Computer Keyboard Word Meanings

O keyboard from our computer or notebook is an object extremely used by us, as we are using the PC daily to do work, surf the internet, chat with friends, among many other activities. For this reason, we were expected to know the meanings of all the words on the keyboard, but that's not what usually happens.

Are we going to change this reality? We prepared an overview with the meanings of the terms present on our computer keyboard. Check out!

Computer Keyboard Word Meanings

  • Esc: This is an abbreviation for the word exhaust, which means to leave.

  • F or Fn: Function (Occupation). This abbreviation is used for functions f2, f3, f4, f5 through f12.

  • PrtScn or Print Screen: Print Screen. This key saves what you have done or a page that is open in image format.

  • backspace (Backspace): Serves to erase something written. Works like an eraser when in a text editor.

  • Tab: It's an abbreviation of the word tabulator, name that comes from typing machines and was used to create tables. Nowadays, it is used to give spaces bigger than the space key.

  • Enter: It means to enter, register. It is used to confirm information of all kinds.

  • Insert(Insert): points to the insertion of words in the body of the text. It refers to our normal way of typing, as it is already activated.

  • home(home): When browsing a website, when you click on this button, the screen returns to the website's home page.

  • PGUP - Page Up(up page): takes you to the page above.

  • DEL: delete. Delete the information or file.

  • End (End): Leads to the end, whether of a document or a page.

  • PNDN - page down(down page): takes you to the page below.

  • Caps Lock - Capital Lock(Lock capital letters): This key is used so that all letters are capitalized.

  • shift (Change): This key is responsible for changing the original direction of the other keys when pressed.

  • Ctrl - Control(Control): Abbreviation of the word control.

  • Alt: Alternate(Toggle): Replaces one keyboard function with another when pressed.

By Janaína Mourão
Graduated in Letters - English

Source: Brazil School -

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