Any material that is no longer useful, superfluous and of no value is considered garbage. It's any object whose owner wants to drop. Man-made material that loses its usefulness and is discarded.
Garbage can be classified as:
Household Garbage – generated by residential activities, consists of food waste, deteriorated products, newspapers, magazines, packaging in general, toilet paper, etc.
Commercial Waste – generated by different segments of the commercial and service sector, such as supermarkets, banking establishments, stores, bars and restaurants. The garbage from these establishments is mainly composed of paper, plastic, food waste and packaging.
Industrial Waste – originated in the activities of the various branches of industry. The composition of these residues varies according to the type of industry, and can be formed by ash, sludge, alkaline or acid residues, papers, plastics, metals, glass, ceramics, rubber, wood, among diamonds.
Waste from Health Services – produced by hospitals, clinics, laboratories, clinics, dental offices, pharmacies, veterinary clinics and health posts. It is characterized by food leftovers, papers, plastics, syringes, needles, scalpels, ampoules, radioactive materials, etc.
Waste from Health Services
Public Waste – originated in public cleaning services, including sweeping of public roads, public offices, cleaning of fairgrounds, streams, etc. It consists mainly of vegetable waste, tree pruning, packaging, newspapers, wood, paper and plastics.
Special Waste - mainly composed of waste from civil construction and industrial activities, which may be composed of debris from works and demolitions, batteries, pesticide containers, poison containers, etc.
Radioactive Waste – composed of radioactive waste resulting from health services and industrial activities. This type of waste is characterized by containing enriched uranium.
Space Garbage – originated from debris from objects thrown by man into space. Composed mainly of parts of artificial rockets and satellites.
By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team
General geography - geography - Brazil School
Source: Brazil School -