The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas is the novel that inaugurates Realism in Brazil. It was published in 1881 and is divided into 160 chapters.
Among the various works, it is the prose of Machado de Assis - one of the greatest representatives of Brazilian literature - that stands out the most.
Characters from the Book
- Bras Cubas - It is the "deceased author". Narrator who tells the story - his memories, in fact - after he passed away.
- virgilia - The protagonist's lover chose Lobo Neves as her husband instead of Brás Cubas. She was the daughter of Counselor Dutra.
- Dutra Board Member - Prominent politician and father of Virgília.
- Snow Wolf - Virgília's husband. It became political.
- Sabina - Brás Cubas' sister, married to Cotrim.
- cotrim - Sabina's husband and Nhã-Loló's uncle.
- Nha-Lolo - Cotrim's niece, a suitor Sabina arranged for Brás Cubas. He died of yellow fever when he was 19 years old.
- Luís Dutra - Cousin of Virgília.
- Mrs Placid - Virgília's old maid. She was an alibi for Virgília's adulterous relationship with Brás Cubas.
- Quincas Borba - Philosopher and childhood friend of Brás Cubas, whose full name is Joaquim Borba dos Santos. Become a beggar.
- Marcela - Prostitute and the passion of the youth of Brás Cubas.
- Eugenics - Daughter of D. Eusebia. Manca, she was despised by Brás Cubas.
- D. Eusebia - The friend of the rich family of Brás Cubas. She was poor.
- prudence -He was a slave of Brás Cubas, later becoming the owner of slaves, whom he attacked.
Summary by Chapters
Chapter 1 - Author's Death
The protagonist narrates her death “A bachelor who expires at sixty-four years old” victim of pneumonia or, as he claimed from “a great and useful idea”.
Chapter 2 - The plaster
Brás talks about the plaster - "the invention of a sublime medicine" - the idea that would have led to his death.
Chapter 3 - Genealogy
A “short genealogical sketch”.
Chapter 4 - The fixed idea
With displays of the intellectuality - and irony - of the author, this chapter says that the plaster has become a fixed idea.
Chapter 5 - Where a Lady's Ear appears
Brás Cubas talks about the onset of the disease and the visit he is about to receive: Virgília.
Chapter 6 - Chimène, qui l’ eût dit? Rodrígue, qui l’eût cru?
Virgília visits the already quite ill Brás Cubas. Two days later he returns with his son.
Chapter 7 - The delusion
It narrates an episode of delirium, which ends like this: “a fog covered everything—except the hippopotamus that had brought me there, and which, moreover, began to shrink, shrink, shrink, until it was the size of a cat. It was effectively a cat. I looked at him well; it was my cat Sultan, who was playing at the door of the alcove with a ball of paper…”.
Chapter 8 - Reason against Sandice
It describes a dialogue whose interlocutors are Reason and Sandice (the same as foolishness or madness).
Chapter 9 - Transition
Reflect on your "great sin of youth”-The affair with Virgília and announces the narration about his birth.
Chapter 10 - On that day
He narrates his birth, the reactions of his family, the visits and makes a brief reference to his baptism.
Chapter 11 - The boy is the father of the man
He talks about his childhood antics, the “devil boy”, as well as the education he was given: “In the morning, before porridge, and at night, before bed, I asked God to forgive me, just as I forgave my debtors; but between morning and night it was very evil, and my father, when the excitement had passed, would pat me on the face, and exclaim with laughter: Ah! weeping! oh! weeping!”
Chapter 12 - An Episode from 1814
It narrates what happened to the commemoration promoted by the family as a result of the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.
At that dinner, Dr. Vilaça's attitude made him very angry as Brás (a 9-year-old boy) was left without the dessert he wanted so much.
So, intending to get revenge, he followed the Doctor and caught him kissing Dona Eusébia and spread the word, which caused great indiscretion since the Doctor was married to another lady.
Chapter 13 - A Leap
He talks about his school days, the teacher he hated - Ludgero - and the antics of his childhood friend - Quincas Borba.
Chapter 14 - First Kiss
It tells of the day he steals a kiss from his first love-the prostitute Marcela.
Chapter 15 - Marcela
He recounts the relationship with Marcela, the money spent on rich gifts, a fact that almost impoverishes the family.
Chapter 16 - An Immoral Reflection
Brás reflects on the relationship with Marcela that has cost him dearly, after all Marcela "died of love for a certain Xavier".
