Irregular verbs in Spanish (los irregular verbs)

Irregular verbs are those that do not follow the same conjugation model according to a given tense and mood, and undergo changes both in their radical and in their ending.

As in the Portuguese language, this is also what differentiates irregular and regular verbs in Spanish.

The stem of a verb is everything that comes before the termination of its form in the infinitive.

in the verb judging, for example, "jug-" is the stem and "-ar" is the ending.

In Spanish, as well as in Portuguese, there are three conjugations:

  • 1st conjugation: ending "-ar"
  • 2nd conjugation: ending “-er”
  • 3rd conjugation: ending "-ir"

Check out the explanations below and learn more about Spanish verb conjugation.

1st conjugation: verbs ending in "-ar"

Example of 1st conjugation regular verb: judging (to play; to play).

jugar verb
Indicative mode


yo game
you juegas/jugas
used juega
he/she plays
nosotros/nosotras jugamos
you/you jugais
they/they juegan

Past Imperfect or Copreterite

yo jugaba
you jugabas
usted jugaba
he/she jugaba
nosotros/nosotras jugábamos
you/you jugabals
ustedes jugaban
they/they jugaban

Simple Conditional or Postpreterite

yo jugaría
you jugarías
usted jugaría
he/she jugaría
nosotros/nosotras jugarias
you/you jugaríais
ustedes jugarian
they/they jugarían

Past tense Perfecto Simple or Past

yo jugue
you tried
usted yoke
he/she jugo
nosotros/nosotras jugamos
you/you jugastile
ustedes jugaron
they/they jugaron

simple future or Future

yo jugaré
you will play
usted jugara
he/she will judge
nosotros/nosotras we will play
you/you jugaréis
ustedes jugaran
they/they jugarán

Subjunctive Mode


(that) yo play
(that) you play
(that) usted juegue
(that) is he/she play
(that) us/we play
(that) vosotros juguéis
(that) ustedes jueguen
(that) they jueguen

Past Imperfect or Past

(si) yo jugara/jugase
(you) you jugaras/jugases
(si) usted jugara/jugase
(si) is her/her jugara/jugase
(si) nosotros/nosotras jugáramos/jugásemos
(si) vosotros/vosotras jugarais/jugaseis
(si) ustedes jugaran/jugasen
(si) ellos/ellas jugaran/jugasen

Simple Future or Future

(when) yo jugare
(when) you jugares
(when) usted jugare
(when) is she jugare
(when) nosotros/nosotras jugáremos
(when) vosotros/vosotras jugareis
(when) ustedes jugaren
(when) they jugaren

Imperative mode

juega/juga you
play him/her/usted
play him/her
jugad vosotros/vosotras
juguen ustedes
juguen them/they

Non-personal shapes
Infinitive judging
Gerund judging
Participle yoke

Other irregular verbs in the 1st conjugation:

List of Irregular Spanish Verbs
to hit
hang up
to give
drop off
to withdraw
to exchange

2nd conjugation: verbs ending in "-er"

Example of 2nd conjugation regular verb: to see

verb see
Indicative mode


yo video
You see
usted see
he/she sees
nosotros/nosotras we see
vosotros/vosotras ables
ustedes come
they come

Past Imperfect or Copreterite

yo come/bias
you will come/bias
usted viera/biase
he/she came/biase
nosotros/nosotras we came/biased
you/you come/biases
ustedes viesen
hello/they viesen

Simple Conditional or Postpreterite

you would see
you would see
usted would see
he/she would see
nosotros/nosotras we would see
vosotros/vosotras veriais
ustedes will see
they will see

Past tense Perfecto Simple or Past

I saw
you saw
usted vio
he/she came
nosotros/nosotras we saw
you/you seen
ustedes vieron
they come on

Simple Future or Future

yo veré
you will see
usted will see
he/she will see
nosotros/nosotras we will see
vosotros/vosotras veréis
you will see
they will see

