TCC Summary: how to do in ABNT standards (with an example)

The TCC summary or abstract (English term) is a fundamental part of the job and should contain, in summary, general information about the job. The abstract appears right at the beginning of the work, after the title.

The TCC summary follows ABNT standards (NBR 6028) and may vary slightly depending on the academic work. Therefore, the ideal is to consult the manual before starting to do it.

How to make a TCC summary?

The course conclusion work summary is an essential part of the text and should contain the main points of the research. For this, we must be very direct and complete in approach. For this reason, it is ideal to write it at the end.

Abstracts generally serve for researchers to read and better understand the work's clipping.

1. How many words should a TCC abstract have?

The TCC summary, according to ABNT standards, must contain up to 150 words. There are other types of academic papers (eg the article) where the number can vary (from 100 to 500 words).

2. How many keywords should a TCC abstract have?

According to ABNT rules, the abstract must contain at least 3 keywords, separated by semicolons.

3. What tense verbs are used in the summary?

The verbs used in a summary must be in the active voice, and the text written in third person singular (he; Is it over there).

4. What is the format of the TCC summary?

  • Paragraph: the abstract must be written in a single paragraph;
  • Source: accepted fonts are Arial or Times new roman;
  • Font size: both with size 12;
  • Spacing: the space between lines is simple;
  • Title: the word ABSTRACT must be written in capital letters and in bold;

What to write in the TCC summary?

The TCC summary is a small part of the work, but it should not follow a structure. In fact, some issues should be well clarified in this part, for example:

Theme: this is the subject that will be addressed. It is necessary to cite the problem and the context related to it.

Goals): the objective of the work, of the research carried out, must be pointed out. That is, mention what the main purpose is.

Methodology: in the abstract, if necessary, the methodology (for example, the type of research carried out) that was used for the investigation should also be included.

Final considerations: the final considerations or the conclusion of the research must be, very succinctly, in this part of the text. One can mention the results obtained, for example.

Key words: the keywords are some terms that stand out in the search and must be at the end of the abstract. Through reading, the reader soon understands the focus of the work.

What is Abstract?

O abstract is the English term that means “abstract” and, therefore, it should be translated into that language as well. This is because some researchers who do not read Portuguese can understand what was researched and, if it is of interest, translate the work in its entirety.

O abstract it must also follow the abstract word limit and contain the same keywords.

in addition to the abstract (in English), the abstract can also be translated into other languages: “abstract” (in Spanish) and “resume” (in French) and this will depend on the rules of presentation of the work.

Observation: when doing this part in another foreign language, don't forget to check everything with an expert on the subject. This is because the translation of a term or expression can be quite different. Therefore, do not rely on internet translators. This must be a job very well done.

Summary example of TCC

TCC Title: "Collaborative consumption in contemporary times


Collaborative consumption — also called the collaborative economy or shared economy — is a socioeconomic model built through sharing of human, physical and intellectual resources, whose products and/or services are shared by different individuals and organizations. The main objective of the work is to approach and analyze the theme of collaborative consumption in today's society, as well as the impact of this new model on individuals, organizations and the environment. It is proposed, therefore, to present reflections and analyze the influence of this new consumption paradigm today, based on the principle of decentralization and which brings to the brings out a new way of enjoyment, so that, for individuals, the most important thing in this perspective are experiences at the expense of ownership of material goods. From this perspective, collaborative consumption can be considered as a culture of access (where everyone can enjoy experiences) as opposed to a culture of possession.

Keywords: collaborative consumption; access culture; culture of ownership.

Learn more about this topic:

  • Epigraph for TCC: famous phrases to use at work
  • Pre-textual elements in academic papers
  • How to make a good CBT introduction?
  • Acknowledgments from TCC (ready model and examples)
  • TCC Dedication (ready sentences)
  • TCC Completion: Tips and Step by Step

Bibliographic references

ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) - NBR 6028

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