Chapter 17 - The trapeze and other things
The rampant spending on Marcela led Brás' father to send him to study in Portugal.
Suddenly, Brás decided to take her with him and, to convince her, once again, buy her “the best jewel in town”.
Chapter 18 - Corridor view
In love, Brás has a vision and narrates it. He ends the chapter saying that three days later he was on his way to Lisbon.
Chapter 19 - On board
Tell us about your trip to Portugal. On board the ship, Brás sees the captain's wife - who was very ill - die.
Chapter 20 - Bachelor's degree
He briefly exposes his feelings about the university, the fact of leaving Marcela-who had stayed in Brazil-and that, despite having studied “very mediocrely”, he would have managed to graduate.
Chapter 21 - The almocreve
He narrates an episode in which a muleteer saves his life, dominating the donkey on which Brás was riding.
Chapter 22 - Back to Rio
Brás receives a letter from his father that saddens him. It said: ““Come, he said in the last letter; if you don't come quickly you will find your mother dead!"”.
Chapter 23 - Sad but short
Brás returns to Brazil just in time to find his mother, with stomach cancer, still alive. Dies. “Sad chapter; let's move on to a happier one.”.
Chapter 24 - Short but cheerful
He talks about a happy hairdresser and says that the university course was not done with dedication "I'm not saying that the university didn't teach me one; but I have memorized only the formulas, the vocabulary, the skeleton.”.
Chapter 25 - In Tijuca
He talks about the life he led on his return to Brazil and the arrival of Dona Eusébia to live in a house next to her family, so she is considering paying her a visit because she was the one to dress her mother after she died.
Chapter 26 - The author hesitates
Brás' father speaks of his desire to try to get him into politics while he intends to marry him to the daughter of a important politician - Councilor Dutra - who had sent condolences to Brás' father on the death of his mom. Her name is Virgília.
Chapter 27 - Virgilia?
After his father told him the bride's name, Bras reminds the reader that this was the woman who years later went to visit him before she died.
Chapter 28 - As long as…
As for the proposal made by his father, Brás puts one condition: “- As long as you are not obliged to accept both; I believe that I can be separately married man or public man…”.
Chapter 29 - The visit
After accepting his father's proposal - politics, as well as marriage - Brás goes to visit D. Eusebia.
Chapter 30 - The Flower of the Bush
While talking to D. Eusébia, Brás meets Eugenia - daughter of D. Eusebia-e tells the nervousness of both when they see a black butterfly-suit that demonstrates her strong superstition.
Chapter 31 - The Black Butterfly
A black butterfly enters Brás' room, which reminds him of the day before.
Chapter 32 - Birth thigh
After much insisting, D. Eusebia convinces Brás to go to her house for dinner. On that day, Brás learns that Eugenia is lame.
Chapter 33 - Blessed are they that do not descend
Eugenia asks Brás not to come down from Tijuca and so he did. On that day, he and Eugenia kiss.
Chapter 34 - To a sensitive soul
Brás reveals to the reader that he doesn't have good intentions with Eugenia because she is lame.
Chapter 35 - The Apricot Path
Eugenia had already realized that Brás did not intend to make any commitment to her due to her defect ""You do well to escape the ridiculousness of marrying me."”
Bras wouldn't admit it, but he knew it was true. So he decides to obey his father and go meet Counselor Dutra.
Chapter 36 - About Boots
Brás returns to the house and relieves him of taking off his tight boots. Finding the father, the father is happy to think that his return means that he can move forward with the pretensions he had for his son.
Chapter 37 - At Last!
The narrator asks the father what he needs to do about his father's desire to make him a deputy. The father replies that it is enough to marry the daughter of Councilor Dutra.
At the Counselor's house, Virgília's father likes Brás and, after talking, introduces his wife and daughter. Brás describes their first look as “pure and simply marital”.
Chapter 38 - The Fourth Edition
Brás was walking around when the glass of the watch falls and he enters the first store he finds in order to fix it.
In the store she sees a lady she doesn't know, although her face calls her attention for the “early old age”. The woman, however, soon recognizes him. It is about Marcela who tells you about her life.
Chapter 39 - The Neighbor
While Brás waits for his watch to be fixed, a man enters with a girl who shows that he is very fond of Marcela-a watchmaker neighbor-as Marcela told Brás after he questioned who she was.
