Abbreviations: list of most used and rules

Abbreviation is the short form of some words and expressions. It is usually formed by the initial letters and ends with a period. It must be read in full, that is, the abbreviation "cia." should be read as “company”.

List of abbreviations

Below is an alphabetical list of the most commonly used abbreviations.

Abbreviations with A

THE. author
AA. authors
apr. abbreviation and april
abbr. abbreviation, abbreviated, abbreviated and abbreviation
B.C. year Christi, in the Christian era and in the year of Christ
The. Ç. before Christ
B.C to care(s)
B.C to care
acad. academy and academic
AD awaiting approval, year domini, in the Christian era and in the year of the Lord
adj. adjective
administration management
aeron. aeronautics
ag., or aug. August
ag. or agricultural. agriculture
Al. mall (toponymically)
alf. alphabetic, alphabet and ensign
alg. algebra
ALM. or beyond. admiral
am. altitude
alv. license and masonry
a.m. ante meridem, before midday
anat. anatomy
ap. or apart. apartment
arc. or archaic. archaic
arith. or arithm. arithmetic
arch. archeology
architecture architect
art. article, artillery, artillery and artistic
ass.ª advice
bake. or assembly assembly
assist. assistance and assistant
assoc. Association
astr. astronomy
att. unstressed and atom
atm. atmosphere Regards
aum. augmentative
aut., auto or auto. motorsport and automobile
aux. assistant
Av. avenue (toponymically)
av. or aven. Avenue

Abbreviations with B

Pub. baron
b.-art. or b.-arts fine Arts
Bel, Bel, bachelor, bachelors
bibliography biblionym, bibliography, bibliographic and library
bibliog., bibliogr. or bilog. bibliography
library library and library
biophysicists. biophysics
biograph. biography
biol. biology
bioq. or biochemist. biochemistry
bishop or bishop. bishopric
B.o alley (toponymically)
pump firefighters
bot. botany
br., bras. or Brazil. Brazilian
Brig., Brig. or Brig. Chocolat Ball
Brit. British
btl. battalion
bur. or bureau. bureaucracy

Abbreviations with C

Ç. code
ç. center
ç/ com, account (commercially)
here open account
cc according
c/c checking account
C.-adm. or c.-alm. rear admiral
cap., cap., cap. or capt. captain
Cap. or chap. chapter
caps. chapters
C.el, C.el colonel
Company or Co company
science Sciences)
circle circle
cit. quote, quoted, quoted, quoted (neutral), citita, citation and citatus
climate or climatol. climatology
col. collection
with. commander, commander, commercial, commerce, common, commune and communism
com., comte or comte. commander
comp. company (militarily)
full complement
cons., cons.º, consel. or advice. adviser
Const. or const. constitution
const. or build. construction
cont. or accounting accounting
waistband. cosine
cp. compare, confront and collate
credit credit
cron or chronol. chronology
Box or box box

Abbreviations with D

D. worthy, district, gift, among others
D., D., D. or D.ª owner
D.C. or d. Ç after Christ
DD. dignified, districts
dec. or decr. decree
demog. or demographic demography
Dept. congressperson
dep., dep department, departments
des. or develop. design
discount discount
ten. or tenth December
dec. dictionary
dipl. University Degree
doc., docs. document, documents
Dr., Drs. doctor, doctors
Dr., Dr. or Dr., Dr. doctor, doctors

Abbreviations with E

AND. or e. state
E., EE. editor, editors
E.C. was christian
e.c.f. it's a faithful copy
ED waiting deferment
ed. edition
ed. or building building
ed. or education education
e.g. example gratia, for example
elem. element
electronic electricity
electron. electronics
IN. in hands)
Em.ª Eminence
Pack., pack. or Emb.or Ambassador
embr. or embryol. embryology
eng. engineer (a)
enol. oenology
Esc. school
special spanish, special, species and spiritism
equity horsemanship
E.R. wait for answer
Est. road (toponymically)
est. season, state(s), stanza(s) (from poem), shelf(s), aesthetics and stanza(s)
etc. et cetera, etcetera
ex. copy(s), example(s), eg eg and army
Ex. Excellence
Your Honor Your Excellency

Abbreviations with F

F. so and so
f. female, leaf, folio, form(s), formation, strong and phrase
fab. factory
fac. college
farm. pharmacist and pharmacy
fed. federation and federal
fed. or stink. federation
phenomenon phenomenon
Feb. or Feb. February
ff. leaves and folios
phyla. philosophy
fin. final and finance(s)
tax tax and taxation
Fl. flora
folks or folkl. folklore
for. forensic
form. form
photo or photo. photography
Fr. Friar
pss. facsimiles
fund. foundation

Abbreviations with G

g. gender and grade(s)
General, Gen. or gen. General
gar. mine great
gen. or general. genealogy
geo., geog. or geor. geography
gen. general
germ. Germanic
gloss. glossary
G.M., g.m. or g.-m, naval guard
government governor, governor and government
G/P gains and losses
gr. free, degree(s), greek
graphic graphic
record engraving

