Geography of Brazil (3)

Amazonas is the largest state in Brazil. It is located in the North region and its capital is Manaus and the acronym AM. Area: 1,559,148.890 km2 Limits: the State of Amazonas is limited to the north with Roraima...

Brazil is divided into five regions: North, Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South. The 27 states of the federation are grouped in them. The territory of Brazil underwent changes during...

The State of Rio Grande do Sul is located in the southern region of Brazil. The capital is Porto Alegre and the acronym RS. Area: 281,737.947 Limits: Rio Grande do Sul is limited to the south with Uruguay, the...

The Recôncavo Baiano or Recôncavo da Bahia is an area formed by 20 municipalities in the State of Bahia, in the Todos os Santos Bay region. It is about 100 kilometers away from the...

The Mariana Disaster occurred on November 5, 2015 and was the greatest environmental tragedy in the history of Brazil. The accident was caused by the collapse of the Fundão Dam, used to guard the...

Minas Gerais is one of the 27 states in Brazil. It is located in the Southeast region and its capital is Belo Horizonte. It has 853 municipalities, which makes it the Brazilian state with the highest number of...

The Brazilian Age Pyramid is the representation of trends in the Brazilian population. In it we can see a gradual transformation, such as those that occurred in European countries,...

The Uruguay Basin is one of the hydrographic basins in Brazil that is located in the southern region of the country. It receives this name since the most important river that composes it is the Uruguay River, which rises...

Brazil, officially the Federative Republic of Brazil, is a country located in South America. It is considered the 5th country in territorial extension, owner of one of the greatest biodiversity of the...

The Platinum Basin or the Rio da Prata Basin corresponds to one of the great hydrographic region of Brazil. It is located in South America and is formed by the following basins: Paraná Basin Basin...

The State of Bahia is located in the Northeast region of Brazil. The capital is Salvador and the acronym BA. Anyone born in Bahia is called Bahia. The territory of Bahia comprises 564,733,080...

The State of Mato Grosso do Sul is located in the Midwest region of Brazil. The capital is Campo Grande and the acronym MS. Those born in Mato Grosso do Sul are from Mato Grosso do Sul. The 79 municipalities of...

The Planalto da Borborema, also called Serra da Borborema, is a mountain region that is located in northeastern Brazil. Due to its altitude, this geological formation prevents moisture from...

The State of Pará is in the Northern region of Brazil. The capital is Belém and the acronym PA. It is the second largest state in the country in terms of land area and the most populated in the North region. Area:...

Trade Balance is an economic term that defines the difference between a country's exports and imports. Covers all products, goods and services, sold and purchased. The balance...

The fauna of Brazil is probably the one with the greatest diversity in species of vertebrate, amphibian and primate animals on the globe. There are three times as many species of water fish...

The Eastern Northeast Atlantic Hydrographic Basin is one of the 12 hydrographic regions of Brazil. It is formed by several sub-basins (hydrographic units) of which the following stand out: the...

The Southeast Atlantic Hydrographic Basin corresponds to one of the 12 hydrographic regions in Brazil. It is formed by several sub-basins of which the following stand out: Paraíba do Sul Basin,...

The State of São Paulo is located in the Southeast region of Brazil. The capital is São Paulo and the acronym SP. Area: 248,262,199 square kilometers Limits: to the north and northeast with Minas Gerais, the...

The Brazilian central plateau is a large flat and high area (plateau) that is located in several Brazilian states. Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, in Goiás The capital of Brazil,...

The State of Alagoas is located in the Northeast region of Brazil. The capital is Maceió and the acronym AL. The population of the state, according to the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), is...

The South Atlantic Hydrographic Basin corresponds to one of the 12 hydrographic regions in Brazil. It is composed of several sub-basins of which the following stand out: Guaíba Basin, Jacuí Basin,...

The Paraíba do Sul River Basin is one of the hydrographic basins in Brazil. It receives this name since its main river is the Paraíba do Sul, one of the most important in the southeast region. She is...

The Parnaíba Basin is one of the hydrographic basins of Brazil located in the northeast region. It gets its name since the most important river in the basin is the Parnaíba River, which is 1,485 km long,...

The State of Rio de Janeiro is located in the Southeast region. The capital is Rio de Janeiro. Those born in the state are called fluminense. Those who are born in the city are called carioca. The acronym of...

The State of Minas Gerais is located in the Southeast region of Brazil. The capital is Belo Horizonte and the acronym MG. Area: 586,519,727 km2 Limits: Minas Gerais is limited to the north and northeast with Bahia to the east...

The State of Ceará is located in the Northeast region of Brazil. The capital is Fortaleza and the acronym CE. Area: 148.886,308 square kilometers Limits: east with Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba,...

