The numbers in spanish

the numbers in spanish or the numerals in spanish (you numbers in spanish) are classified as cardinals (cardinals), ordinals (ordinal), multiplicatives (multiplication) and fractional or partitive (fractional).

Cardinal numerals (cardinal numerals)

Cardinal numbers are the most used in all languages. They are the ones that indicate the exact amount of something.

Check the table below for a list of cardinal numbers in Spanish from 1 to 1000.

Number Number in Spanish in full
0 wax
1 one/one/one
2 From
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 site
8 ocho
9 snow
10 say
11 once
12 candy
13 treble
14 fourteen
15 quince
16 diesels
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
19 diecinuev
20 twenty
21 twenty-one
22 twenty
23 twenty three
24 twenty-four
25 twenty-five
26 twenty-seven
27 twenty-one
28 veintiocho
29 twenty-one
30 thirty
31 thirty and one
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 full
90 ninety
100 scientific/scient
101 one hundred
200 doscients
300 trescient
400 cuatrocient
500 five hundred
600 six hundred
700 seven hundred
800 ochocient
900 nine hundred
1000 thousand

Stay tuned! (Ojo!)

In the Spanish language, the number “one” can be written in three ways:

one/one/one. Use the one/one when the number is followed by a noun (male or female).


  • Ella is a very handsome woman. (She is a very beautiful woman.)
  • His hijo is an honest man. (His son is an honest man.)

On the other hand, the “uno” is used when the term does not accompany nouns.


  • Do you have a bolígrafo to lend me? Yes, I have one. (You have a pen I can borrow? Yes, I have one).
  • ¿Cuántos hermanos tiene Ana? she has one. (How many brothers does Ana have? She has one.)

Note that the word one it is not followed by a noun. It is used to refer to something previously referred to, in this case, the word boligrapher.

To write the cardinal numbers of 21 to 29 in full, we use words that consist of the agglutination of the ten numeral with the unit numeral.


  • 21: twenty-one
  • 22: twenty
  • 25: twenty-five
  • 29: windy

From the number 30 onwards, the spelling of the numerals is formed by two words, and between the ten and the unit the conjunction “y” (e) is used.


  • 52: fifty y of
  • 79: seventy y new
  • 84: ochoy ocho
  • 99: ninety new

When the numeral represents a hundred, unlike what happens in Portuguese, we do not use the y (e) to link hundred and unit.

Taking into account the number 103, for example, while in Portuguese we write in full one hundred and three, in spanish we say hundred three. Check out some more examples below.


  • 102: aware of
  • 105: five hundred
  • 107: cient site
  • 109: cient nueve


the apocope is the suppression of a phoneme or a syllable at the end of a word.

This suppression is, for example, observed in the numerals below:

  • one > un (a)
  • aware > science (one hundred)

Check the explanations below and understand the rule of each one of them.


It suffers apocope when it precedes a masculine or multiplicative noun.


  • October has three days. (October is thirty-one days old.)
  • The fifty and one students of this class will be in the museum. (The fifty-one students in this class went to the museum.)


It suffers apocope when it is followed by masculine, feminine and multiplicative nouns.


  • That closet has more than scientific works. (That closet has over a hundred works.)
  • The universidad de nuestros hijos tiene cien profesores. (Our children's university has a hundred professors.)

Ordinal numerals (ordinal numerals)

Ordinal numbers are those that present an order in a certain sequence.

Number Number in Spanish in full
primer (a) / primer
according to)
third (a)
fifth (a)
sixth (a)
octave (a)
ninth/nine (a)
10º tenth (a)
11º eleventh
12º twelfth (a)
13º thirteenth
14º fourteenth (a)
15º fifteenth
16º sixteenth
17º tenth (a)
18º tenth (a)
19º nineteenth
20º twentieth
21º twenty-first
30º thirtieth
40º fortieth
50º fiftieth
60º sixtieth
70º seventieth (a)
80º eightieth (a)
90º ninetieth (a)
100º hundredth
101º hundredth (a) first (a)
200º two hundredth (a)
300º three hundredth
400º four hundredth (a)
500º fiftieth
600º six hundredth (a)
700º seventieth (a)
800º eighty (a)
900º one hundredth
1000º thousandth

Stay tuned! (Ojo!)

