Labor Day, or Labor Day, is celebrated in several countries around the world in May 1st, a day that is a holiday in Brazil and in about 80 other countries.
This commemorative date is dedicated to the conquest of all workers throughout history. So, even though its full name is World Labor Day, many people prefer to use Labor Day, because this is a way to honor workers.
Workers' Day arose out of the workers' strike that took place in Chicago, United States, on May 1, 1886. This episode had as its motto the fight to improve working conditions:
- the reduction of working hours (from 13 hours to 8 hours)
- the increase in wages
- the weekly rest and the vacations
Organized by the American Federation of Labor, this event was attended by thousands of workers who gathered in the city's streets.
Called the Haymarket Revolt (Haymarket Affair), on May 4, 1886, during a confrontation with the police, a bomb exploded resulting in deaths and numerous injuries.

Representation of the Haymarket Uprising in Chicago
Therefore, in 1889, in France, the Labor Day was instituted in honor of people who lost their lives fighting for their rights, who became known as the “
martyrs of may”.Labor Day in the United States
In the United States of America (USA) - country where the movement for the struggle for labor rights was unleashed - Labor Day (Labor Day) is celebrated in the first monday in september.
This reveals the attempt not to mark the date with the sad memory left by people who died in May 1886 in Chicago. However, others claim that the reason was to move away from the celebration's association with the leftist movement, which boosted union struggles.
Labor Day in Brazil
In Brazil, Labor Day was instituted in the government of Artur Bernardes, in 1925. Before that, in 1917, a general strike took place in São Paulo.
Workers and merchants in the city remained on strike for days, due to the precarious working conditions. Among what they claimed were:
- the salary increase;
- the reduction of working hours;
- the prohibition of child labor;
- the prohibition of female work at night.
During the months of June and July 1917 other workers joined the movement. As a result, conditions improved and part of the claims were met. Thus, workers achieved, among other things, a 20% salary increase.
During the Vargas era, one more step was taken towards these improvements. On May 1, 1940, Getúlio Vargas instituted the minimum wage in the country and, on the same day, in 1941, the date was used to mark the creation of the Labor Court.
On May 1, 1943, the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) in the country was announced. For this reason, when there is an increase in the minimum wage, it is usually carried out on this date.
Read too: May commemorative dates