The Western Northeast Atlantic Hydrographic Basin is one of the 12 hydrographic regions of Brazil. It is formed by several sub-basins of which the Gurupi Basin, the Basin of...

The expression “Indústria da Seca” was used for the first time by Antônio Callado (1917-1997), when he wrote “The industrialists of the drought and the "Galileus" of Pernambuco: aspects of the struggle for...

Deforestation in the Amazon is one of the most serious environmental problems in Brazil and it directly affects this biome. Since 2012 it has increased again and the main causes are related...

The East Atlantic Hydrographic Basin corresponds to one of the 12 hydrographic regions in Brazil. It is formed by several sub-basins of which the following stand out: Jequitinhonha Basin,...

The State of Maranhão is located in the Northeast Region of Brazil. The capital is São Luís and the acronym MA. Area: 331.936,948 Boundaries: Maranhão borders the southwest and south with Tocantins, the...

The State of Pernambuco is located in the Northeast region of the country. The capital is Recife and the acronym PE. Area: 98,076,109 km2 Limits: to the north with Paraíba and Ceará, east with the Atlantic Ocean,...

Illiteracy in Brazil affects 7.0% of the population or 11.5 million people (data from 2017). The National Education Plan aims to reach 2024 with a zero illiteracy rate...

Sergipe is one of nine states located in the Northeast region of Brazil. The capital is Aracaju and the acronym SE. Area: 2,242,937 Limits: Sergipe is limited to the south by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south and...

The State of Rio Grande do Norte is located in the Northeast region of Brazil. The capital is Natal and the acronym RN. Area: 52,811,126 Limits: Rio Grande do Norte is limited to the west by Ceará, to the south by...

Serra Pelada was the largest mine in Brazil whose exploration took place mainly from 1980 to 1983. Located in Serra dos Carajás, in Pará, it was a 150 m2 unvegetated hill. Currently, just...

The State of Paraná is located in the southern region of Brazil. The capital is Curitiba and the acronym PR. Area: 199,307.985 Limits: Paraná is limited to the northwest with Mato Grosso do Sul, to the west with the...

The State of Acre is one of the seven located in the Northern region of Brazil. Its capital is Rio Branco and the acronym AC. The population of Acre is 803.5 thousand inhabitants, as estimated by the IBGE (Institute...

The State of Mato Grosso is located in the Center-West region of Brazil. The capital is Cuiabá and the acronym MT. Area: 903,378,292 Limits: to the north with Amazonas and Pará, to the east with Tocantins and...

Test your knowledge of the climate in Brazil with the 10 questions below. Check out the comments after the feedback to get your questions answered. Question 1 Brazil has the most...

Japanese immigration to Brazil began on June 18, 1908 with the arrival of the first Japanese ship, Kasato Maru, in the port of Santos. Background At the end of the 19th century, with the Revolution...

The State of Espírito Santo is located in the Southeast region of Brazil. The capital is Vitória and the acronym ES. Whoever is born in Espírito Santo is called Espirito Santo. The population of Espírito Santo is...

The Federal District (DF) is located in the Midwest region and is one of the 27 federative units in Brazil. Its headquarters is the city of Brasília, the country's capital since 1960. It is a...

Migratory movements in Brazil are characterized by the displacement of Brazilian citizens within the national territory. This phenomenon has occurred in the country since its foundation. After all, the...

Brazil has 3 geoeconomic regions, also called economic macro-regions or regional complexes. They are: the Amazon, the Northeast and the Center-South. This classification was elaborated...

The State of Paraíba is located in the Northeast region of Brazil. The capital is João Pessoa and the acronym PB. Area: 56,469.744 km2 Limits: the State of Paraíba is limited to the south with Pernambuco, the...

Pico da Neblina is the highest mountain in Brazil with approximately 2995 meters of altitude. Located in the north of the country, in the state of Amazonas, more precisely in the municipality of São Gabriel da...

The Brazilian political reform is a set of proposals aimed at improving the electoral system. The goal is to facilitate representation, combat clientelism and the practice of...

In Brazil, there are dozens of different soils spread across the country. However, four predominant types stand out: Massapê, Alluvial, Salmourão and Terra Roxa. Each type of soil has...

Macedonia. Macedonia Data

Macedonia. Macedonia Data

Located in the interior of the mountainous Balkan peninsula, Macedonia borders Serbia (the northw...

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Urban floods. What causes urban flooding?

The frequent floods of cities, such as those that occurred in June 2010 in the municipalities of ...

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Tidal energy. Obtaining electricity through the tides

THE tidal energy, also known as tidal energy, is obtained through the use of energy from the une...

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