Nowadays, many people use the Internet to study. However, with so much material available, it's hard to know where to start.
Because of this, the All Matter will help you organize better to study English.
So, roll up your sleeves and check out an index below to learn English once and for all!
Let's go!
English grammar - English grammar
Articles in English - Articles
- Definite and indefinite articles in English
English nouns - Nouns
- Nouns (Nouns) in English
- Countable and Uncountable Nouns - Countable and Uncountable Nouns
- Plural of English Nouns - Plural of Nouns
- 130 Most Used Nouns in English
Adjectives in English - Adjectives
- Adjectives in English
- Other and Another
- Comparative and superlative
English Pronouns - Pronouns
- English pronouns
- Personal Pronouns in English
- Subject Pronouns - Subject Pronouns
- Object Pronouns - Object Pronouns
- Indefinite Pronouns - Indefinite Pronouns
- Demonstrative Pronouns - Demonstrative Pronouns
- Reflexive Pronouns - Reflexive Pronouns
- Relative Pronouns - Relative Pronouns
- Possessive Pronouns - Possessive Pronouns
- Question Words
- this and that
- This, that, these and those
- Which and What
- who and who
Determinants in English - Quantifiers
- Add and Any
- Few and Little
- Much and Many
- How Much and How Many
English numerals - Numbers
- Numbers in English
- Ordinal Numbers - Ordinal Numbers
English Prepositions - Prepositions
- English prepositions
- To and For
- When to use In, On and At
English Conjunctions - Conjunctions
- Linking Words
- The most used conjunctions in English
Adverbs in English - Adverbs
- adverbs in english
- Adverbs of Frequency - Adverbs of Frequency in English
English Verbs - Verbs
- Verbal Tenses in English
- Modal Verbs - Modal Verbs
- Phrasal Verbs - Phrasal Verbs in English
- Auxiliary Verbs in English
- Irregular Verbs in English
- Regular and Irregular English Verbs
- English verbs
- Most used modal verbs in English
- The most used phrasal verbs in English
English tenses
- Simple Present
- Present Continuous
- Simple Past
- Past Continuous
- Simple Future
- Future Continuous
- Past Participate
- Present Perfect
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Continuous
- Future Perfect
- Future Perfect Continuous
Most used verbs in English
- would
- could
- must
- Should
- Ought To
- Going To
- Verb to be
- verb can
- verb get
- verb to have
- Used To
Common English Verb Questions
- Has and Have
- Do and Does
- Was and Were
- Will and Going To
- There is x There are
- Tag Questions
Sentence structure - Sentence structure
- Passive Voice -Passive Voice in English
- Reported Speech - Indirect Speech in English
- Conditional Sentences - Conditional Sentences in English
- First Conditional - First Conditional
- Second Conditional - Second Conditional
- Third Conditional - Third Conditional
- If Clauses - Conditional clauses in English
- Relative Clauses - Relative Clauses in English
- Genitive Case - Genitive Case
English vocabulary
- Greetings in English
- fruit in english
- Colors in English
- Date in English
- Hours in English
- Weekdays in English
- Months of the year in English
Curiosities in English
- False Cognates in English (False Friends)
- Idioms in English
- British English and American English
- how to learn english alone
- English in Enem: how to study
- The best podcasts for learning English
exercises in english
- Exercises on adjectives in English (with commented feedback)
- Present Perfect: exercises with a commented template
- Regular and Irregular English Verbs (Exercises with Commented Template)
- Past Continuous exercises (with commented feedback)
- Passive voice (exercises with commented feedback)
- Reported Speech - Exercises
- Simple Past: commented exercises (medium level)
- Simple Past: exercises with commented feedback (easy level)
- Simple Future (exercises commented on easy level)
- Text Interpretation in English with Feedback (Enem)
- Simple Present exercises
- Present Continuous Exercises
- Regular and Irregular English Verbs (Exercises)