From 11th to 19th, ordinal numbers in Spanish are made up of a single word.


  • 12º: twelfth
  • 14º: fourteenth
  • 16º: sixteenth
  • 18º: tenth
  • 19th: diecinuev

The remaining numerals are formed by two words and do not admit the conjunction y (and).


  • 82º: eighty second
  • 149º: hundredth fortieth ninth/nine
  • 588º: fifty eightieth octave
  • 319º: three hundredth nineteenth

Most ordinal numbers have gender inflection, that is, they have the male and female forms as we see in the table above: first, Monday, third, etc.



In ordinal numbers there is also the apocope (suppression of the last vowel) in two cases:

  • first > primer (first)
  • third > third (third)

In this case, the rule is the same for both: they suffer apocope when they precede a singular masculine noun.


  • Brazil has been the first country three-time world football champion. (Brazil was the first three-time world soccer champion country.)
  • Third place. (I came in third place.)

ordinals 2

multiplicative numerals (multiplicative numerals)

Multiplicative numbers are those that indicate the multiplication of a cardinal number and can have a noun or adjectival function.

Number Number in Spanish in full
2x double/double/double
3x triple/ triple/ triple
4x quadruple/quadruple/quadruple
5x quintuple/quintuple/quintuple
6x sextuple/sextuple/sextuple
7x septuple/septuple/septuple
8x octuple/octuple/octuple
9x non-nuple/nupple
10x tenfold/tenfold
11x tenfold/onefold
12x twelfth/twelfth
13x third-twelfth/third-twelfth
100x hundredfold

Examples with substantive function:

  • Maria's payment is the double of her husband's payment. (Maria's salary is double her husband's salary.)
  • He bought a TV just like the one from my hermano, but he paid the triple price. (I bought a TV like my brother's, but I paid triple the price.)

Examples with adjective function:

  • She has triple function in the school: director, educator and teacher. (She has a triple role in the school: principal, educator and teacher.)
  • The actor has had a double role in the play: he has played the priest and the doctor. (The actor had a dual role in the play: he played the father and the doctor.)


Fractional or partitive numerals (fractional or partitive numerals)

Fractional numbers indicate a part of a whole and can have a substantive or adjectival function.

Number Number in Spanish in full
1/2 medium/mitad/average part
1/3 third/third part
1/4 fourth/fourth part
1/5 fifth/fifth part
1/6 sixth/sixth part
1/7 seventh/seventh part
1/8 octave/octave part
1/9 noveno/nine part
1/10 tenth/tenth part
1/11 onceavo or eleventh/onceava or eleventh part
1/12 candy or twelfth / candy or twelfth
1/13 treceavo / treciava part
1/14 catorceavo / catorceava part
1/15 quinceav/quinceava part
1/16 diecisisavo/dieciseisava part
1/17 diecisieteavo/diecisieteava part
1/18 dieciochoavo/dieciochoava part
1/19 diecinueveavo/diecinueveava part
1/20 twenty/twentieth/veinteava/twentieth part
1/100 one hundredth/hundredth part
1/1000 one thousandth/thousandth part

Examples with substantive function:

  • Maria's pay is the fifth of her husband's pay. (Maria's salary is one fifth of her husband's salary.)
  • He bought a TV just like the one from mi Hermano, but he paid the price. (I bought a TV like my brother's, but I paid half the price.)

Examples with adjective function:

  • I had so much pride that I was half dressed. (She was in such a hurry that she left half dressed.)
  • He sent the text to the measure. (I delivered the half-done text.)
Translation: "The big banks have overcome the crisis." "With only half of what they were given, the rest of humanity would have made it too."

Video (video)

Watch the video below, see tips for using the numerals in Spanish and hear how each one is spoken in Spanish.

learn numbers in spanish

exercises (Exercises)

Do the exercises below and test your knowledge of Spanish numbers.

