Corruption in Brazil: how to write an essay on the topic

Corruption in Brazil is nothing new and is perhaps one of the biggest problems affecting the population's well-being.

There has long been talk of embezzlement of public funds, corruption of politicians, money laundering, payment of bribes, abuse of power, among others.

These themes, because they are very current, especially because of the Lava Jato and Odebrecht schemes that have recently taken place in Brazil, attract everyone's attention.

protest against corruption
Protest against corruption in the country

Thus, to study for the entrance exam and/or Enem, it is very important to be aware of current affairs. That's because they can be charged both in tests and in writing.

So, check out the tips on how to write an essay on the topic of “Corruption in Brazil”, step by step.

1. Conceptualization of the Topic

corruption concept

Corruption concept according to the Portuguese online dictionary - Dicio

First of all, the student must reflect on the topic, that is, try to know its concept. So what is Corruption?

Corruption involves interests and advantages used for the benefit of one's own or others. This act of corruption can be carried out through bribery, embezzlement, use of resources for one's own benefit, confidential information, etc.

In the conception of the Brazilian jurist Calil Simão:

Social or state corruption is characterized by the moral inability of citizens to assume commitments aimed at the common good. That is to say, citizens are unable to do things that do not bring them personal gratification.”

2. Research and Data Collection

research and data collection

Research is one of the most important parts of text production

After conceptualizing the theme, it is important to carry out a survey of current information and data with a focus on Brazil.

For this, at this time, the student must analyze the causes, reasons, history, consequences and solutions for corruption in the country.

Reading newspapers and magazines can be good alternatives for collecting current data on the subject.

Car Wash Operation

One of the biggest corruption schemes in the history of Brazil that involved the money laundry and the payment of bribes to many politicians. This operation has been responsible for moving billions of reais since 2014.

It is interesting to note that those involved in Car Wash Operation they are politicians, including the President of the Republic, and also businessmen from companies like Petrobras.

Currently, investigations are ongoing and more than a hundred people have been convicted.

Odebrecht Scheme

The Odebrecht company, which operates in the construction and engineering areas, was involved in corruption cases. We highlight the payment of bribes to several countries where it operates.

In this case, director Marcelo Odebrecht was sentenced in 2016 to almost 20 years in prison. The Odebrecht Group is being investigated for being linked to the corruption schemes of Operation Lava Jato.

Another examples

Many corruption problems in Brazil stem from cases involving politicians, deputies, senators.

Thus, in addition to these two current cases mentioned above, we can also mention: the P scheme. Ç. Farias, the governments of Paulo Maluf and Fernando Collor, the Mensalão, among others.

It is also worth remembering that there are many cases of corruption considered minor. These involve the citizens themselves, such as: tax evasion, bribery of authorities, etc.

Causes of Corruption

  • lack of punishment
  • inspection problems
  • Ineffective, slow and uneven laws

Consequences of Corruption

  • Affects the well-being of citizens
  • Generates several economic problems
  • Increases social inequality and violence

Solutions to end corruption

In addition to thinking about causes and consequences, it is important to reflect on solutions to end or reduce the problem in the country. In this case, we can name a few:

  • Increased inspection
  • Production of efficient and egalitarian laws
  • Punishment for those involved in corruption cases

3. Organization of ideas

draft ideas

Organizing ideas and making a draft are essential for the production of the essay

After collecting the data needed to write the essay, at this point, the student must gather the collected information to create a draft. This part is important for the organization of ideas within the text to start to be shaped.

At this stage, the student can think about the title as well. Remembering here that the "theme" and the "title" are different things.

The theme is the subject, which in this case is corruption in Brazil. The title, on the other hand, is the name that will be given to the text, for example: “The corruption schemes in Brazil”.

See too: Writing themes for Enem

4. Text Production

text production

The production of the text must be organized and follow the basic textual structure

Following the basic structure of the texts, the student must divide the draft into parts: the introduction, development and conclusion.

At introduction, a summary of what will be written throughout the text is presented. At this point, the main information should be pointed out, so that the reader understands the subject that will be discussed.

already in the development, the student must gather the most relevant and up-to-date data on the subject and point out the causes and consequences. Here, coherent argument construction is essential.

At conclusion, the student makes an overview of the information that was presented, and also explores some solutions for the proposed theme. In this part of the text, it's important to be creative.

Note: Remember that text is not a tangle of sentences. It must be clear, cohesive and coherent. Therefore, if you are in doubt about any information or word, it is better to consult.

Summary and final tips

In order for the writing to be carried out in a coherent and cohesive way, the student must not run away from the topic.

Many contests, entrance exams and Enem offer support texts that should be read carefully.

Thus, after reading these texts, the draft should be done according to what was proposed and taking into account your knowledge on the subject.

Another important point is to focus on the type of text. The most requested in the tests is the essay-argumentative, where the student puts their own opinions, without using the first person singular (I).

Therefore, the text must be written in the third person singular or plural (he, they) and respecting the grammatical rules.

Don't stop here! There are more texts for you:

  • How to do good writing - step by step
  • The 16 biggest writing mistakes made by students
  • What NOT to do when writing Enem
  • Domestic Violence: Step-by-Step to Good Writing
  • Urban mobility: the steps for an Enem grade 1000 essay
  • Writing on Racism: how to make the best text?
  • Linguistic Prejudice: How to Write Grade 1000
  • Text production: how to start?
  • Writing Tips
  • Updates in Enem and Vestibular
  • Quotes from philosophers to help with the writing of the Enem

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