Subjunctive Mode


(that) you see
(that) you see
(that) usted seea
(that) he/she sees
(that) we see
(that) veal vosotros/veals
(that) ustedes vean
(that) they see

Past Imperfect or Past

(if) yo viera/biase
(if) you will come/bias
(si) usted vieras/biase
(if) is/she will come/biase
(si) nosotros/nosotras we came/biased
(si) vosotros/vosotras viais/biases
(si) ustedes vieran/viesen
(si) ellos/ellas vieran/viesen

Simple Future or Future

(when) yo comere
(when) you come
(when) usted come
(when) he/she comes
(when) nosotros/nosotras will come
(when) vosotros/vosotras you will come
(when) ustedes vieren
(when) they come

Imperative mode

see you
see usted
see her
see vosotros/vosotras
vean ustedes
see you

Non-personal shapes
Infinitive to see
Gerund coming
Participle visa

Now that you know what verb conjugation is like in Spanish, get to know other irregular verbs ending in -er:

Other irregular verbs in the 2nd conjugation:

List of Irregular Spanish Verbs
  • fit
  • fall
  • scratch
  • get to know
  • to understand
  • know
  • do
  • to read
  • mete
  • be born
  • oler
  • placer
  • power
  • poner
  • protect
  • to want
  • gnaw
  • to know
  • satisfy
  • to be
  • tener
  • to bring
  • worth
  • to thank

3rd conjugation: verbs ending in "-ir"

Example of 2nd conjugation regular verb: decide (to say)

decide verb
Indicative mode


I say
your dices/decises
usted dice
he/she says
nosotras/nosotras tenths
you/you decis
ustedes dicen
hellos dicen

Past Imperfect or Copreterite

yo decia
you decide
usted decia
he/she decided
nosotros/nosotras we decided
you/you decial
ustedes decian
they decided

Simple Conditional or Postpreterite

yo would say
you would say
usted would say
he/she would say
we would say
daily vosotros/vosotras
they would say

Past tense Perfecto Simple or Past

yo say
you said
usted dijo
he/she says
nosotros/nosotras dijimos
you/you dijisteis
ustedes dijeron
they said

Simple Future or Future

yo dire
you will say
usted will say
he/she will say
us/we will say
vosotros/vosotras direls
they will say

Subjunctive Mode


(what) yo say
(what) you say
(that) usted say
(what) she says
(that) nosotros/nosotras let's say
(that) you say
(that) ustedes say
(that) they say

Past Imperfect or Past

(si) yo dijera/dijese
(si) you dijeras/dijeses
(si) usted dijera/dijese
(si) he/she dijera/dijese
(si) nosotros/nosotras dijéramos/dijésemos
(si) vosotros/vosotras dijerais/dijeseis
(si) ustedes dijeran/dijesen
(si) ellos/ellas dijeran/dijesen

Simple Future or Future

(when) yo dijere
(when) you say
(when) usted dijere
(when) he/she directs
(cuando) nosotros/nosotras dijéremos
(when) vosotros/vosotras dijereis/dijeren
(when) ustedes dijeren
(when) they dijeren

Imperative mode

di/deci you
say usted
say he/she
decide vosotros/vosotras
dian ustedes
tell them

Non-personal shapes
Infinitive decide
Gerund diciendo
Participle dicho

IMPORTANT: the nomenclature Indefinite Past has already been presented by RAE, but was renamed Past tense Perfecto Simple.

Other irregular verbs in the 3rd conjugation:

List of Irregular Spanish Verbs
to drive
to sleep
lift up


get out

Irregular Participle in Spanish

The verbs in the participle can be used as an adjective or in the formation of compound verbs.


  • I am tired out de hablar siempre de lo mismo. (I'm tired of talking about it all the time.) - tired out is the participle of the verb tire and, in the sentence, it has the function of an adjective.
  • this game me there istired out. (This game tired me out.) - ha tired is a compound verb.

In the Spanish language, as well as in Portuguese, the participles can be regular or irregular.

