Differences between Communism and Socialism

Communism and Socialism are similar but not synonymous.

According to socialist theorists, to reach a communist society, it is first necessary to go through the stage of socialism.


Socialism emerged from a critique of capitalism and liberalism made by various thinkers such as Karl Marx, Proudhon, Engels, Saint-Simon, Robert Owen. Most defended the abolition of private property as a way to build a just and egalitarian society.

Gradually these ideas would transform into organized political parties. Some used violent methods to overthrow liberal regimes in the countries where they lived.

Divisions among socialists already existed in the 19th century and deepened during the Russian Revolution in 1917. While Trotsky wanted to spread the socialist revolution all over the world, Stalin he wanted her confined to Russia and its republics.

There are many strands between socialism such as Bolshevik, Maoist, trotky, among others.


  • Socialism
  • scientific socialism
  • utopian socialism
  • Russian revolution


Communism will only be implanting when the means of production and property belong to the State. Thus, this will identify itself in such a way with society that it will cease to exist.

Even individuals will be extremely adapted to the commitment to realize the common good and the happiness of the community that will be free. There will be no social classes because everyone will be equal and will have the same opportunities.

The individual will not be tied to just one profession or specialization: on the contrary, he will be able to exercise several trades.

In other words, communism would be a utopia and what would have been put into practice by different governments was socialism.

know more about Communism.

20th century

However, during the 20th century, communists and socialists differed mainly in terms of their methods of achieving power.

  • Communists believed that they could implement the socialist system through arms;
  • for their part, the socialists defined themselves as reformists and wanted to reach power through the vote, preserving liberal democracy.

However, both had as a common enemy the fascism.

Communist and Socialist Parties in Brazil

In Brazil there are a variety of parties that call themselves communist and socialist. Likewise, there are those who only use some socialist ideas in their government programs, but without wanting to change the current social structure.

Examples of some Brazilian communist and socialist parties:

  • PCB – Brazilian Communist Party
  • PC do B – Communist Party of Brazil
  • PSTU – Socialist Party of Unified Workers
  • PSOL – Socialism and Freedom Party
  • PSB – Brazilian Socialist Party

Read more:

  • Differences between Capitalism and Socialism
  • Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
  • Fascism
  • Chinese Cultural Revolution
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