History of Brazil (5)

The Confederation of Ecuador (1824) was a revolutionary and emancipationist movement of republican and separatist nature between the royalists and the liberals. Overview The Confederation of Ecuador...

Dilma Vana Rousseff was the 36th President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. She was the first woman to hold the presidency of Brazil and the third head of state in the country. Accused of impropriety...

The region of Sete Povos das Missões resulted from the strategy of the Spanish government for the colonization of the Rio de la Plata region, in Spanish America. Location The regions were formed by...

The "Revolta do Forte de Copacabana" ("The 18 do Forte" or "Revolta dos 18 do Forte de Copacabana") was a political-military movement, considered the first revolt of the tenentist movement. You...

Portuguese navigations began in the 15th century with the conquest of Ceuta and extended throughout the 16th century. This enterprise was responsible for redrawing the map of the known world until...

Parliamentarianism is a political system of English origin in which power is concentrated in Parliaments and which can be used both in Republics and Constitutional Monarchies; Yet,...

Itamar Franco was an engineer, a Brazilian politician, mayor of Juiz de Fora, senator, governor of the State of Minas Gerais and the 33rd president of Brazil (1992 and 1994). His legacy includes the...

Syncretism is characterized by the union of several religions and ideologies that form another. Currently, the most visible syncretism is religious, but the ideological is also present in...

The Vila Rica Revolt is also known as the Filipe dos Santos Revolt, as this is the name of its leader. It was a movement that took place in 1720 that aimed at change...

Sesmarias were abandoned land belonging to Portugal and handed over for occupation, first in Portuguese territory and then in the colony, Brazil, where it lasted from 1530 to 1822. The system...

Periplo Africano is the name of a series of voyages carried out by the Portuguese in the 15th century, initially through the Mediterranean Sea, but above all along the coast of Africa. The goal was to find a...

Floriano Peixoto, known as the “Iron Marshal”, was a military man and the second President of the Republic of Brazil, responsible for consolidating the republican regime. Along with Deodoro da...

Occurred in 1817, in Pernambuco, the Pernambuco Revolution or Revolution of the Fathers, was an emancipationist revolt and one of the most important Brazilian revolutions. Historical Context In...

The Encilhamento was an economic policy implemented by a diplomat and writer, Rui Barbosa, in the period known as the Old Republic. A prominent figure in politics, Rui Barbosa exercised the...

Operation Lava Jato aims to investigate a corruption scheme between businessmen and politicians at Petrobras. The investigation began in 2008 and has convicted 67 people as of March...

Fernando Collor, or simply Collor, is a Brazilian journalist and politician who held the position of 32nd President of the Republic of Brazil from 1990 to 1992. In 2007 he was elected to...

The Aliança Nacional Libertadora (ANL) was a political organization founded by the Communist Party of Brazil in 1935. The Alliance's public manifesto, read in the Chamber of Deputies on the 17th of...

The Revolta or Sedition of Juazeiro, was a popular conflict that occurred in 1914 during the Old Republic (1889-1930) in the city of Juazeiro do Norte, in the interior of Cariri, Ceará. I held the position of...

Manuel de Borba Gato was a pioneer from São Paulo, discoverer of gold and held the position of ordinary judge in Sabará. He participated in the Emboabas War and was the son-in-law of the pioneer Fernão Dias ...

The "Confederação dos Tamoios" represented a conflict of indigenous resistance mainly from the Tupinambás (Tupiniquins, Aimorés and Temiminós), which took place between 1554 and 1567, in the...

The Inquisition in Brazil began in the colonial period. At the time when Brazil was discovered, the movement was taking place - since the 12th century - in France, Italy and Portugal and in...

Deodoro da Fonseca was a military man, politician and the first President of the country through his participation in the republican coup d'état in 1889. In this way, Brazil entered a new regime...

The Society of Jesus or Jesuit Order, is a religious order founded in 1534 and which operates to this day in several countries. Foundation The founder of the Society of Jesus, Inácio de...

The cotton cycle in Brazil represents one of the country's economic cycles, which took place during the 18th and 19th centuries. Summary of the Cotton Cycle One of the factors that propelled the cultivation of...

The Prestes Column or Miguel Costa Prestes Column, represented one of the tenentist movements of a political-military nature, which took place between 1925 and 1927, in the period known as “Old Republic”,...

Costa e Silva was a military man, politician and the 27th President of the Republic of Brazil. He held the position between 1967 and 1969. Biography Artur da Costa e Silva was born on October 3rd...

