Ancient History (2)

Cleopatra, queen of Egypt from 51-30 BC, was the daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes. He spoke six languages, was an admirable politician and knew how to use his seduction to secure a position favorable to...

The Sphinx of Giza or Great Sphinx of Giza is a giant monument, erected in the time of Ancient Egypt, which is located near the Pyramids of Egypt, on the west bank of the Nile River, in the...

Zoroastrianism, or Masdeism, became the religion of the Persian state in the sixth century BC. Ç. This belief was replaced by Islam only around the 7th century AD. Ç. after the fall of the Empire...

It is considered a pharaoh those leaders who reigned in Egypt, after the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt performed by Menes. This king ruled from 3185 to 3125 BC. Ç. The life of a pharaoh was...

The Euphrates River (from Arabic, al-Furāt, Hebrew, Prat or Peráth, in Turkish, Fırat or FiratNehri and Persian Ufratu) is one of the main rivers in Southeast Asia, constituting an important basin...

Ammonites, Amorites, amom or sons of amom correspond to one of the ancient civilizations that inhabited the region of Mesopotamia. Semitic people, the Ammonites were warriors and known to be...

The Tigris or Tigris River (from the Arabic, Dijla; in the Hiddekil Bible) is a watercourse that cuts through the territory of Turkey and Iraq and is located further east of the Euphrates River, with which they form the...

The Etruscans represent one of the ancient civilizations that inhabited the Italian peninsula from the 9th century BC onwards. C., before the Romans. They developed an original culture, and for the...

Tupac Amaru II was a Peruvian revolutionary whose trajectory directly interfered in the process of independence in Spanish America. He was the last king of the royal Inca dynasty. He was born in 1738 in...

The Dorians or Dorians are one of the ancient Indo-European peoples who contributed to the development of Greek culture by invading the territory of Hellas. Besides them, the Achaeans, Ionians...

The Trojan War was fought in the Bronze Age between Greeks and Trojans, beginning in 1300 BC. Ç. and would have lasted a decade. The conflict was narrated in two epic poems: the Iliad, which deals with...

Tutankhamun was a pharaoh of the 18th dynasty and reigned in Egypt for nine years, from 1336 to 1327 BC. Ç.. He was the son of Pharaoh Aquenaton and a concubine. He was therefore the stepson of Nefertiti, the wife...

The Library of Alexandria was founded in the III century; a., in the city of Alexandria, that formed part of the Macedonian empire. It has been in operation for six hundred years and has been destroyed...

The Hittites or Hittite civilization represents one of the peoples who lived in antiquity. Although little known, the Hittite civilization was one of the greatest in antiquity, alongside the...

The Ionians, Ionians or Ionians are one of the ancient peoples who helped in the formation of Greek culture (science, philosophy and art). Besides them, the Achaeans, the Aeolians and the Dorians had a...

The Achaeans represent one of the ancient civilizations that lived in the Bronze Age. They were responsible for part of the colonization of Ancient Greece, being one of the first to inhabit the region of...

The Greeks were one of the most important peoples of antiquity and their civilization influenced the entire West. They developed forms of philosophy, politics, art and sports, which are used until...

Nero Cláudio César Augusto Germanico (37-68 d. C.), born Lucius Domitius Enobarbus, was the fifth emperor of Rome, last of the Julius-Claudian dynasty, between the years 54 and 68 d. Ç. It was a...

Stonehenge: history and mysteries of construction

Stonehenge: history and mysteries of construction

Stonehenge it is the largest and best preserved remnant of the Neolithic Period, and to this day ...

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What is Morse Code?

Morse code is a systemtelegraphic which can be used in multiple languages. Écompoundperpoints,tra...

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History and Origin of Fairs

At fairs represent a sociocultural and economic phenomenon arising from the clusters of people an...

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