Portuguese language (2)

Prefix and Suffix are morphemes that join words to form new words. Both are actually affixes. The prefix or suffix name is given depending on the place they occupy in the word...

Morphology is the study of the structure and formation of words. Morphological analysis analyzes the grammatical class of the elements that make up a linguistic statement individually, without there being...

What is a compound noun? A compound noun is a type of noun made up of more than one word or stem. They are constituted by the process called "composition", that is,...

The critical review is an informative, descriptive and opinionated textual genre about a certain work, for example: book, article, film, series, documentary, art exhibition, theater play,...

Ordinal numbers are types of numerals used to indicate an order or hierarchy in a given sequence. That is, they indicate the position or place that something or someone occupies in a series or...

Language functions are related to language uses, where each one has a function according to the elements of communication. They are classified into six types: function...

Cohesion and Coherence are fundamental mechanisms in textual construction. For a text to be effective in conveying its message, it is essential that it makes sense to the reader. Beyond...

Grammar is the set of rules that indicate the most correct use of a language. In the beginning, grammar was only intended to establish rules for writing and reading. And so...

Verbal agreement is the relationship established in a harmonious way between subject and verb. This means that when the subject is singular, the verb must also be; when the subject is...

Direct citation is one that transcribes part of a work, with the author's words. When we use this type of citation, we must put the author's last name, the year of...

A reader's letter is a type of letter usually published in newspapers and magazines, where readers can present their opinions. This epistolary genre has a relevant function for the media...

The Personal Report is a textual modality that presents a narration about a remarkable fact or event in a person's life. In this type of text, we can feel the emotions and feelings...

Linguistic Prejudice is that generated by linguistic differences existing within the same language. In such a way, it is associated with regional differences from dialects,...

There are five types of sentences: exclamatory, declarative, imperative, interrogative and optional. The intentionality of the speech is manifested through the different types of sentences. Therefore,...

The injunctive or instructional text is based on the explanation and method for carrying out an action. It indicates the procedure for doing something, for example, a cake recipe, leaflet...

The Interview is one of the text genres with a generally informative function, conveyed mainly by the media: newspapers, magazines, internet, television, radio, among others. There is...

Direct Object is a verbal complement that is generally not accompanied by a preposition. Like the indirect object, it has the function of completing the transitive verb, which alone does not...

The personal pronouns of the oblique case are those used as direct object, indirect object or nominal complement. They also have the role of passive agent and deputy...

What is a primitive noun? Primitive nouns are terms that do not derive from other words in the Portuguese language. These words come from other languages ​​and can be...

The stressed syllable is the most emphatically emitted syllable, with only one stressed syllable in each word. According to the intensity with which they are pronounced, the syllables can be...

Ready to test your knowledge of verbal conducting? Do not waste time! Practice with unprecedented exercises, and also that have already fallen in college entrance exams and more competitions. Check out the answers on...

Expository text is a type of text that aims to present a concept or an idea. It is very common for this type of text to be approached in the school and academic context, since it includes...

Nominal agreement is the relationship established between word classes (names). It's what makes nouns agree with pronouns, numerals and adjectives, between...

Synonyms and antonyms designate words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, complements, etc.) that, according to their meaning, are sometimes similar (synonyms) and sometimes opposite (antonyms). THE...

Subordinate conjunctions are the terms that link two syntactically dependent clauses. It is the context of the sentence that determines the type of relationship established by the conjunction. At...

The predicate, formed by one or more verbs, is what is declared about the subject's action, agreeing in number and person with him. To better understand, look at the example: Lucia ran in...

Subject predicative is the term of the predicate that has the function of attributing a quality to the subject. This function is done through a verb that may or may not be a linking verb. In that case, the...

The question mark is a punctuation mark used at the end of questions, that is, direct interrogative sentences. The graphic sign of the question mark is (?). Note that in the...

Verbal and nominal agreement is the part of the grammar that studies the conformity established between each component of the clause. While verbal agreement deals with the relationship between subject and...

Connotation and denotation are manifestations of language that are related to the meanings of words or expressions in an utterance. When a message is in the literal sense,...

The production of texts is the act of exposing through words the ideas on a given subject. Knowing how to write a text can be a prerequisite for getting a job and a vacancy in...

Subordinate noun clauses are types of clauses that play the role of noun. Depending on the syntactic function they perform, they are classified into 6 types: subjective,...

Do you have doubts about nominal agreement or want to test if you already know everything about the topic? So, you came to the right place. Practice with these exercises and clarify everything in the commented answers...

Oxytone words are those that have the last stressed syllable, that is, the last syllable of these words is pronounced with the most force. Examples: grandmother (grandmother), bamboo (bam-bu), bad (ru-im),...

Irregular verbs are all verbs that, when conjugated, undergo changes in their stem or in their endings. Unlike regular verbs, they don't follow...

Here you can test if you know everything about graphic accents. Do the exercises and check the answers that were all commented on by our teachers. Question 1 (UEPG) Free pass? You...

The “plus” and the “but” are two words that sound similar, however, they are used in different contexts. Check out the difference between them and their usage rules below. More The word...

Verbal rulership is the part of the language that deals with the relationship between verbs and the terms that follow them and complete their meaning. Verbs are the ruling terms, while objects...

Meaning of synthesis A synthesis is a type of text that includes the main ideas of another text. The name itself indicates that it is a small summary, a general overview of ideas...

Editorial text is a type of journalistic text that usually appears at the beginning of columns. Unlike other texts that make up a newspaper, which are informative, editorials are...

Graphic accentuation consists of placing an orthographic accent to indicate the pronunciation of a vowel or to mark the stressed syllable of a word. The names of the graphic accents of the language...

Regular verbs are all verbs that, when conjugated, do not change their stem. Example: The verb to speak (stem: fal-) can be conjugated in any tense and person, without...

The informative text is a text in which the writer briefly exposes a theme, fact or circumstance to the reader. It is an objective textual production, usually in prose, with clear language and...

Journalistic texts are texts conveyed by newspapers, magazines, radio and television, which are intended to communicate and inform about something. Nowadays, the journalistic text...

The short story is a short text in which a narrator tells a story developed around a plot - a situation that gives rise to the events of a narrative. There are few characters and...

Abstract noun is a type of noun that indicates quality, feeling, state, action, and concept. These abstract words do not exist on their own, as they depend on another being for their...

Adjective Subordinate Sentences are those that exercise the syntactic function of an adjective. They are usually introduced by relative pronouns (what, who, which, how much, where, whose, etc.), the...

Coordinating Conjunctions, or Coordinated Conjunctions, are the ones that link coordinated clauses. These clauses do not syntactically depend on the others, as well as linking terms that have the same...

The text summary is a mechanism in which only the main ideas of a source text are pointed out, so that a new text is produced, however, in a summarized, abbreviated or...

Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech that reproduces phonemes or words that imitate natural sounds, whether of objects, people or animals. This feature increases the expressiveness of the...

Meaning of Allusion (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Allusion is the citation, reference or mention, indirect and brief about something or someone.Usu...

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Meaning of Semantics (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Semantics é a branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of words, phrases and texts of a lan...

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Meaning of Ellipse (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ellipse is a figure of speech of the Portuguese language, which consists of the omitting one or m...

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