Chapter 40 - In the sege
Brás Cubas reflects on the day's events as he takes a sege and doesn't even notice when he arrives at Counselor Dutra's house.
Chapter 41 - The Hallucination
Virgília is anxious about Brás's delay and, at the moment she looks for excuses for the fact, she has a hallucination: she sees in Virgília the sick and suffering face of Marcela.
Chapter 42 - Who escaped Aristotle
Brás compares the encounter with Marcela with a metaphysical movement of a ball that rolls to one and another ball.
Chapter 43 - Marquise, because I will be Marquis
He narrates how quickly his father's pretensions had been undone as a result of Virgília's choosing Lobo Neves as her fiancé.
Chapter 44 - One Vats!
Cubas' father suffers a great deal of heartache when he is unable to move forward with the pretensions he had for his son. Brás believes that this was the reason for his death four months later.
Chapter 45 - Notes
Sadly, Brás makes references to the funeral: “Sobbing, tears, armed house, black velvet in the portals, a man who came to dress the corpse, another who took the measure of the coffin, coffin, this one, torches, invitations, guests who entered.".
Chapter 46 - Inheritance
Eight days after the father's death, arguments between the sister and the brother-in-law about the inheritance begin. Brás thinks how he and his sister, once so close, were now fighting.
Chapter 47 - The inmate
After his father's death, Brás feels like a recluse, leaving now and then only. He mainly writes articles that he sent for publication and, with that, gains a certain reputation.
Chapter 48 - A cousin of Virgília
Brás introduces the reader to Luís Dutra, Virgília's cousin, with whom he lives. He writes better than Brás, but Brás tries to discourage him into doubting his writing ability.
Chapter 49 - The tip of the nose
He makes an analogy between the success of Dutra's writing and yours with a case of hatters who, despite selling the articles for the same price, there is one that stands out over the other.
Chapter 50 - Virgilia married
Dutra informs Brás that Virgília arrived in São Paulo with her husband Lobo Neves.
Brás narrates the first time he meets her and the following times: at dances and then at Virgília's house in an intimate meeting at the invitation of her husband. These meetings bring them closer together.
Chapter 51 - It's mine!
He says that he finds a gold coin, but sends it to the police so that it can be returned to its owner.
The impetus of possession that he takes over him when he finds the gold coin is similar to the feeling he had for Virgília-who is already his companion in the waltzes.
Chapter 52 - The Mysterious Wrapping
Brás finds a package on the beach and takes it home. It is a package with five contos de réis well folded. These, unlike the gold coin, Bras does not return.
Chapter 53 -... .... . .
He talks about the love that takes care of him and Virgília and the first kiss she gives him.
Chapter 54 - The pendulum
After the kiss, Brás returns home but can't stop thinking about the event.
Chapter 55 - The Old Dialogue of Adam and Eve
"Brás Cubas???
.... .... .
Virgília...... ... BrasCubas...
BrasCubas... !!!
Brás Cubas!!!
Chapter 56 - The opportune moment
Brás remembers that they had already been engaged, they separate without passion and years later they love each other.
Chapter 57 - Destination
He says that fate had brought them together and now they love each other. “ — I love you, it's heaven's will”, Virgília told him.
Chapter 58 - Confidentiality
He talks about Lobo Neves' confidences with Brás-a whom he considers a friend. Lobo Neves regrets not achieving "public glory".
Chapter 59 - A meeting
The narrator finds Quincas Borba - his schoolmate - now a beggar. Brás gives him a five-thousand-réis note and the then colleague is filled with joy.
Chapter 60 - The hug
Quincas Borba hugs Brás thanking him for the money. After his colleague hugs him, as he puts his hands in his pocket, Brás notices that he had stolen his watch at that moment.
Chapter 61 - A project
Cubas has a strong desire to help Quincas Borba and goes looking for him, but he can't find him. He promises himself that he will regenerate you.
Chapter 62 - The pillow
Virgília made Bras forget his problems. Bras compares her to a “divine pillow”.
Chapter 63 - Let's Run!
He reports one of his encounters with Virgília and the idea of running away with her. Lobo Neves arrives at the house and finds him, invites him to dinner, without being suspicious.
For the first time, Brás feels anger toward Virgília, who is quite happy that her husband takes her to the theater that night.
