Common Sense: what is it, examples, critical sense

O Common sense it is the sum of everyday knowledge and is formed from habits, beliefs, prejudices and traditions.

In philosophy, the term is used to explain the interpretations made by individuals to the reality that surrounds them without prior studies or scientific proof.


Common sense is transmitted from generation to generation in societies. Through it, man supports everyday life and explains the reality in which he lives.

Common sense is characterized by subjectivity that reflects feelings and opinions constructed by a group of individuals. Therefore, it can vary from person to person and from group to group.

They also express the qualitative assessment, as it considers the effects produced on our senses and organs, as well as on objects.

Determines the grouping of things, groups and facts. Example: currently, we tend to consider that every Muslim person is a terrorist, due to the attacks committed by some individuals of that religion. Thus, common sense can be generalizing and still create a stereotype.

Thus, common sense has the ability to project feelings of anguish and fear onto things or the world, in addition to crystallizing preconceptions and harming minorities and individuals.

It is necessary to understand that common sense is linked to instinct, to man's need to protect himself from a hostile environment.


There are countless "truths" that have been passed down to us by common sense through historical, family and cultural traditions. Let's look at some of them.

Number 13

Number 13 is considered bad luck, especially when it falls on a Friday. Many people avoid taking trips, meetings or business on this day.

Even if you don't believe it, somehow this belief is ingrained in your brain and maybe you've never wondered why Friday the 13th brings bad luck.

Red color

There is now a myth that dressing newborn girls in red brings luck. Thus, we see families who insist on dressing their daughters with clothes of this color. What would be the relationship between the color red and luck? Could it be that it was an invention of the manufacturers of clothes of this color?

The most interesting thing is that there is no specific color for boys.

Common sense
Common sense can favor prejudices and stereotypes

Scientific knowledge

Science differs from common sense because its knowledge is based on observation, research, the formulation of hypotheses and the proof of these through a scientific method.

Common sense knowledge is explained by the maintenance of habits. For its part, science needs concrete and quantitative evidence to understand the reason for the phenomena.

Second Aristotle, scientific knowledge results from causes for causes. In other words, it is knowledge in which demonstration and repetition is possible.

The theories that support scientific knowledge must describe, explain and predict as completely as possible a set of phenomena. In the end, they need to make available the necessary laws to understand the proposed facts.

Scientific knowledge is opposed to the characteristics of common sense, as it results from research that excels in method and proof of theories. THE philosophy of science gives you the tools to cement your investigations.

Equally it is a systematic and rational work, contrary to common sense that is governed by the tradition, culture and habits of a social group.

Critical sense

Critical sense is based on the use of reason and goes against common sense for not accepting any truth without questioning it. Those who think critically have the ability to make judgment, judgment, and discern on the basis of balance.

In this way, critical thinking is based on doubt, on questioning that would lead to reflection and contestation. Later, they would move on to change the reality presented.

read more:

  • empirical knowledge
  • What is Science?
  • Empiricism
  • Cave myth
  • Definition of Moral
  • Epistemology
  • What is Manicheism?

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