Regular participles maintain a pattern:

  • 1st conjugation verbs have the participle ending in -ado;
  • 2nd conjugation verbs have the participle ending in -ido;
  • 3rd conjugation verbs have the participle ending in -ido;


  • Verb: hablar > regular participle: hablado
  • Verb: eat > regular participle: eaten
  • Verb: depart > regular participle: departed

Irregular participles change their endings and, despite not following any model, they can be grouped into some more frequent endings. Are they: -to, -çho and -so.

Below is a list of regular and irregular Spanish verbs and their respective participles.

Verb Participle
  • support
  • contest
  • decide
  • to decorate
  • wait
  • Open
  • cover
  • decide
  • scribe
  • do
  • die
  • poner
  • break up
  • to see
  • back
  • Regular participle: supported
  • Regular participle: contested
  • Regular participle: decided
  • Regular participle: decorated
  • Regular participle: expected
  • Irregular participle: open
  • Irregular participle: cubierto
  • Irregular participle: dicho
  • Irregular participle: written
  • Irregular participle: hecho
  • Irregular participle: dead
  • Irregular participle: puesto
  • Irregular participle: broken
  • Irregular participle: visa
  • Irregular participle: veil


Now that you've seen the Spanish verb tables, watch the video below and see how to do the conjugation of some irregular verbs in the present tense in Spanish (verbs close [close], serve [serve] and choose [to choose]).

Spanish Class - Irregular Verbs I en Present +Español


Do the exercises below and test your knowledge of Spanish verbs.

1. Yo (elect) __________ esos books.

a) elected
b) elections
c) elect
d) elected

Correct alternative: a) elected

Note that the subject of the sentence is “yo” (I), first person singular.

The only alternative that has a first-person verb form is alternative a).

See below which verbal people the other alternatives correspond to:

b) election: you
c) elegieren: ellos/ellas/ustedes
d) elected: vosotros/vosotras

2. In the hostel (serve) __________ the almuerzo a las candy.

a) serve
b) service
c) servings
d) sirvan

Correct alternative: a) serve

Note that the sentence above refers to an action that takes place in the present.

Therefore, alternatives b) and c) are discarded because:

b) sirvió: verb form of the Past Perfecto Simple (Indicative).
c) serviels: Verb form of the Simple Future (Indicative).

There remain alternatives a) and d), where a) is a verbal form of the indicative mode and d) is a verbal form of the subjunctive mode.

The subjunctive mode is used to indicate a possibility, an uncertain fact in the present.

In the quoted sentence there is no hint of uncertainty, on the contrary. There is a claim that lunch is served at midday.

Therefore, alternative a) is correct.

3. Ellos (to think) __________ siempre en ti.

a) floor
b) piensan
c) think
d) would think

Correct alternative: b) piensan

The subject of the sentence is “ellos” (they), so the verb to complete the sentence must be conjugated in the third person plural.

For this reason, alternative b) is the only correct option.

Learn more about the verbal person to which the other alternatives correspond:

a) pienso: yo
c) thinkels: vosotros/vosotras
d) would think: yo

4. You (to dream) __________ with a better world.

a) soñaba
b) sonaré
c) swine
d) suenas

Correct alternative: d) sueñas

The subject of the sentence is “tú”, so the verb to complete the sentence must be conjugated in the second person singular.

For this reason, alternative d) is the only correct option.

Learn more about the verbal person to which the other alternatives correspond:

a) soñaba: yo/él/ella/usted
b) sonaré: yo
c) sueno: yo

5. Yo no (know) __________ Barcelona.

a) with you
b) know
c) with you
d) get to know

Correct alternative: c) with us

The subject of the sentence is “yo” (eu), so the verb to complete the sentence must be conjugated in the first person singular.

For this reason, alternative c) is the only correct option.

Learn more about the verbal person to which the other alternatives correspond:

a) with: he/she/usted
b) know: you
d) know: yo/usted/él/ella

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