Chapter 64 - The Transaction
The next day Brás goes to meet Virgília and finds her with red eyes because of Brás's contempt the night before dinner. They talk about running again.
Chapter 65 - Scouts and Scouts
He narrates about people who distrust or who bring some disturbance to his romance with Virgília. Baroness X, Viegas - a relative of Virgília - as well as Luís Dutra.
Chapter 66 - The legs
Bras' legs carry him out of Virgília's house. In gratitude, Brás writes this chapter “And you fulfilled your purpose to the letter, lovely legs, which obliges me to immortalize you on this page.”.
Chapter 67 - The little house
Virgília sends Brás a note saying that they distrust both of them, and their relationship was “object of public suspicion”.
Thus, they decided to opt for a small house in which someone Virgília's trust would live.
Chapter 68 - The Rebar
Brás meets Prudencio - a slave whom Brás used to abuse with his childhood games - now free, he has a slave and he abuses him without compassion.
Chapter 69 - A grain of nonsense
He remembers Romualdo, as he used to say, a crazy person he knew ""I am the illustrious Tamerlane," he said. I was once Romualdo, but I got sick, and I took so much tartar, so much tartar, so much tartar, so much tartar, that I became Tartarus, and even King of the Tartars. Tartar has the virtue of making Tartars”.
Chapter 70 - Dona Placida
Dona Plácida is Virgília's trusted lady who had gone to live in the “little house” as they called the place of love encounters.
The lady is disgusted with her status as an accomplice, but she relents.
Chapter 71 - The Snag of the Book
He speaks of the book he writes - this one: "the book is boring, it smells like a sepulcher, it has a certain cadaveric contraction”.
Chapter 72 - The bibliomaniac
Imagine a bibliomaniac many years later finding his book - a unique copy - an acquisition that fills him with contentment.
Chapter 73 - The luncheon
She talks about the snack at the "little house" and the fact that they invited Dona Plácida to sit with them, but she always refused.
Chapter 74 - History of Dona Placida
After a long time, Brás wins the trust of Dona Plácida, who tells him her story.
Chapter 75 - With me
He listens to Dona Plácida's story without giving her any answers. When she leaves, however, he expresses his feelings regarding what he had just heard, which was a reflection on the sad life that this woman led, whose origin had been the lust of her parents.
Chapter 76 - The manure
He feels his conscience regret for having placed Dona Plácida in that condition of an accomplice, and he understands the lady's initial resistance.
Chapter 77 - Interview
Virgília questions why Brás hadn't gone for tea as he had promised. Brás hadn't gone because of his jealousy when he saw her dancing with another man at the baroness' house.
Chapter 78 - The presidency
The meetings between Brás and Virgília were threatened after Lobo Neves announced that he would be president of a province.
Brás wanted Virgília not to accept her husband's project and, threatening him, said: “— I repeat, my happiness is in your hands, I said.”.
Chapter 79 - Commitment
He decides to visit Virgília only at her house with the intention of convincing her about the action to take.
Chapter 80 - Secretary
The solution comes from Lobo Neves who invites Brás to be his secretary “In fact, a president, a president, a secretary, was to solve things in an administrative way.”
Chapter 81 - Reconciliation
Sabina goes to visit Bras and they reconcile.
Chapter 82 - Question of botany
He was happy with the latest developments and begins to spread around the city that he would be provincial secretary. Rumors, however, do emerge.
Chapter 83 - 13
His brother-in-law Cotrim advises Brás not to accept the secretary's invitation on the grounds that this decision was unwise. Brás is thoughtful and sad when he sees the publication of the nomination of Lobo Neves and his.
Virgília, however, announces that they are not going to the province as a result of the nomination decree having the number 13, a number that was fateful for Lobo Neves.
Chapter 84 - The Conflict
It speaks of the superstition and conflict of Lobo Neves, who out of superstition had not accepted the nomination and who was bitter, and even regretted, for having taken that decision.
Chapter 85 - The top of the mountain
After the fear of losing each other, Brás and Virgília live their love more intensely.
Chapter 86 - The Mystery
Reports the attitude of Virgília "a maternal gesture” with Brás, which for him was something mysterious.
Chapter 87 - Geology
He compares the science of geology with the character of Lobo Neves: "there was in Lobo Neves a certain fundamental dignity, a layer of rock, which resisted human commerce. The others, the upper layers, loose earth and sand, took their life, which is a perpetual flood.".
