When writing, we don't always remember good connections to close the conclusion of an essay with a golden key.
Thinking about it, the All Matter have for you 12 connectives with examples of conclusions from newsrooms that scored a thousand on Enem.
1. Concludes
Synonyms: inferred, inferred, perceived.
It is concluded, then, that combating religious discrimination is of paramount importance to ensure one of the oldest rights to all people and, therefore, their well-being." (Excerpt from the conclusion of the 2016 Enem essay by Jordana Bottin Ecco)
2. Thus
Synonyms: so being, that way, that way.
Thus, an action by the MEC is imperative, which must, through the offer of debates and seminars in schools, guide students to seek information from reliable sources such as scientific articles or through data checking, in order to stimulate critical thinking of students and, in this way, prevent them from being manipulated." (Excerpt taken from the conclusion of the essay grade one thousand of Enem 2018 de Thais Saeger)
3. Thus
Synonyms: In view of this, so, so.
Thus, it is necessary that, to ensure quality and structured teaching, the Ministry of Education brings professionals Libras specialist educators to train teachers who are already working on teaching the hearing impaired and on adaptation to their particular needs in the classroom." (Excerpt taken from the conclusion of Ursula's 2017 Enem essay Gramiscelli Hasparyk)
4. thus
Synonyms: so, consequently, soon.
Thus, for people with hearing disabilities to gain full access to the educational system, it is necessary that the Ministry of Education, in partnership with institutions of teaching, promote Libras courses for teachers, through specialization workshops at night – free time for most professionals – in order to ensure that schools and universities can have classes for the deaf, facilitating the access of this group to study." (Excerpt taken from the conclusion of the note mil essay of Enem 2017 by Mariana Camelier Mascarenhas)
5. That said
Synonyms: so being, in view of this, this stated.
Therefore, to combat religious intolerance, it is up to the Government to intensify efforts, creating specific laws and increasing the time of punishment for anyone who commits any type of violence due to religion." (Excerpt from the conclusion of the 2016 Enem essay by Giovanna Tami Soares takahashi)
6. Given the above
Synonyms: in the face of the exposed, in the face of that, in the face of the exposed.
Given the above, it is necessary to complement secondary social institutions in order to promote educational training consistent with the laws and resolutions." (Excerpt from the conclusion of the writing of Enem 2017 by Eduarda Judith Dias Jacome Silva)
7. In summary
Synonyms: in short, in short, in short.
In summary, measures must be taken in order to mitigate the impacts caused by the control of data on the internet. Thus, schools should promote information technology education, through classes on the conscious use of technology and information - which use computers and cell phones – with a view to inducing critical thinking since childhood.” (Excerpt from the conclusion of the note mil essay of Enem 2018 by Iohana Freitas da Silva)
8. In short
Synonyms: in conclusion, in synthesis, finally.
In short, behavioral manipulation through the use of data is a complex today's challenge and needs to be tackled. Thus, school institutions - responsible for stimulating critical thinking in the population - should seek to strengthen the capacity for judgment and rational positioning in young people." (Excerpt taken from the conclusion of the note mil essay of Pedro's Enem 2018 Assad)
9. Soon
Synonyms: Therefore, Therefore, Therefore.
Therefore, it is necessary that the Ministry of Education, in partnership with institutions that support the deaf, provide them with greater chances of entering the market, through the implementation of adequate support for the educational and academic training of this individual - with professionals specialized in serving them – in order to generate greater equality in qualification and in the dispute for employment." (Excerpt taken from the conclusion of the note mil essay of Enem 2017 by Alan de Castro Nabor)
10. In that regard
Synonyms: so, in this perspective, in this segment.
In this sense, it is urgent that the State, by sending resources to the Ministry of Education, promote the construction of schools specializing in hearing impaired and training of professionals to work not only in these schools, but in common educational institutions as well, aiming to expand access to education for deaf people, guaranteeing them, finally, access to a constitutionally guaranteed right." (Excerpt from the conclusion of the note mil essay of Enem 2017 by Yasmin Lima Rocha)
11. Therefore
Synonyms: this put, therefore, being so.
Therefore, in order to ensure that deaf people have full access to educational training, it is up to the State, through the redirection of funds, to carry out the adaptations needed in all public schools and universities, such as offering free courses that enable education professionals to communicate in Libras and the hiring of more Libras interpreters to work in these institutions." (Excerpt from the conclusion of the note thousand writing of Enem 2017 by Lorena Magalhães de Macedo)
12. For all this
Synonyms: consequently, given that, because of that.
For all these reasons, it is essential that all social segments unite in favor of combating religious intolerance in Brazil. Thus, it is up to the government to implement the existing laws more fully." (Excerpt from the conclusion of the wording of the note mil of the 2016 Enem by Tamyres dos Santos Vieira)
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