1. (UERN/2015)

Y will not return the golondrine shadows

Casi a fourth part of the birds that roamed the cells of Europe 30 years ago has disappeared. A study with data from 25 European countries shows how the población aviaria salvaje has passed from something more than 2,000 million in 1980 to 1,600 million today. The weight of the missing birds belongs to the most common species, which do not have any type of protection.

The European aviary population has descended in more than 420 million copies in three decades. It is an estimation, but even the figure is alarming. In addition, the calculations are only for 144 species of the more than 500 that have been cataloged in Europe. Following this pace, the pajaros would disappear from the viejo continent before ending the siglo.

No, we are not going to lose all the birds”, says researcher Richard Inger. And not all species are disappearing evenly.

The population of birds in Europe has descended more than 420 million since 1980

In cities such as London or Prague, El Gorrion has practically disappeared. In addition to the common gorrión, the common golondrina poblaciones, common vencejo, alondras, various species of partridge or the bandadas de storninos ya no son tan common as before. With follow-up data from 20,000 places distributed by Spain since 18 years ago, by the SEO/BirdLife organization, whose data are available Served for this study, he estimates that the number of golondrinas has been reduced by 30%, while the number of gorriones has fallen by the time the mitad. Y eso, in total numbers, are many millions.

agriculture, culpable

In its conclusions, the authors of the study wonder whether the concentration of the spheres of protection in the large and unique birds would not be an error. Perhaps the current model of protecting species with the creation of sanctuaries is insufficient. “For as many reserves as you believe, you will never protect the golondrinas that create on the roofs of our houses”, comments the SEO/BirdLife expert. For Del Moral, in order to protect the most common birds, “it was necessary to change the economy en bloque, emphasizing the European agro-food policy”.

(Available in: Adapted.)

Read the numbers in the fragment “…420 million copies in three decades. (…) In addition, the calculations are solo for 144 species of the more than 500 that there are…” (according to paragraph). Mark the alternative that presents the highlighted numbers correctly written.

a) Cuatrocientos twenty/cien cuarenta and cuatro/quinientos.
b) Cuatrocientos twenty/ciento cuarenta y cuatro/quinientos.
c) Cuatrocientos twenty/cien cuarenta cuatro/cien fifty.
d) Cuatrocientos twenty/ciento cuarenta cuatro/cien cincuenta.

Correct alternative: b) Cuatrocientos vemte/ciento cuarenta y cuatro/quinientos.

2. (FCM-MG/2016)

“Launching dogs through the ditch is becoming more convenient in summer sports”.

A protector denounces that of the hombres who abandoned a can to cast it through the wall of the enclosure.

JAVIER GUZMÁN Madrid 10 AUG 2015.

La protectora gallega The palleiros have denounced the Seprona in the morning of this moon and of the hombres who passed by the youths tossed a perro over the wall of the enclosure. The association has been broadcast by social networks and the video of the security camera of the enclosure, which immediately goes viral: between three days it has shared more than 110,000 people on Facebook. “We've been abandoned by the perros lanzándolos by la valla for weeks. 20 days ago. Always in knotted dogs, which are also cruel, but they are terrible. Launching dogs through the ditch is becoming a real sport in the summer”, says Elisabeth Suárez, a volunteer for the protector.

The booths have more than 170 canes in their local domains, according to Suarez, are much above the capacity of the facilities. For ello solo recogen animales in case of extreme need, like puppies that would not survive in the calle or pears about to give birth: “We believe that install the camera as a dissuasive measure, ya on the ground because they throw perros, bell also because they ease us when we refuse to accept each other animal. We don't give enough”, laments la voluntaria. Suarez, in charge of the protector's adoption area, confirms that this moon has several appointments of people who want to meet the abandoned dog to adopt him.

Journal: el Pais

The numerals that appear in the text are written in full correctly only in:

a) ciento y diez mil, viente, ciento y seveninta.
b) ciento ten thousand, twenty, twenty seventy.
c) ciento y ten thousand, twenty, ciento and seventy.
d) one hundred ten thousand, twenty, one hundred seventy.

Correct alternative: d) ciento ten thousand, twenty, ciento seventy.