Chapter 88 - The sick
He talks about Viegas' illness - which led to his death - and about Virgília's care.
Chapter 89 - In extremis
Viegas dies in the presence of Virgília, Brás and another "thin guy” with whom I discussed the value of buying the sick person's house.
Chapter 90 - The Old Colloquium of Adam and Cain
Virgília gets angry when she learns that Viegas didn't leave him anything as an inheritance, but Virgília had a bigger concern, the mystery of chapter 86: the child Virgília was expecting.
Chapter 91 - An Extraordinary Letter
He receives a letter from Quincas Borba and, along with it, a watch. Quincas, actually, Joaquim Borba dos Santos speaks of “a new philosophy system”, the result of his studies, which he calls Humanitism.
Chapter 92 - An Extraordinary Man
She meets Damascene-brother-in-law of Cotrim, her sister's husband. He brings Bras a note from his brother-in-law, an invitation to dinner. In a few minutes he tells Bras his life and leaves.
Chapter 93 - Dinner
The dinner was intended to introduce the daughter of Damasceno to Bras. She is called Dona Eulália, affectionately called Nhã-loló.
Chapter 94 - The Secret Cause
Virgília sulks whenever Brás talks about their son and Brás doesn't understand why, apparently it's “fear of childbirth” and the “deprivation of certain habits of elegant life”.
Chapter 95 - Flowers of old
Virgília loses the baby.
Chapter 96 - The anonymous letter
In the presence of Brás, Lobo Neves receives an anonymous letter denouncing his intimacy with his wife.
After Virgília recovers from the loss of the baby, her husband shows her the letter and she denies everything that was written.
Chapter 97 - Between the mouth and the forehead
He describes Virgília's refusal to kiss her forehead.
Chapter 98 - Deleted
He goes to the theater and there he meets Damasceno and his family. That night, Nhã-loló looks prettier to her than the first time she saw her.
Chapter 99 - In the audience
Still at the theater, Brás meets Lobo Neves with whom he talks a lot about “general subjects”. After the next act begins, Bras, absorbed in his thoughts, pays no attention to anything.
Chapter 100 - The Probable Case
Brás informs the reader that four months after this meeting at the Lobo Neves Theater he makes peace with the ministry, after having withdrawn as a result of Decree 13.
Chapter 101 - The Dalmatian Revolution
Virgília tells Brás about the political events in Lobo Neves' life.
Chapter 102 - Rest
“But this same man, who was happy with the departure of the other, practiced from then on... No, I won't tell you on this page; stay this chapter to rest my vexation. A crude, low action, with no possible explanation... I repeat, I will not tell the case on this page.”
Chapter 103 - Distraction
He gets distracted and when he arrives at the “little house” Virgília has already left after crying a lot.
Dona Plácida tells Brás, in the midst of solutions, of Virgília's indignation. Three days later they meet at their usual place.
Chapter 104 - It was him!
When Virgília was leaving, Dona Plácida sees Lobo Neves, Virgília returns and Brás hides while Dona Plácida goes to the window to invite Virgília's husband to come in, he who said he was passing by when he saw the lady and stopped to see her. greet. Virgília says goodbye to Dona Plácida and leaves with her husband.
Chapter 105 - Window Equivalence
Brás wanted to snatch Virgília from her husband, but Dona Plácida stopped him by holding him by the arm.
Chapter 106 - Dangerous Game
Bras and Dona Placida were afraid of what would happen to Virgília at home. So Dona Placida decides to go there.
Chapter 107- Ticket
“There was nothing, but he suspects something; he is very serious and does not speak; now he's out. He only smiled once, at mônho, after looking at him for a long time, frowning. He didn't treat me badly or well. I don't know what will happen; God willing this to pass. Very cautious for now, very cautious.”.
Chapter 108 - What is not understood
He read Virgília's note several times and cannot understand if he felt fear, pity, vanity or love.
Chapter 109 - The Philosopher
He receives a visit from Quincas Borba who wants to explain his philosophy. Brás, worried about Virgília's note, asks him to come back another day.
Chapter 110 - 31
Decree 31 appoints Lobo Neves again president of the province. He accept.
Chapter 111 - The wall
When he arrived at the “little house”, Brás found a note. He thought it was a message left by Virgília, but it was actually an old note that Dona Placida had found.
