Vertebrate and invertebrate animals

Animals have characteristics to differentiate one from the other. One of these features may be the presence of bones.

You vertebrate animals are those that have bones, forming the spine and skeleton. This structure helps protect the organs and allows these animals to grow larger.

They are divided into five groups: fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals.

You invertebrate animals they don't have bones. Some species have a soft body, others have a rigid external structure that helps support the body.

They can be classified according to where they live, ie terrestrial or aquatic.

Do you want to know examples of vertebrate and invertebrate animals? Read the text below and find out which animals are these.

What are vertebrate animals?


Fish are vertebrate animals that live in water.

Fish are aquatic vertebrate animals that have their skin covered with scales. They also have the ability to breathe underwater.

ExamplesAttractions: shark, sardines, clownfish and seahorse.


kids reptiles
Reptiles are terrestrial vertebrate animals and many of them are born from eggs

Reptiles are vertebrate animals that can have their skin covered with scales or a carapace. Most reptiles are terrestrial and egg-born animals.

Examples: snake, alligator, turtle and iguana.


kids amphibians
Amphibians are vertebrate animals that are born in water and thrive on land.

Amphibians are vertebrate animals that have smooth, moist skin, so they live close to places with water, such as rivers, lakes and the sea. A characteristic of amphibians is that they are born in water and thrive on land.

Examples: toad, frog, tree frog, salamander and blind snake.


kids birds
Birds are vertebrate animals that have feathers and the ability to fly.

Birds are vertebrate animals that are born from eggs. They have a body covered with feathers, in addition to feet, beak and wings.

ExamplesAttractions: chicken, hummingbird, macaw, penguin and parrot.


kids mammals
Mammals are aquatic or terrestrial vertebrate animals

Mammals are vertebrate animals that, when offspring, feed on their mothers' milk. They can be aquatic or terrestrial.

Examples of aquatic mammals: whale and dolphin.

Examples of terrestrial mammals: cat, dog, monkey, horse and lion.

What are invertebrate animals?

terrestrial invertebrate animals

terrestrial invertebrates
Terrestrial invertebrates live in a dry environment

Terrestrial invertebrates are animals that spend most of their lives in dry soil and wetland environments.

Examples: Bee, ant, mosquito, spider, scorpion, snake lice, slug, snail, roundworm and earthworm.

aquatic invertebrate animals

aquatic invertebrates
Aquatic invertebrates can be fresh or salt water

Aquatic invertebrates are animals that can be found all over the world, both in fresh water, such as rivers and lakes, and in salt water, such as seas and oceans.

ExamplesAttractions: crustaceans, jellyfish, octopus, coral, starfish, lobsters, anemones and dragonfly.

Activities on vertebrate and invertebrate animals

1. Complete the comics with vertebrate and invertebrate animals

vertebrate and invertebrate animals activity
Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals - Answer Activity

2. Fill in the crossword below indicating the name of the vertebrate animals according to the characteristics presented.

Vertebrate and invertebrate animal activity
Vertebrate and invertebrate animal activities-responses

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