Neo-Nazism: The Influence of Nazism Today

O neo-Nazism (from the Latin, “neo” means new) is a contemporary movement inspired by Nazi ideals.

It started to appear in the late 70s in different parts of the world.

In other words, neo-Nazism is the resumption of Nazism through the racist manifestation of violent groups.

Neo-Nazism: The Influence of Nazism Today

It is worth remembering that in many countries, it is prohibited to commit crimes of a Nazi nature (crime of Nazi apology) and intolerance is the main factor in the development of these groups. These are formed above all by young people, the so-called “neo-Nazis” or “neo-Nazis”.

Currently, with the expansion of the computer age, it is possible to find xenophobic and neo-Nazi-inspired groups on social networks.

Although they are markedly inspired by the Nazi movement, many neo-Nazis do not consider themselves racist. Sometimes they make speeches against Nazism, thus preaching the independence of the movement.

Still, many groups believe that the burnt offering, the mass genocide that killed about 6 million Jews, is an exaggerated number. As such, they try to minimize the impact of the horrors the Nazis caused.


Neo-Nazism: The Influence of Nazism TodayNazi Flag and Swastika

O Nazism it was a political-ideological movement that emerged in Germany in 1933 and ended in 1945, with the end of World War II.

Adolf Hitler, inspired by fascist ideas, was the main figure of Nazism. Driven by nationalist and racist ideals, he persecuted the Jews (anti-Semitism) in the holocaust. According to him, the Aryan race was the purest and, therefore, superior to the others.

Neonazism in Brazil

Neo-Nazi movements began to emerge in Brazil in the 1980s. Based on the ideals of racial and ethnic segregation, neo-Nazism reinforces racism in the country.

According to Law No. 7716, of January 5, 1989, which “Defines crimes resulting from racial or color prejudice”, Nazism is mentioned in Article 20:

Art. 20. Practicing, inducing or inciting discrimination or prejudice based on race, color, ethnicity, religion or national origin.
Penalty: one to three years imprisonment and fine.
§ 1 Manufacture, commercialize, distribute or transmit symbols, emblems, ornaments, badges or advertisements that use the swastika or swastika, for purposes of publicizing Nazism.
Penalty: two to five years' imprisonment and fine

Although the main focus is on ethnic differences, neo-Nazi groups pursue groups minority groups such as gays, transsexuals, foreigners, women, communists, Indians, Northeasterners, among others.

The largest numbers of neo-Nazi groups in Brazil are composed of white youth, and mostly men with higher education. They are concentrated in the southern region of the country (Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Santa Catarina).

In addition to it, it has grown a lot in recent decades in the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo and the Federal District.

The main neo-Nazi groups in Brazil are:

  • bald
  • skinheads
  • Neuland

Neo-Nazism in the World

In Europe, several neo-Nazi groups emerged from the 70's and currently, with the economic crisis, this number has grown exponentially.

In Germany, the scene of Nazi atrocities, the presence of neo-Nazi groups is still notorious. They faithfully believe in the ideals implemented and disseminated by Hitler, above all, in the superiority of the Aryan race.

The National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) is a Nazi-inspired political party with a conservative, nationalist and radical ideology. It was founded in 1964, although actions of a Nazi character are currently prohibited in the country.

In England, the National Front is a political party founded in 1970, formed by white members who are associated with other neo-Nazi movements around the world.

Other European countries such as Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, Ukraine, Greece and Latvia have large neo-Nazi, racist and xenophobic groups.

In the United States, neo-Nazi movements have been expanding more and more.

In fact, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), an organization of protestants who support white supremacy, which emerged in the 19th century, is one of the most notorious racist groups in the country.

However, he is not characterized as a neo-Nazi as he emerged long before Nazism came to power in Germany.

Since in the United States the apology for Nazism is not considered a crime, there are several groups of Nazi inspirations spread across the country: White Aryan Resistance-WAR, Aryan Nations,Stormfront, Skynheads, etc.

Many of these groups, in addition to persecuting and being violent towards blacks and homosexuals, they also persecute the country's immigrants. These are considered the great rivals and the biggest cause of social problems.


Like neo-nazism, neo-fascism is a contemporary movement that brings together groups from different parts of the world inspired by the ideals of fascism Italian.

See also about the integralism

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