Chapter 112 - The opinion
He talks about Lobo Neves and what he thought of him. Brás considered that he does not take certain attitudes out of fear of public opinion.
Chapter 113 - The Welding
Brás concludes: “opinion is a good solder of domestic institutions.”.
Chapter 114 - End of a Dialogue
It contains the farewell dialogue between Brás and Virgília. Virgília asks Brás not to forget Dona Placida.
Chapter 115 - Lunch
After saying goodbye, Brás has lunch, unable to explain the sensations caused by Virgília's departure.
It's realistic, not romantic: “I know very well that, in order to tickle his fantasy nerves, he must suffer great despair, shed a few tears, and not eat lunch.”.
Chapter 116 - Philosophy of old leaves
He feels widowed after Virgília leaves. At that time, her canon uncle dies and Venancia - daughter of Cotrim - is born.
Chapter 117 - Humanitism
Quincas Borba explains his philosophy and Brás listens in admiration to his logic, as well as the clarity of Borba's exposition.
“It counts three Humanitas phases: static, prior to all creation; the expansive, beginning of things; the dispersive, the appearance of man; and it will count one more, the contractive, absorption of man and things. The expansion, initiating the universe, suggested to Humanitas the desire to enjoy it, and hence the dispersion, which is no more than the personified multiplication of the original substance.”.
Chapter 118 - The Third Force
Bras couldn't live alone; he wanted "shine” and for that I needed something.
Chapter 119 - Parentheses
He leaves maxims he wrote, such as: “Believe in yourself; but don't always doubt others.”.
Chapter 120 - Compels intrare
Sabina wants to marry her brother and manages to upset Brás with the idea that he is still single and childless, so she goes to talk to her philosopher friend.
Chapter 121 - Downhill
Months had passed since Virgília's departure and with Brás the memory remained, a “black devil”, while Nhã-loló “a pink devil“I was conquering her space.
Brás tells that when he returns from Mass with Damasceno and his daughter, something he often did, they come across with a cockfight and that the girl was embarrassed by the fact that her father joined the spectators.
Chapter 122 - A very fine intention
Nhã-loló was different from her family, she tended to be elegant and polite-and Brás felt that there was an affinity between them, so he wanted to help her: “— There is no remedy, I said to myself, I am going to pluck this flower from this swamp.”.
Chapter 123 - The True Cotrim
He's going to ask his brother-in-law for advice, but he doesn't want to give his opinion about their marriage since it's his niece.
Brás understands and admits to having been unfair for years to his brother-in-law - who now admires the scruples - because of his inheritance.
Chapter 124 - Go Intermediate
This chapter serves as a bridge between the previous and the next, just like the bridge between life and death.
Chapter 125 - Epitaph
Chapter 126 - Desolation
Brás is saddened by Nhã-loló's death from yellow fever. The father is the most inconsolable.
Chapter 127 - Formality
Brás talks about the importance of formality following the formalism that Damasceno expected at his daughter's funeral, which will be attended by very few people.
Chapter 128 - In the chamber
Bras is a deputy, which pleases him very much. He craves, however, the office of minister.
Chapter 129 - No remorse
In the Chamber, Brás listens to Lobo Neves' speech and has no remorse.
Chapter 130 - To merge in chapter 129
Years later, Brás meets Virgília at a ball. They talk a lot.
Chapter 131 - From a slander
Brás speaks of the difference between the discretion of men and women with regard to love affairs.
Chapter 132 - That Is Not Serious
“Quoting the saying of the Queen of Navarre, it occurs to me that among our people, when a person sees another husky person, he usually asks him: "Guys, who killed your puppies?" as if to say: — "who brought him his loves, his secret adventures, etc." But this chapter is not Really.”
Chapter 133 - The Helvetius Principle
He reveals that a naval partner-whom he had met at the ball-is able to tear his relationship with Virgília away from him.
Chapter 134 - Fifty years
That was Bras's age when he meets Virgília again at the ball. Brás meditates on the weather and, at the same time he sees Virgília descend the stairs, he also thinks about her life.
Chapter 135 - Oblivion
It reflects: "Fifty years old! It's not disability yet, but it's no longer freshness.”.
Chapter 136 - Uselessness
"But either I'm very wrong, or I've just written a useless chapter."
