90 super hard tongue twisters

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Lock languages they are a kind of parlenda, a play on words that is part of popular literature. The tongue twister is a difficult phrase to recite due to the similar sound of its syllables.

see below 90 super hard tongue twisters. Try to say it quickly and without getting stuck!

tongue twister
  1. In a nest of mobsters there are seven mobsters. When the swindler gafas, the seven scumbags bluster.
  2. Bring three plates of wheat for three sad tigers to eat.
  3. The spider scratches the frog. The frog scratches the spider. Not even the spider scratches the frog. Not even the frog scratches the spider.
  4. Time asked the time how long the time has, time responded to the time that time has as long as time has.
  5. If you got it, you got it. If you didn't understand, make sure you understand so that I understand that you understand. Did you get it?
  6. The Mouse has gnawed at the rich clothing of the King of Rome! The angry queen tore up the rest and then decided to patch it up!
  7. In rapid abduction, a swift rat kidnapped three rats without leaving a trace.
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  9. The thrush did not know that the sage knew that the thrush did not know how to whistle.
  10. Knowing what I know and knowing what you know and what you don't know and what we don't know, we will both know if we are wise, wise, or simply know if we are knowers.
  11. Look at the frog in the bag. The bag with the frog inside. The frog chatting and the chat releasing the wind.
  12. Iara grabs and ties the rare Araraquara macaw.
  13. Speak up, blonde macaw. The blond macaw will speak.
  14. Who the paca dear buys, paca dear will pay.
  15. White catfish, white catfish.
  16. The silly nanny drank the baby's milk.
  17. The bearded woman has a silly beard and a silly beard all ruffled!
  18. What does Cacá want? Persimmon wants persimmon. Which persimmon does Cacá want? Cacá wants any persimmon.
  19. No more dirty wax smell.
  20. We conclude that we reached the conclusion that we didn't complete anything. Therefore, it is concluded that the conclusion will be completed, when all have concluded that it is time to complete a conclusion.
  21. A nest of ticks, full of little ticks, what good ticker will tick it off?
  22. Who was Hera? Hera was the wife of Zeus.
  23. The desinquivincacador of the caravel houses would desinquivincavaca the cavities that should be cleared.
  24. The candy asked the candy which candy is sweeter than the sweet potato candy. The candy responded to the candy that the sweetest candy than the sweet potato candy is the sweet potato candy.
  25. The Bishop of Constantinople is a good deconstantinopolitanizer. Whoever deconstantinopolitanizes him will be a good deconstantinopolitanizer.
  26. This house is tiled, who will untile it? The delaler. The detaler who untalers it, a good detaler he will be!
  27. The original is not de-original! The original is not de-original! The original is not de-original! If we deoriginalized it, it wouldn't be original!
  28. Thread, thread by thread, fine thread, cold to cold.
  29. If Faria beat Faria what would Faria do to Faria?
  30. Farofa made with a lot of fluffy flour makes an ugly gossip.
  31. I don't know if it's fact or tape. I don't know if it's tape or fact. The fact is, you stare at me and actually stare.
  32. The giant Egyptian cobra acts and reacts today, now.
  33. Hidden cat with an outside tail is more hidden than a hidden tail with an outside cat.
  34. Here comes old Felix with the old bellows on his back.
  35. One lemon, a thousand lemons, a million lemons.
  36. In the distance, dogs howl eerily at the moon.
  37. If the league called me, I also called the league. But the league doesn't call me, I don't call the league either.
  38. Maria-Mole is soft. If it's not soft, it's not Maria-Mole. It is a malleable thing, neither suitcase nor spring, neither Maria nor soft.
  39. The spotted cow was wetted by another wet spotted cow.
  40. Naturists are naturally natural by nature.
  41. The priest has little cape, because he buys little cape.
  42. A brown sparrow is chattering next to that slat.
  43. The main principle of the prince began mainly in the princely principle of the princess.
  44. The sink near the dick, the dick near the sink. The more the sink drips, the more the dick sinks. The sink drips, the dick sinks. Drip the sink, sink the dick. The chick by the sink, the sink by the chick.
  45. There are four frames three and three frames four. Four of these frames are square, one of frames four and three of frames three. The three frames that are not square are two of frames four and one of frames three.
  46. Do not confuse platypus with otolaryngologist, platypus with ornithologist, ornithologist with an otolaryngologist, because a platypus is a platypus, an ornithologist, an ornithologist, and an otolaryngologist is otolaryngologist.
