Portuguese Language (10)

Euphemism is a figure of thought, which corresponds to one of the subgroups of figures of speech, which is closely related to the meaning of words. From the Greek, the word...

What is prayer without a subject? A subjectless prayer is one that contains impersonal verbs, which are the following: verb HAVE with the meaning of existence or event. Example: A year ago...

Prepositional phrase is the name of the set of two or more words with a preposition value. The last of these phrases is always a preposition. Voiceover Examples...

The caret (^) is a type of lexical notation used in semi-closed stressed vowels: “a”, “e” and “o”. In Portuguese, the semivowels “i” and “u” never take this kind of...

Anomalous Verbs are verbs that undergo profound changes in their stem. They are, therefore, irregular verbs, as they do not follow conjugation patterns, as with verbs...

A polysyndeton is a figure of speech that falls into the category of syntax figures. It is characterized by the use of syndets, that is, of connective elements (conjunctions) in periods...

Sarcasm and irony are stylistic resources used by text issuers (oral or written) with the aim of offering greater expressiveness to the enunciated speech. They are used...

Apostrophe is a figure of speech that falls into the category of thought figures. It is characterized by expressions involving invocations, calls and interpellations from an interlocutor...

What is prayer? A prayer is an utterance that may or may not have a complete meaning. It is made up of subject and predicate, which means that the sentence always contains a verb. Examples: 1. I fear for...

Persuasive texts are those whose main objective is to convince the reader, that is, induce the receiver to adopt a certain behavior. So, from a well-defined purpose, they...

"If not" or "if not" are two terms that have the same sound, however, they are used in different situations. Learn once and for all how to use them correctly. Otherwise When this term...

Miss is a verb, while loss is a noun. Misuse of loss or loss is one of the most frequent mistakes in Portuguese. This is because these words are paronyms, which is to say...

Parentheses ( () ) are punctuation marks used to provide explanations, incidental remarks, comments or reflections. Examples: Cousin's (expendable) advice gave us...

The adverbial adjunct has the function of expressing circumstances that indicate, for example, intensity, time, mode, doubt, argument, concession, means, matter, purpose, statement and...

Lexical notations are accessory signs that help to pronounce words. The lexical notations are: accents (acute, circumflex and low), tilde, apostrophe, cedilla and...

Linguistics is a science whose object of study is language and its manifestations. Linguistic studies are divided into phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics...

The supercommon noun is a type of uniform noun, that is, it has only one term for both genders (male and female). It is used to name people, for example, the...

The simple subject is one that has only one nucleus, that is, only one main and most important word. Example: My aunts arrived from a trip. In the example above, the subject is “my...

Solecism is a language addiction characterized by being a grammatical deviation that occurs at the syntactic level of the language. It is a very common mistake that we often make in conversation...

The noun is a class of words that have the function of naming beings, objects, phenomena, places, actions, etc. It is classified into 9 types: simple, composite, common,...

The counter-argument (or the counter-argument) is a fundamental part in the production of opinionated texts, especially argumentative essays. Unlike Argumentation,...

If you are one of those people who can't go a day without reading or even writing, you should probably choose courses in the humanities. That's because many of them contemplate these...

Alphabet or alphabet is the set of letters that we use in writing to reproduce speech sounds. The complete alphabet of the Portuguese Language comes from the Latin or Roman alphabet, which is the...

Do the exercises and put into practice what you have learned about adjective subordinate clauses. Check the answers commented out at the end of each exercise. Question 1 Rate the prayers...

Zeugma is a figure of speech that falls into the category of syntax or construction figures. This is because it interferes with the syntactic construction of sentences. It is used to omit terms...

The comma before the "e" is used in the following cases: 1. When the subject of the clause is different from the one mentioned above In this case, we use the comma to connect two clauses...

Cacophony or Cacofato is a language addiction that represents the strange or funny sound generated by the union of some syllables. It usually occurs between the syllable at the end of a word and...

Check out a series of Portuguese language activities for printing, on syllables, accentuation, synonyms, antonyms, direct speech, indirect speech, polysemy, querying entries in the...

The writing is among the main requirements of the Enem (National High School Examination). Enem, which grants access to the main Brazilian universities, is also already accepted in Portugal. THE...

Among the spellings "exception" and "exception", only one exists in Portuguese: "exception", with ç. The spelling "exception", with ss, is wrong. Check out the content below that Toda...

The asyndeton is a figure of speech, more precisely a figure of syntax. It is characterized by the absence of a syndete. The syndet, in this case, is a coordinating conjunction used...

Simple tenses are verbal tenses - present, past and future - which are expressed by a single word. They express action, state, change of state or phenomenon of nature through...

The este pronoun indicates proximity to the person speaking, while the esse pronoun indicates proximity to the person being spoken to. This and this are demonstrative pronouns that have the function of...

Noun pronouns are those that represent nouns in order to make texts more pleasant to read, less repetitive. Example 1: Parents told what to do. It's the...

Check out a step-by-step guide and a cover sheet template to help you do your work in accordance with the ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) standards. The cover sheet...

Orthoepia or Orthoepia deals with the correct pronunciation of words. On a daily basis, and in a natural way, we pronounce words incorrectly, which are outside the cultured norm, so that this part of...

Abundant verbs are those that have more than one form accepted by the cultured norm in the participle, a regular and an irregular form. Infinitive Participle Regular Participle...

Impersonal verbs are those that do not have a subject and are usually conjugated in the 3rd person singular. Since they are not conjugated in all tenses, moods and persons, verbs...

To form the compound verbs we only conjugate the auxiliary verb, while the main verb is always in the participle. Compound tenses are the auxiliary verbs having and having attached to a verb...

Barbarism is a language addiction related to the incorrect use of a word or utterance, whether in pronunciation, spelling or morphology. Remember that language addiction is a diversion...

Adverbs are words that express circumstances, for example, time, manner, place, and thus modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. Adverbs inflect in two degrees: the...

Before doing the exercises, check out a summary that will help you understand the correct use of the "whys": Why: used in the beginning of questions, in indirect questions and in rhetoric...

Examples of sentences with essential prepositions to: I'm going to the beach. ante: In the face of so many accusations, he surrendered. after: Left after breakfast. until: I'll finish by tomorrow. com: When I get up, I have breakfast...

Nominal rulership is the subordination relationship between a name (noun, adjective and adverb) and its complement. Example: I am satisfied with the result. If the sentence just said "I'm...

The backquote (`) serves to avoid the repetition a + a in situations where we need to use “a”, with the vowel function, together with “a”, with the preposition function (a + a = à). THE...

The discipline of Portuguese Language is inserted in the knowledge area of ​​Languages, Codes and their Technologies, whose test is carried out on the first day of Enem. Within this area enter...

The tilde (~) is a graphic sign and not an accent. It serves to indicate nasality and, in Portuguese, it can only accompany the vowels a and o. These are your only ways to...

Power of attorney is a type of technical writing. It is an official document that serves to empower someone, such as authorizing another person to enroll at the university or...

What are language levels? Language levels, or speech levels, are the language registers used by speakers, which are determined by various factors of...

Pronominal Verbs are verbs that are accompanied by an oblique pronoun (me, te, se, nos, vos, se). Examples: sorry to comb you sit down angry hug you remember A...

Adjunct and nominal complement: what's the difference?

The adjoint adjunct and the nominal complement are two concepts that often confuse many students....

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Adnominal and Adverbial Adjunct

Although both are classified as accessory terms of the clause, the difference between the adjunct...

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Direct and Indirect Transitive Verb

You VerbsTransitivesdirectandindirect are those that need two complements: one without prepositio...

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