Chapter 137 - The shako
It tells how he started his speeches in his life as a deputy. I wanted to question the size of the shako used by the military, which resulted in a “parliamentary disaster”.
Chapter 138 - Critical Aum
He explains to critics that he doesn't feel old, but that he feels the years go by.
Chapter 139 - How I was not Minister of State
Chapter 140 - Which explains the above
He is disillusioned. He cannot reach the post of minister as he loses the seat of deputy.
Chapter 141 - Dogs
He didn't know what to do after losing his deputy post. He talks to Quincas Borba, his fellow vent, and on a walk to cheer him up, encourages him to found a newspaper.
Chapter 142 - The secret request
He receives a letter from Virgília where it says:
“My good friend, Dona Placida is in very bad shape. I ask you to please do something for her; lives in Beco das Escadinhas; see if you can get her into Mercy. Sincere friend of hers,".
Chapter 143 - I won't
Virgília's request bothers Brás, who thinks about not complying. After all, he was thinking about what Dona Placida would have done to the five contos he had given her.
Chapter 144 - Relative Utility
Finally, he decides to help Dona Plácida, because if it weren't for her, he wouldn't have had Virgília's love affairs. He dies a week after arriving at Misericordia.
Chapter 145 - Simple Repetition
The money he had given to Dona Placida had fled just like the postman she had married, pretending to be in love with her.
Chapter 146 - The Program
Brás is enthusiastic about the foundation of the newspaper and shares its development with Borba, which deals with Quincas' Humanitism.
Chapter 147 - The folly
After seeing the news of the publication of Brás Cubas' opposition newspaper, Cotrim advises his brother-in-law not to go ahead with the idea.
Chapter 148 - The Unsolvable Problem
He publishes the newspaper and the next day, Cotrim publishes a statement in other newspapers stating that he did not share his brother-in-law's ideas.
Chapter 149 - Benefit Theory
Despite the criticism, Borba tries to find the benefit brought by Cotrim's publication.
Chapter 150 - Rotation and Translation
He was envious with the news that Lobo Neves would become a minister and does not deny being relieved by his death shortly after.
Chapter 151 - Philosophy of epitaphs
He left Lobo Neves' funeral pretending to read the epitaphs that, for him, concealed the truth about people.
Chapter 152 - Vespasian's Coin
Brás wonders how Virgília could cry so sincerely over her husband's death if she had betrayed him so sincerely for years.
Chapter 153 - The alienist
Considering that his friend may be crazy, Quincas Borba sends an alienist to meet Brás. The alienist, however, concludes that Brás is fine, but he fears that Quincas, however, is not.
Chapter 154 - The ships of Piraeus
The alienist tells Brás about an Athenian maniac, in order to conclude that we all have a bit of madness.
Chapter 155 - Cordial Reflection
He concludes that he must take care of his friend Quincas Borba.
Chapter 156 - Pride of Servitude
He continues to converse with the alienist and disagrees with some of his opinions, especially regarding his pride in serving others.
Chapter 157 - Bright Phase
Brás tells his friend about the distrust of the alienist who thinks Quincas is going crazy.
Thinking that he would lose his friend, Brás reconciles with Cotrim, afraid of being alone. Cotrim invites him to join the Third Order and he accepts. That would have been “the brightest phase of my life”.
Chapter 158 - Two Encounters
While affiliated with the Order, Brás meets Marcela and watches her die at the Hospital da Ordem. On the same day he meets Eugenia when she distributes alms in a tenement.
Chapter 159 - Semi-dementia
Borba had left for Minas Gerais and when he returned he was looking sloppy, just like the first time Bras had met him again. He was insane. He dies at his friend's house.
Chapter 160 - Denials
He remembers everything he wanted to do but didn't, so he gives that name to the last chapter of his biography and ends: "— I had no children, I did not transmit to any creature the legacy of our misery."
Check the entire work by downloading the PDF here: The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas.
Film Posthumous Memories

In 2001 the comedy drama "Posthumous Memories" based on the work of Machado de Assis.
The character Brás Cubas was played by actor Reginaldo Faria, while Virgília, by Viétia Zangrandi.
This feature film was considered the best film, as well as received awards for direction, screenplay, supporting actress and critic, at the Gramado Festival.
Read too:
- Machado de Assis
- Summary and Analysis of Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas
- Realism in Brazil
- Realistic Prose
- Dom Casmurro
- Quincas Borba
- the alienist