  47. Black stump, fresh pork, curly body.
  48. If Pedro is black, Pedro's chest is black and Pedro's instep is also black.
  49. Peter drove a nail into the black door.
  50. Paulo Pereira Pinto Peixoto, poor Portuguese painter, paints perfectly, doors, walls and sinks, for a small price, boss.
  51. Mason from the cathedral, is Father Pedro here? – Which Father Pedro? – Father Pedro Pires Pisco Pascoal. – Here in the cathedral there are three priests Pedros Pires Piscos Pascoais as in other cathedrals.
  52. If the pope popped the pope, if the pope popped bread, if the pope popped everything, he would be a bogeyman.
  53. They said that on my street there is a cobblestone made of parallelograms. Six parallelograms have a parallelepiped. A thousand cobblestones have a cobblestone road. A parallelepipedway has a thousand parallelograms. So is a parallelepipedway a parallelogramland?
  54. The cobblestone street is all cobbled.
  55. The watchmaker Borges had ruminated by gnawing pomegranate root shavings.
  56. Dirty ceiling, dirty floor.
  57. Life is a successive succession of successive successions, without success succeeding.
  58. I went hunting punch, punched punch alone, punched punch in the bag punching with one punch.
  59. Free thick grease box.
  60. Weaver weaves the fabric in seven silks of Zion. It has been the silk woven in the weaver's fortune.
  61. A set of locks locked Tancredo.
  62. If everyone goes to everyone's house, it's because everyone wants everyone to go there. Because if each one wasn't each one's house, it's because each one didn't want each one to go there.
  63. There is one armadillo, with seven armadillo pebinha. Whoever disturbs her, will be a good disturber.
  64. Behind the crooked door is a dead nut.
  65. To hear the ticking, ticking, ticking. After a tick is played, a tock is played.
  66. If the shuttle came and went, it came and went, but as it comes and goes, it doesn't come and go.
  67. His Veiga eats oats and bread and butter.
  68. Dirty house dirty floor. Dirty floor, dirty house.
  69. Brito had a crush of diamonds, playing with a crusher.
  70. Luzia shined the striped chandelier, the striped chandelier glowed.
  71. Catarina sings a song with Carina.
  72. Brown sparrow, why do you always talk? I always chat and I will chat, because I am a brown sparrow. The king's babbler.
  73. With faith, I walk to the Cathedral.
  74. Hello, is the armadillo there? - No, the armadillo is not. But the woman with the armadillo is the same as the armadillo.
  75. The sharp knife was at the bottom of the stove.
  76. Boss Chaves' key is on the keyring.
  77. When I say "I say", I say "I say". I don't say "Diogo". When I say "Diogo", I say "Diogo". I don't say "I say".
  78. Leave the aunt, lizard. Gecko, let go of the aunt.
  79. The agglomeration on the glacial tract glossed the glamorous Englishwoman who glossed the gluttonous gladiator.
  80. The hydra, dryad, and dragon, thieves of the Druid's dromedary, were stoned.
  81. French bottle is cool and cold.
  82. The nosy bee nosed the bees.
  83. The angry goat screams and drools its beard.
  84. The flora of your Floripes sells fabulous flowers.
  85. Bruna's earring shines.
  86. The cat sleeps, the mouse runs and the duck runs away.
  87. The brave lieutenant happily received a gift.
  88. Put your boot in the boat and take the pot out of the boat.
  89. One Tiger two Tigers three tigers.
  90. The cat fled into the woods and caught a tick on the spot.
  91. José gathers jabuticabas in the jar.

Want simpler tongue twisters? Look: Easy and difficult children's tongue twisters to train children's diction

To continue language training: 30 super difficult words and their meanings.

Linguistic importance of tongue twisters

The fact that they have to be said quickly makes the game a child's play that delights adults as well.

However, more than just a joke, tongue twisters are an important element in language development. Not only for children, but also for adults who are learning a foreign language this is an interesting resource.

Thus, Destrava-Línguas (1988) is a book recommended by the National Reading Plan for the 1st year.

It is a collection of tongue twisters and is authored by the Portuguese writer LuisadoubleSoares, which is dedicated to children's literature.


In addition to tongue twisters, legends, jokes and folk songs, popular cultural expression is further enriched with folk language. Among others, this comprises:

  • What is it, what is it: riddles with answers
  • Parlendas of Brazilian Folklore
  • 15 Popular Games That Teach and Kids Love
  • Most Popular Proverbs and Sayings in Brazil
  • Source of popular expressions you need to know
  • Lullabies - Folklore
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