The Brazilian National Guard was created in August 1831 during the Regency Period. The goal was to have an armed group to counterbalance the army's power and increase the autonomy of...

Ganga Zumba (1638-1678) was the first king of the Quilombo dos Palmares, one of the many colonial-era quilombos in Brazil that served as a shelter for runaway slaves. Biography Ganga Zumba was a son...

The "Colonial Pact", also called "Exclusive Metropolitan Commercial" or "Exclusive Colonial" corresponds to an agreement between the colony and the metropolis, which took place in Brazil during the...

Saci Day is celebrated on October 31, the same day Halloween is celebrated. The date was created in 2003, with the aim of rescuing and valuing the folklore of our country, promoting culture...

Júlio Prestes was one of the elected presidents of Brazil by popular vote during the period of the Old Republic (1889-1930), after the government of Washington Luís. However, he was prevented from exercising the ...

Clientelism is a relationship of exchange of favors between the citizen and the politician. Its origins go back to the Roman Republic and can be found in various spheres of government power. Origin...

The Brazilian National Anthem dates from 1831, while the lyrics were written in 1909. It has music by Francisco Manuel da Silva (1795-1865) and lyrics by Joaquim Osório Duque Estrada (1870-1927). Letter from...

José Sarney, a member of one of the richest families in Maranhão, is the politician with the longest political career in Brazil. Participated in the country's redemocratization process as the 31st...

Emílio Garrastazu Médici was the 28th president of the Republic of Brazil and governed the country between October 30, 1969 and March 15, 1974. The Medici government went down in history as a...

The Anthem to the Flag has lyrics by the poet Olavo Bilac (1865-1918) and was composed by the conductor Francisco Braga (1868-1945). This composition was requested by the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Francisco Pereira...

The Good Neighbor Policy was a US foreign policy for Latin America implemented during the Franklin D government. Roosevelt. This strategy consisted in abandoning the...

Eurico Gaspar Dutra, 14th president of Brazil, ruled the country from 1946-1951 after the deposition of President Getúlio Vargas in a military coup. His government was characterized by persecution...

The "Night of the Garrafadas" represented a revolt that took place in 1831 in Rio de Janeiro, during the period of the Empire Brazil (1822-1889). On one side was the group that supported Dom Pedro I, in a big way...

The creation of the Black Consciousness Day took place in 1971, in Porto Alegre, at the initiative of the Palmares Group. The celebration has been part of the school calendar since 2003 and has been instituted throughout...

The “War of Cisplatina” or “Guerra del Brasil” (as it is known outside Brazil) was an armed confrontation that took place between 1825 and 1828, involving the Empire of Brazil, the United Provinces of...

The Christ the Redeemer is a large monument that is located in Morro do Corcovado, in the Santa Teresa neighborhood, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Inaugurated in 1931, this immense statue represents the image...

Michel Temer was the 37th President of Brazil, from August 31, 2016 until December 31, 2018. Temer took over after the permanent removal of Dilma Rousseff, who was in the process of...

Tancredo de Almeida Neves, Brazilian politician, He was the first elected president after the military coup, which lasted 20 years. Her death generates a lot of controversy. The official version is that it would have been...

Mem de Sá was one of the most important governors general during the colonial period, so he administered the colony for a period of fifteen years (1558 to 1572). Biography Mem de Sá was born in...

The history of Brazil began with the occupation of human beings about 12-20 thousand years ago. In the 16th century, the Portuguese began to colonize these lands and transferred Africans to be...

The Equinoctial France represented the second attempt by the French to settle in Brazil, in the Maranhão region between the years 1612 to 1615. The origin of the name is related to the territory of...

Rodrigues Alves was a Brazilian politician, 5th President of the Republic of Brazil (3rd civil president), who governed the country from 1902 to 1906, in the period called “Old Republic”...

The Anthem of the Independence of Brazil was written by journalist and politician Evaristo da Veiga (1799-1837) in August 1822. His poetry initially received the title of "Constitutional Anthem...

Years of Lead is an expression used to designate the 70s in several countries. This period was characterized by violent attacks carried out by the far left, the far right and the...

Meaning of Fordism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Fordism is a term that refers to the model of mass production of a product, that is, to the syste...

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Feudalism: what it is, characteristics and division of feudal society

Feudalism: what it is, characteristics and division of feudal society

Feudalism was a mode of social, political and cultural organization easement-based, where the rur...

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English Revolution: what was it, background and phases

English Revolution: what was it, background and phases

English Revolution is the name given to a series of conflicts that took place in England between ...

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