Abbreviations with H

H. men
heb. Hebrew and Hebrew
her., heral. or herald. heraldry
inherit heir
hydr. or hydraulic. hydraulic
hygiene hygiene
hip. equestrian, hypothetical and hypothetical
history story
humor. humorous

Abbreviations with I

I. or igr. church
ib. ibero and ibidem, in the same place
id. idem, the same illustrious, illustrious
immigrant immigration
print press
ind. index and indium
ind. or industry industry
information information

Abbreviations with J

Jan. January
john newspaper and journalism
Jr. junior, junior
jud. jewish, judaism and jew
July July
Jun. June
Jur. legal and jurisprudence
juris., juris., jurisp. or jurisprudence jurisprudence
just. thousand. military justice
J.z judge

Abbreviations with L

L. broad (toponymically)
l. letter(s) (commercially)
L., l, l.º, lib., liv. or free. book
lab. or laboratory laboratory
launched launch
width width
lat. latin, latinism, latin and latitude
L.da licensed and limited or licensed
leg. legislation, legislation and league
leg. or legislation legislation

Abbreviations with M

m. more, male, month and months
m/ my(s), mine(s)
Mother master
mother mine
M. or world County
mai. May
Maj. or maj. major
capital letters uppercase
Mal, Mal. or bad. marshal
sea. march and navy
sea. or m.c. March
mark. marketing
mat. or kill. math
Me mother and master
mec. mechanics (science)
mechanical mechanics (machinery)
av. medicine
avg. doctor
avg. vet veterinarian
memo. or memor. memo
ms. monthly
met., metal. or metallur. metallurgy
met. or meteor. meteorology
thousand. military and millennium
miner. mining and mineralogy
mit. or mitol. mythology
Your Honor Your Honor
Mme, or Mme madam
mMin. minister
mob. furniture
mod. moderate, moderately, modern, modernism, modern, fashion and mode
currency. coins
mon., monog. or monogram. monography
Mgr. or Mgr. monsignor
mor. morals and moralism
morph. or morphol. morphology
m/p months of term (commercially) (a) a lot, a lot
mus. museology and museum
music. song

Abbreviations with N

n. neutral, name and number(s)
No. of D. management note
No. of E. editor's note
No. to give. essay note
No. of the author's note
No. of the D. director's note
No. of the E. editor's note
No. of the T. translator's note
nac. national, nationalism
naut. nautical
naz. Nazism
neol. neologism
N.S. Our Lord
N.Mrs. Our Lady
Nov. or new November
NT New Testament and translator's note
on one. numeral
on one. or no. number

Abbreviations with O

O/ order (commercially)
ob. construction)
obs. Note
oc. or ocid. western
odont. or odontol. dentistry
of. offers (m), official and official
oft., ophthalm. or ophthalmol. ophthalmology
olig. oligarchy
opt. optics
or. or origin. origin
ord. order
org. or organ. organization
orth. or orthogr. orthography
out. or other October

Abbreviations with P

P. next (commercially)
p.a or p/ for
p., p. or p. page
P, Pe or P.e priest
P.B. gross weight
Praça. package(s)
Praça. parts)
Praça. or piece. piece(s), piece
pal. words)
pals. words
pair. paraense, paronym and part
pat. or pathol. pathology
P.D. asks for approval
profile Perfect
e.g. for example
P. ext. or abbr. in full or abbreviated
p. paid and paid
Ph.D. Philosophie Doctor, doctor of philosophy, doctor of philosophy
LP net weight
pl. plural form
pm post meridem, after noon and post mortem, After death
poet. poetic and poetic
in. polish, inch(s) (measurement) and polish
policy politics and politics
port. Portuguese and Portugueseism
p.p. by proxy and next past
because why
Pr. Shepherd
President, President, President or president president
proc. process, procedural, power of attorney and attorney
product production
Prof. or prof. teacher
Teacher, teacher teacher
professors or professors teachers
Profs. or profs. teachers
pron. pronoun, pronominally and pronominally
PS post scriptum, post writing
psycho. or psican. psychoanalysis
psycho. or psychol. psychology
PT Portugal
en Score

Abbreviations with Q

q or q. what
q.b. enough amount (in medical prescriptions), how much is enough (in cooking recipes) When
Q.G. or Q.-G. headquarters
q.ta how much how much
fourth. block
quest. quiz
chem. chemistry
fifteen. biweekly

Abbreviations with R

A. street (toponymically)
ref. reference, referent, reformed and reformism
reg. or rg. record
rel. or report report
rel. or reconnect. religion
rem.te sender
rep. or republic. Republic
report report
res. residence
tax or retor. rhetoric
rev. magazine Most Reverend
rod. Highway
R.S.V.P répondez, s’il vous plait, answer, please
rus. or russ. Russian

