You cardinal numbers (cardinal numbers) are used to designate quantities.
Number | Cardinal number in Portuguese | Number | Cardinal number in Portuguese |
0 | zero | 80 | eighty |
1 | one | 81 | eighty-one |
2 | two | 82 | eighty-two |
3 | three | 90 | ninety |
4 | four | 93 | ninety |
5 | five | 94 | ninety-four |
6 | six | 95 | ninety-five |
7 | seven | 100 | one hundred |
8 | eight | 113 | a/one hundred (and) thirteen |
9 | nine | 187 | a/one hundred (and) eighty-seven |
10 | ten | 200 | two hundred |
11 | eleven | 235 | two hundred (and) thirty-five |
12 | twelve | 287 | two hundred (and) eighty-seven |
13 | thirteen | 300 | three hundred |
14 | fourteen | 350 | three hundred (and) fifty |
15 | fifteen | 390 | three hundred (and) ninety |
16 | sixteen | 400 | four hundred |
17 | seventeen | 403 | four hundred (and) tree |
18 | eighteen | 462 | four hundred (and) sixty-two |
19 | nineteen | 500 | five hundred |
20 | twenty | 515 | five hundred (and) fifteen |
21 | twenty-one | 567 | five hundred (and) sixty-seven |
26 | twenty-six | 589 | five hundred (and) eighty-nine |
30 | thirty | 600 | six hundred |
33 | thirty-three | 661 | six hundred (and) sixty-one |
35 | thirty-five | 699 | six hundred (and) ninety-nine |
40 | forty | 700 | seven hundred |
42 | forty-two | 770 | seven hundred (and) seventy |
47 | forty-seven | 773 | seven hundred (and) seventy-three |
50 | fifty | 800 | eight hundred |
54 | fifty-four | 820 | eight hundred (and) twenty |
59 | fifty-nine | 834 | eight hundred (and) thirty-four |
60 | sixty | 900 | nine hundred |
68 | sixty-eight | 935 | nine hundred (and) thirty-five |
61 | sixty-one | 988 | nine hundred (and) eighty-eight |
70 | seventy | 1,000 | a/one thousand |
76 | seventy-six | 1,003 | a/one thousand (and) three |
78 | seventy-eight | 2,000 | two thousand |
other cardinal numerals
- 1,000,000: the million or one million
- 1,000,000,000: the billion or one billion
- 1,000,000,000,000: the trillion or one trillion
Particulars of Cardinal Numbers in English
When to use "a/an" or "one"
When specifying unit quantity before hundreds or thousands, you can use either "a/an" or "one".
- I've said the same thing the hundred times and they still didn't get it. (I already said the same thing hundred times and they still don't understand.)
- I've said the same thing one hundred times and they still didn't get it. (I already said the same thing hundred times and they still don't understand.)
Note that in the sentence above there was no change in meaning regardless of the use of "one" and "a".
Hundred is the word used to indicate hundreds. What defines the number of hundreds is the word used before it. In English "a" is an indefinite article and can mean "a" or "an".
The same is true for the word "thousand" (thousand). Watch the music excerpt A thousand miles, by Christina Perri:
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
IMPORTANT: before hundred and thousand use up The or one, but when the next word is a noun, it must always be inflected plural.
Note that in the music excerpt played above, the word years (years) is a noun and is inflected in the plural. In the last sentence, the word more (more) is not a noun, but a pronoun.
Use of "and" between numerals
In English, the use of the word and (e) writing the numerals in full is optional.
- 9.852: nine thousand, eight hundred fifty-two or nine thousand and eight hundred and fifty-two.
- 21.720: twenty-one thousand, seven hundred twenty or twenty-one thousand and seven hundred and twenty
- 456: four hundred fifty-six or four hundred fifty-six
IMPORTANT: the word "and" is not used between ten and unit. The numeral 38, for example, is written thirty-eight.
When to use "." or","
In English, as a general rule, it can be said that the use of semicolons is the opposite of that used in Portuguese. That is, when the comma is used in Portuguese, the period is used in English and vice versa. Let's look at some cases.
- there are 1,000 books on that shelf. (There is 1.000 books on that shelf.)
- There was an increase of 1.5% in the prices. (There was an increase in 1,5% in prices.)
Pronunciation of "-teen" and "-ty"
The suffix -teen is used from numeral 13 to 17:
- 13: thirteen
- 14: fourteen
- 15: fifteen
- 16: sixteen
- 17: seventeen
Already the suffix "-ty" is used in the families of numerals 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90.
- 50: fifty
- 60: sixty
- 70: seventy
- 80: eighty
- 90: ninety
See how to pronounce each of the suffixes:
- -ty /tí/
- -teen /tíin/
Phone numbers
Phone numbers are usually spoken one by one. However, there are two particularities:
- Zero is usually read as "oh" /or/.
- When a number is repeated consecutively, it is common to use the word double before the numeral.
- 2401-65 99: two four oh one, sixty-five, double nine
- 3321-77 30: double three two one, double seven, three oh
To learn more about using numbers in English, see also:
- Numbers in English
- Ordinal numbers
- Date in English
- Hours in English