3. (UnirG/2015) Note the numerals that appear in the journal text: 320, 150, 47, 37000, 25000, 49000. Check the only option that correctly represents these numerals in writing.

a) Trescientos twenty, ciento cincuenta, cuarenta y siete, treinta y siete mil, twenty-five thousand, cuarenta y nueve mil.
b) Three hundred and twenty, one hundred and fifty, four and six, thirty and five thousand, twenty and five thousand, four and ten.
c) Trescientos twenty, cien and fifty, forty and siete, treintisiete thousand, twenty-five thousand, forty and nueve.
d) Trecientos y twenty, ciento y fifty, forty y siete, thirty y siete thousand, twenty y five thousand, forty y nueve.

Correct alternative: a) Trescientos twenty, ciento cincuenta, cuarenta y siete, treinta y siete mil, twentyinco mil, cuarenta y nueve mil.

4. (UNEMAT/2010)


01A white jewel that Michael Jackson released to an Australian follower over 10 years ago was sold on Sunday in a subasta for 0557,000 Australian dollars (48,000 US dollars), double the estimated price of sale. Warwick Stone, a buyer for the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, surpassed the 10the other five posts by the late Rey del Pop, said Charlotte Stanes, you are from the Bonhams and Goodman sub-scale house in Melbourne. The estimated sales price before there 15Subasta was 30,000 Australian dollars. “We are very happy with the result,” says Stanes. “This is the first time we get to know in Australia”.

Bonhams and Goodman said I was there 20the first substage of a Michael Jackson guante since his death on the 25th of June to 50 years of age.

Source: with adaptation accessed on 06/09/2009).

Check the alternative that corresponds to the correct spelling in Spanish, of the following numbers:

$57,000; $48,000; 30,000 dollars.

a) Quinientos y siete mil/cuatrocientos and ocho mil/trecientos mil.
b) Cincuenta y siete mil/cuarenta y ocho mil/treinta mil.
c) Fifty and siete thousand/forty and ocho thousand/thirty thousand.
d) Fifty and siete thousand/cuarenta and ocho thousand/thirty thousand.
e) Fifty-six thousand/forty-ocho thousand/thirty thousand.

Correct alternative: b) Cincuenta y siete mil/cuarenta y ocho mil/treinta mil.

5. (Udesc/2012)

1Five years ago Bill Gates made an extraordinary proposal: he urged scientists in the world to present ideas to address the biggest problems for global health, among them, the lack of vaccines for AIDS and malaria, the knowledge that most of the vaccines must be kept refrigerated and administered with Agujas, there is little source of 5nutrition that provide many tropical crops such as cassava and bananas, etc.

It received some 1,600 proposals, and the best 43 were promising that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded 450 million dollars in subsidies over five years. The five years passed, and the foundation brought together all scientists in Seattle to 10evaluate the results.

In an interview, Gates was somewhat disenchanted. Once again he said: “When we were empezamos we were naive”. He cited as an example the search for vacancies that do not need refrigeration. “At that moment I thought: for 2010 I am going to have a series of thermostable cows. But ni siquiera we are about eso. I would be surprised that 15we could count on one for 2015”.

Diario Clarín (Argentina), January 15, 2011.

Numbers 1600, 450 and 2010 are read, respectively:

a) one thousand sixcientos, cuatrocientos and fiftieth, of the thousand and diez.
b) one thousand sixcientos, cuatrocientos fifty, of the thousand ten.
c) one thousand sixcientos, fourcientos y fifty, of the thousand and ten.
d) one thousand seicientos, cuatrocientos y cincuenta, of the thousand and diez.
e) one thousand sixcientos, cuatrocientos fifty, of the thousand ten.

Correct alternative: e) one thousand seiscientos, cuatrocientos fiftieth, of the thousand ten.

See too:

  • Hours in Spanish
  • Spanish time activities
  • days of the week in spanish
  • Nouns in Spanish (Los Sustantivos)
  • months of the year in spanish
  • regular verbs in spanish
  • Spanish verbs (Verbos en español)
  • Main slang in Spanish (Spain and Latin America)
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