Abbreviations with S

S. Santa, Santo, São, Sul, among others
SA joint stock company and His Highness
Sergeant Sergeant
s.d. or s/d no date
sec. or secr. secretary and secretary
century century
centuries centuries
Mon., Mon. or ss following
without. week(s), semantics, similar(s), semester(s), seminar and semitic
without. or semin. seminar
Your Honor Your Eminence
Yours Your Eminences
service service
Sept., or Sept.o September
His Excellency Your Excellency
Your Excellency Your Excellencies
Yes B. symbol
Mrs. or Mrs. Lady
ONLY. South-west
Company society (commercially)
soc. society
soc. or sociol. sociology
Mr. Mr
Mr.res,, or Messrs. Sirs Your Most Reverend
Miss, Miss or Miss miss
S.S. or S.S.a your ladyship your ladies
SS.Rev.mas Your Most Reverends
sub. subjunctive and suburb
Suc. successor(s) (commercially)
surr. or surreal. surrealism

Abbreviations with T

T. tower
T. or Trav. platter (toponymically)
Also. also
teat. or theater theater
tech. or tech. technique
tech., tech. or technology technology
tel., tel. or phone telephone
Ten., ten., T.te or t.te lieutenant
theol. theology
therapy or therapeutic. therapy
tes. treasurer
type or typgr. typography
title title
topography or topgr. topography
trans. translation and translated
transp. transport
wheat or trigon. trigonometry
trim. quarter(s)
trop. tropical
tur. or tourism. tourism

Abbreviations with U

huh. external use
u. and c. uses and customs
u.i. intern use
un. unity
un. or unif. uniform
univ, universal
university or univers. University
urb. urban
urb. or urban. urban planner
urol. urology
urug. Uruguayan
us. used (s), used
useful. or util. utility
useful. or utility utilitarianism
utop. utopianism

Abbreviations with V

V. village
V. or V. you
GO. Your Highness
Go widow
VV.AA. Your Highnesses
V.-Adm. or v.-alm. vice admiral Your Eminence
V.E.but Your Eminences
vet or veter. veterinary
Your Excellency(s) Your Excellency(s)
e.g. verbi gratia, for example
vin. or vinic. winery
V.M. Your Majesty
you. vocabulary, vocabulary, vocalism and vocative
vol. volume
vols. volumes Your Most Reverend(s)
V.S. Your Holiness
vs. versus
V.S. or V.S.a your lordship, or VV.SS. your ladies
aka vulgarly
VV.MM. Your Majesty

Abbreviations with W

WC water closet, Restroom

Abbreviations with X

xenof. xenophobia
xerog. or xerogr. xerography

Abbreviations with Z

zoo. zoology
zoot. or zootec. zootechnics

Rules for abbreviations

Today, as a result of the rush of everyday life, many people abbreviate words to speed up their communication. Some of them, so used, are now assumed to be correct, but in fact, not all are accepted grammatically.

Well, what we really care about is showing what is right and there are rules for that. Are we going to them?

Word abbreviations are made as follows:

1. First syllable + first letter of the second syllable (if consonant) + period.


  • bot. (good-ta-ni-ca)
  • gloss. (gloss-sario)
  • fourth. (fourth-they)

Note: If the first letter of the second syllable is a vowel, we must consider the following letters up to the first consonant.


  • bioq. (bi-O-whatwow)
  • capital letters (more-úy-hea)
  • neol. (huh-O-thereo-gis-mo)

2. First syllable + the first two letters of the second syllable (if both are consonants) + period.


  • ag. (The-gri-fu-tu-ra)
  • astr. (at-tro-no-mi-a)
  • built. (cons-tru-tion)

3. If the word contains an accent on the first syllable or hyphen, they must be part of the abbreviation.


  • c.-adm. (Rear Admiral)
  • music. (song)
  • tech. (technique)

4. There are abbreviations that arise from the suppression of letters.


  • box (box)
  • General (general)
  • or (licensed)

5. There are, however, abbreviations that do not follow any of the above rules. Not all, for example, have an abbreviated period and some are written with an initial capital letter.


  • E.M. (in hand(s))
  • vs. (versus)
  • VV.AA. (Your Highnesses)

Finally, it's important to remember that if a sentence ends with an abbreviation, you shouldn't insert a full stop anymore.


  • It is written in N. of E.
  • We have been waiting for him for a century.
  • Visitors have already arrived for VV.SS.

Abbreviation and abbreviation: is there a difference?

Abbreviation and abbreviation are shortened forms of words, but they are not the same thing.

The abbreviation is a resource of writing and abbreviation is a resource of speech.

We have already seen that, as a general rule, abbreviations are formed from the first syllable + first letter of the second syllable + period.

The same is not true for abbreviations, where there are no cuts in the second syllable. Besides, they don't even have a period at the end.

Some we use so often that we don't even remember they are abbreviations.

Examples of abbreviations:

  • photo - photography
  • motorcycle - motorcycle
  • car - car

And the acronyms and symbols?

Acronyms are the initial letters of words.


  • CPF (Register of Natural Persons
  • USA - United States of America
  • IBGE - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Symbols, in turn, are short forms that represent concepts and are recognized internationally. There are many symbols with the letters K and Y.


  • kg - kilogram(s)
  • km - kilometer(s)
  • kW - kilowatt(s)
  • N - natural numbers
  • W - watt(s)
  • y - second unknown (in math)
  • Y - yttrium, yttrium
  • Yb ytterbium, ytterbium

Read too:

  • Acronyms
  • Acronyms of Brazilian States
  • abbreviation of hours

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