Non-governmental organization (NGO) is a non-profit private institution whose objective is to work in areas where the government does not reach.
NGOs promote their activities through volunteering and are found in sectors such as public policy, environmental protection, health, education, etc.
What is Ong?
The expression Non-Governmental Organization was first used in 1950. The United Nations (UN) used it to define civil organizations that had no ties to the government.
The NGOs carry out work in the areas of education, health, social assistance and human rights. In addition, they can put pressure on the government to obtain improvements in the provision of services offered to society, both at the local, state, national and international levels.
They are part of the Third Sector of society, that is, while the First Sector is the government and the Second Sector is private companies, the Third Sector is private institutions. Not for profit, this sector is intended to generate public order services.
NGOs seek financial support from various sources, including: individuals, private companies, foundations and government entities.
Its main objective is to promote actions in the most diverse fields of knowledge for the most vulnerable sectors of society.
How to create an NGO?
In Brazil, an NGO must have a statute registered in a registry office, CNPJ and state registration to function legally. This makes it possible to raise funds, open a bank account, etc.
A legal and reputable NGO can complement the work of the government and receive donations from private entities and the State itself.
The NGOs develop their work with hired employees and mainly with volunteers (with no. at least 18 years of age), who undertake to dedicate part of their time to the activities of the Organization.
Examples of NGOs
In Brazil, there are several NGOs working in various fields, notably with the poorest population, where the public power does not reach.
According to the ranking carried out by "Global Journal", two Brazilian NGOs are part of the TOP 100 in the world, they are: Associação Saúde Criança (ASC) and Viva Rio.
1. Associação Saúde Criança (ASC)
Associação Saúde Criança (ASC), founded in 1991, is a social organization non-profit and without political or religious affiliation.
The main objective of Saúde Criança is to restructure the families of children who are assisted at Hospital Da Lagoa, in Rio de Janeiro.
Acting in the Family Action Plan, it encompasses five important areas: health, professional training, housing, education and citizenship.
2. Viva Rio
Viva Rio, founded in 2006, in Rio de Janeiro, works with the insertion of young people and adolescents at risk in the labor market.
The Organization is responsible for registration, selection and training during the internship at partner companies.

3. greenpeace
In addition, we can mention Greenpeace, a non-governmental organization based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with offices in 40 countries, including Brazil.
It was created in Canada in 1971 by a group of ecologists who worked to defend the environment. It arrived in Brazil in the same year that the country hosted the First Environmental Conference, ECO - 92.
The protest that marked the foundation of the organization in Brazil was a nuclear action in Angra dos Reis, in Rio de Janeiro.
The activists arrived aboard the Rainbow Warrior ship and fixed 800 crosses in the plant yard. The crosses symbolize the death toll in the accident at the Chernobyl power plant in Ukraine.
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- Agenda 21
- Social movements
- Entrepreneurship
- Social Institutions