1st, 2nd and 3rd Order Determinants

The determinant is a number associated with a square matrix. This number is found by performing certain operations with the elements that make up the matrix.

We indicate the determinant of a matrix A by det A. We can still represent the determinant by two bars between the elements of the matrix.

1st Order Determinants

The determinant of a matrix of Order 1 is the same as the matrix element itself, as it has only one row and one column.


det X = |8| = 8
det Y = |-5| = 5

2nd Order Determinants

At matrices Order 2 or 2x2 matrix are those that have two rows and two columns.

The determinant of a matrix of this type is calculated by first multiplying the constant values ​​in the diagonals, one principal and one secondary.

Then subtracting the results obtained from that multiplication.


Example of 2nd Order Determinant

3 * 2 - 7 * 5 = 6 - 35 = -29

Example of 2nd Order Determinants

3 * 4 - 8 * 1 = 12 - 8 = 4

3rd Order Determinants

Order 3 matrices or 3x3 matrix are those that have three rows and three columns:

Example of 3rd Order Determinants

To calculate the determinant of this type of matrix, we use the

Sarrus' Rule, which consists of repeating the first two columns right after the third:

Example of 3rd Order Determinants

Then, we follow the following steps:

1) We calculate diagonal multiplication. To do so, we draw diagonal arrows that facilitate the calculation.

The first arrows are drawn from left to right and correspond to the main diagonal:

Example of 3rd Order Determinants

1 * 5 * 8 = 40
2 * 6 * 2 = 24
3 * 2 * 5 = 30

2) We calculate the multiplication on the other side of the diagonal. So we draw new arrows.

Now the arrows are drawn from right to left and correspond to the secondary diagonal:

Example of 3rd Order Determinants

2 * 2 * 8 = 32
1 * 6 * 5 = 30
3 * 5 * 2 = 30

3) We add each one of them:

40 + 24 + 30 = 94
32 + 30 + 30 = 92

4) We subtract each of these results:

94 - 92 = 2

read Matrices and Determinants and, to understand how to calculate matrix determinants of order equal to or greater than 4, read Laplace's Theorem.


1. (UNITAU) The determinant value (image below) as a product of 3 factors is:

a) abc.
b) a (b + c) c.
c) a (a - b) (b - c).
d) (a + c) (a - b) c.
e) (a + b) (b + c) (a + c).

Image with example of determinants

Alternative c: a (a - b) (b - c).

2. (UEL) The sum of the determinants indicated below is equal to zero (image below)

a) whatever the actual values ​​of a and b
b) if and only if a = b
c) if and only if a = - b
d) if and only if a = 0
e) if and only if a = b = 1

Image with example of determinants 2

Alternative: a) whatever the real values ​​of a and b

3. (UEL-PR) The determinant shown in the following figure (image below) is positive whenever

a) x > 0
b) x > 1
c) x d) x e) x > -3

Image with example of determinants 3

Alternative b: x > 1

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