | eight hundred (and) twenty |
59 | fifty-nine | 834 | eight hundred (and) thirty-four |
60 | sixty | 900 | nine hundred |
68 | sixty-eight | 935 | nine hundred (and) thirty-five |
61 | sixty-one | 988 | nine hundred (and) eighty-eight |
70 | seventy | 1000 | a/one thousand |
76 | seventy-six | 1003 | a/one thousand (and) three |
78 | seventy-eight | 2000 | two thousand |
See too: Cardinal numbers in English
1) The number 100 can be said in two ways in English: the hundred or one hundred. To form the other hundreds, just join the word hundred to a word that represents a unit (two, three, four...).
400 - four hundred;
500 - five hundred;
600 - six hundred
2) Unlike what happens in Portuguese, the use of the conjunction and (and) to link units, hundreds and thousands is optional.
145 - Thehundred and forty-five or the hundred forty-five
1.234 - a thousand and two hundred and thirty-five or a thousand, two hundred thirty-five
Ordinal numbers (ordinal numbers)
They are used to indicate order in a sequence (1st , 2na, 3rd , 4th, 5th…).
Number | Abbreviation | Written in cursive |
1 | 1st | first |
2 | 2na | second |
3 | 3rd | third |
4 | 4th | fourth |
5 | 5th | fifth |
6 | 6th | sixth |
7 | 7th | seventh |
8 | 8th | eighth |
9 | 9th | ninth |
10 | 10th | tenth |
11 | 11th | eleventh |
12 | 12th | twelfth |
13 | 13th | thirteenth |
14 | 14th | fourteenth |
15 | 15th | fifteenth |
16 | 16th | sixteenth |
17 | 17th | seventeenth |
18 | 18th | eighteenth |
19 | 19th | nineteenth |
20 | 20th | twentieth |
21 | 21st | twenty-first |
22 | 22na | twenty-second |
23 | 23rd | twenty third |
24 | 24th | twenty-fourth |
25 | 25th | twenty-fifth |
26 | 26th | twenty-sixth |
27 | 27th | twenty-seventh |
28 | 28th | twenty eighth |
29 | 29th | twenty-ninth |
30 | 30th | thirtieth |
40 | 40th | fortieth |
50 | 50th | fiftieth |
60 | 60th | sixtieth |
70 | 70th | seventieth |
80 | 80th | eightieth |
90 | 90th | ninetieth |
100 | 100th | one hundredth |
1000 | 1000th | one thousandth |
1) In English, when a number is formed by more than one algorithm, only the last digit is expressed as an ordinal.
21st - only the number "1" is expressed as an ordinal number: twenty-first
75th - only the number "5" is expressed as an ordinal number: seventy-fifth
2) Generally, English ordinal numbers are formed by adding the suffix “-th”. However, the spelled form of some numbers has the suffixes: “-st” (first), “-nd” (second) and “-rd” (third).
Note that the short form of expressing each ordinal number is done by using the last two letters of the form in full.
- 1st > first > 1st
- 2nd > dryna> 2na
- 3rd > third > 3rd
- 15th > fifteenth > 15th
- 38th > thirty-eightth > 38th
How to pronounce?
Watch the video below to learn the pronunciation of cardinal numbers in English.
Exercises (Exercises)
To establish knowledge about numbers in English, do the exercises below:
1. Write out the cardinal numbers in English:
29: twenty-nine
43: forty-three
55: fifty-five
69: sixty-nine
74: seventy-four
88: eighty-eight
92: ninety-two
133: one hundred (and) thirty-three
281: two hundred (and) eighty-one
378: three hundred (and) seventy-eight
524: five hundred (and) twenty-four
699: six hundred (and) ninety-nine
707: seven hundred (and) seven
813: eight hundred (and) thirteen
997: nine hundred (and) ninety-seven
2. Write out the ordinal numbers in English:
11th: eleventh
26th: twenty-sixth
33rd: thirty-third
44th: forty-fourth
55th: fifty-fifth
69th: sixty-ninth
77th: seventy-seventh
82na: eighty-second
91st: ninety-first
99th: ninety-ninth
104th: one hundred (and) fourth
148th: one hundred (and) forty-eighth
687th: six hundred (and) eighty-seventh
1001th: one thousand (and) first
1002na: one thousand (and) second
See too:
- Greetings in English
- Date in English
- fruit in english
- Adjectives in English