All about china

China, officially the People's Republic of China since 1949, is oneof thecivilizationsmoreoldofworld. It is also the most populous country and is on the way to becoming the greatest power in the world.

Located in East Asia, China is the largest country on that continent and the third largest in the world, after Russia and Canada.

It borders 15 countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Korea, India, Japan (across the seas), Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam.

The country is bordered by the Pacific Ocean and the Bohai, Huanghai, Donghai and Nanhai seas.

ChinaChina Political Map with Cities, Autonomous Regions and Special Administrative Regions

General data

  • Capital: Beijing (Beijing)
  • Territorial extension: 9,600,005 km²
  • Inhabitants: 1,376,048,943 (2015 data)
  • Climate: Predominates dry and cold climate in winter, and hot and humid in summer
  • Language: Mandarin
  • Religion: Taoism Predominates
  • Currency: Renminbi
  • Political System: Socialism

According to IBGE data, 96.4% of the population over 15 years of age is literate.

In a country where population density is around 135 inhab./km2, a strong policy of controlinbirth. Couples are encouraged to have only 1 child.



The flag of China is red and contains 5 yellow stars. One of these stars, the biggest, represents the Communist Party of China. The remaining stars represent your people.


China has 23 cities. There they are called provinces. Are they:

  • Anhui
  • Fujian
  • Gansu, Guangdong, Guizhou
  • Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan
  • Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin
  • Liaoning
  • Qinghai
  • Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan
  • Taiwan
  • Yunnan
  • Zhejiang

The most populous is Shanghai, with 20 217 700 inhabitants.

in addition to provinces, there is:

  • 5 regionsautonomous: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Tibet Autonomous Region, Nationality Autonomous Region Guangxi, Autonomous Region of the Hui Nationality of Ningxia, Autonomous Region of the Uighur Nationality of Xinjiang
  • 4 countiescentrals: Beijing, Chongqing, Tianjin and Shanghai
  • 2 regionsadministrativespecial: Hong Kong and Macao

China has more than 5,000,000 islands. The biggest one is Taiwan.


the model of planned economy, or centralized, controlled by the State, was changed to economymixed. This happened in 1978 and is the main reason for the success of Chinese economic growth.

Almost 30 years after its implementation, 70% of the Chinese economy is controlled by the private sector.

After years of full growth, China has one of the biggest growing economies in the world. she is part of brics, a group of emerging countries, which includes Brazil and the G20.

The country is the world's largest exporter and producer of coal and uses this material as an energy source.

Regrettably, accidents that happen in the thousands of mines in China represent 80% of deaths in the industrial sector worldwide.

Very cheap labor is the main reason why Chinese products are marketed at very low costs.

That's because people don't want to work in agriculture. They crave a job in industries. For this reason, they are able to earn very low salaries to guarantee this place.

Also read about the APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.

The race for economic growth has led the country to show serious problemsenvironmental. China is one of the most polluted countries in the world.

History of China: Summary

Nineteendynasties assumed power in China. Among them, five were very successful in economic, political and social terms.

They are the Western Han Dynasty (Wenjing reign), Ming Dynasty (Yongxuan reign), Qin Dynasty (Kangxi and Yongzheng reigns) and Tang Dynasty (Zengguan reign).

Learn more at ancient china.

After the abdication of the dowager empress of Guangxu, as a result of a coup, the dynasty comes to an end.

In 1912 the republic in China is established, which never achieved its purpose. During this period there was a great war between China and Japan.

In 1949 the People's Republic of China is proclaimed by the revolutionary Mao Tse-Tung. The country took over the socialist regime and a government program was put into practice.

Learn more about chinese revolution.

Chinese culture

It was the emperor Qin Shi Huangdi (260 - 210 a. C.), whence the name of the country, which promoted the unification of China.

This unification was made from the union of fortifications and served to prevent invasion by other peoples. This work of architecture is known as Great wall of China.

It is 2200 years old and over 20 thousand kilometers long. It is considered a World Heritage Site.

With regard to cooking, “exotic” is the word that perhaps best describes Chinese cuisine. It mixes sweet and savory flavors, hot and cold temperatures. In it, pasta and fried foods predominate.

THE "cultureFromfootsmall" it was an ancient tradition to keep girls' feet very small, no more than 10 cm.

Girls were required to wear shoes that were tight enough to inhibit foot growth. Small feet were considered sexy, which increased their chances of getting married.

THE writing (the oldest system still used), in turn, is a traditional Chinese art. Pictograms and ideograms have at least 60,000 characters.

Most Chinese are either atheists or agnostics. In percentage terms, Taoism represents the largest share among the religions or philosophies followed.

Read more: Chinese culture

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