All About Simple Noun

You simple nouns characterize a type of noun that has only one root or one word, for example: paper, man, pen.

Inflection of simple nouns

The noun is a grammatical class inflected in gender (female and male), number (singular and plural) and degree (augmentative and diminutive).

1. Gender Flexion

  • Biform Nouns: have two forms, that is, one female and one male, for example: boy - girl
  • Heteronym nouns: present forms for both genders, but with different radicals, for example: woman - man
  • uniform nouns: present only one form for both genders and are classified into:
    • Common of two: present a form for both genders, differentiated only by the feminine article "a" and the masculine article "o", for example: the student - the student.
    • Supercommon: presents a form and an article (male or female) for both genders, for example: the child; the individual; the person; The genius.
    • Epicene: used to distinguish animals (male or female), the epicenes have a shape and an article (male or female) for both genders, for example: the piranha (male or female).

2. Number flexion

  • Singular: indicates a being, thing, object, for example: house, child, voice.
  • Plural form: indicates two or more beings, things, objects, for example: houses, children, voices.

Note that some nouns are used only in the plural, for example: back, vacation, glasses, darkness, nuptials, among others.

THE plural formation for simple nouns it is based on the following grammatical rules:

  1. Finished in vowel and oral diphthong, there is an addition of s, for example: hat - hats; sofa - sofas; ball balls.
  2. Finished in no, there is an addition of s or are you, for example: canon - canonare you; hyphen - hyphens or hyphenare you; pollen - pollens or pollenare you.
  3. Finished in m, there is an addition of us, for example: album - albumus; man - manus; item - iteus.
  4. Finished in r and z, there is an addition of are you, for example: sonar - sonarare you; root - rootare you; senior - seniorare you.
  5. Finished in al, he, hello, ul, change the there per is (There are exceptions, for example: evil and evil, consul and consuls). Some examples: backyard - farmis; hotel - hotelis; lighthouse - lighthouseis.
  6. Finished in il do the plural in two ways:
    • Oxytones in is, for example: kennel - kennels; barrel - barrels;
    • Paroxytones in behold, for example: missile - missbehold; fossil - fossilbehold.
  7. Finished in s do the plural in two ways:
    • Monosyllabic or Oxytones by adding are you, for example: ace - asare you; retro - retroare you;
    • Paroxytones or Proparoxytones remain unchanged, for example: the bus - the buses; the pencil - the pencils.
  8. Finished in to the do the plural in three ways:
    • replacing the -to the per -ons, for example: falcon - falcions;
    • replacing the -to the by -ães, for example: escrivão - escrivbrethren;
    • replacing the -to the per -to the, for example: citizens - cityto the.
  9. Finished in x remain unchanged, for example: latex - latex; the chest - the chests.

3. Degree flexion

The degree is related to the size of things and beings. Are classified into augmentative degree and diminutive degree, being constituted through two processes:

  1. Analytical: addition of another word, for example: boy great, boy little.
  2. Synthetic: addition of suffix, for example: boy - girlbaby (diminutive); girlto the (augmentative).

Simple x Compound Nouns

Compound nouns, unlike simple nouns, are those made up of two or more words.

Examples: wardrobe, umbrella, etc.

Classification of Nouns

In addition to being simple, the noun can be:

  1. compound
  2. ordinary
  3. own
  4. concrete
  5. abstract
  6. primitive
  7. derivative
  8. collective

Read too:

  • nouns
  • classification of nouns
  • Simple and compound noun (with many examples)
  • Exercises: Simple and Compound Nouns
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